Well-Known Member
Congrats!!! That is sooo exciting!!!
I loovvvveee the look of the barn!!!
I loovvvveee the look of the barn!!!

Bet me! I just pulled two truck fulls and a trailer load of dog urine/feces saturated carpet out the house we just bought. OMG it was one grusome experience but the house has been sanitized from top to bottom and smells normal again. Had to replace a lot of subfloor, use enzymes and a janitorial deoderant like they use at scenes where someone has died in a house but it's worth it. I don't know how people can be such disgusting pigs and live in filth like that...You couldn't find carpet and nastier on earth. Couple of us had a bad cough for a few days afterwards and we know it had to be from carpet crud.
Gloves and a mask plus lots of ventilation.
Congrats again!