ASPC-AMHR Convention Info

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I have pretty much felt the same way whenever I got back from a convention, Lisa. I guess most of the directors just feel that we are too dumb to understand anything. I don't know of any way to get our questions answered. The only thing they seem to think we are capable of is signing our name on checks. Maybe, stupid people like me, will have to get some help from smarter people to ask the questions and then help explain things to us.
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I really appreciate the news and views brought here by those who were able to attend Convention.

However, I wish we would be told the NAMES of who did or said what. I don't mean in a negative, bashing kind of way, but just telling us who the people are. "Some directors", or "my director" or whatever just doesn't cut it. If "some" directors stood up and spoke on behalf of the members in their areas, for example, I'd like to know who they were. I'm referring to discussions that were on the floor, not private conversations among individuals.

I have wanted to mention this for a very long time, so it isn't in reference just to this particular Convention, but pretty much any news or events that concern the Registry. I don't want to hear rumours and gossip, but I would like to hear names and facts.
I really appreciate the news and views brought here by those who were able to attend Convention.
However, I wish we would be told the NAMES of who did or said what. I don't mean in a negative, bashing kind of way, but just telling us who the people are. "Some directors", or "my director" or whatever just doesn't cut it. If "some" directors stood up and spoke on behalf of the members in their areas, for example, I'd like to know who they were. I'm referring to discussions that were on the floor, not private conversations among individuals.

I have wanted to mention this for a very long time, so it isn't in reference just to this particular Convention, but pretty much any news or events that concern the Registry. I don't want to hear rumours and gossip, but I would like to hear names and facts.
To keep this from becoming a bashing thing perhaps it would be best to list the names of those that spoke or reacted positively and leave the rest out of it. We don't want anyone to end up on the end of a lawsuit but those that do "a good job" should be recognized for their work. JMO
There is no law suit coming forth by saying who said what and who voted how in a open board meeting they are open board meetings for a reason and in my opinion only why the meeting often become closed before issues of personal hearings or registry salaries are discussed. But that is just my opinion not worth much these days lol

Another thing is that we will now all vote for directors by mail with no meeting in a area. This was not due to people wanting it for years although I would like to say it was. It was due to being the only way to eliminate a quaram (sp) issue within the state of IL where we are listed as a not for profit.

So starting next year each member will recieve a ballot and be allowed to vote by mail without having to request one and this will be the only means of voting in a director.

Again they did not allow us to sit in the open meeting for very long there were only 3 of us in the room at the time. However if you would like to know how your director voted on those few issues email me and I will see if I wrote it down. I will not be able to tell you if I didnt have it in my notes as memory is not always accurate.

To be clear once more this - this is not about me not about what I want this is about right and wrong and everyone having to follow the same rules layed out and approved by our registry. I have no personal vendettas against anyone no hidden agenda. I in fact do not know many of these board members other then seeing them once a year at Convetion I do not know the majority of them well enough to even form an opinion about who and what they are about in there personal lives this is strictly for me anyway about going by the rules and the rules being the same for everyone be it a single mini owner or a well known trainer or long time breeder and everyone in between.
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Just a thought. I can certainly see why directors would not want to respond to questions on an internet Forum. Sometimes we get side tracked and a little crazy. But, how about an "ASK YOUR DIRECTOR" page in the Journal. That would give them time to think and confer with other directors to make sure that they were in agreement with answers and we would get a pretty straight answer to some of the things we are worrying about.
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I do see your angst Lisa and GyspyGal - most directors also sit on committees - so weren't they on the committees when the committees met?
I can tell you personally of a few directors ok not the truth a couple a small portion a very small portion - sat in the halls outside committee meetings getting people fired up on issues and then clearly and quickly voted totally the opposite way- was a bit strange why start and stir up drama and then vote the opposite with no questions or discussion ? I can understand if they are questioning and after some discussion with the other directors change there mind but ummm not really how it went down. I have to now seriously wonder why would these who sit so quiet in the board meetings and quickly vote with the majority spend so much time getting people fired up and causing such divison or at least adding to it????

I can not for the life of me figure out the intentions behind doing that but... perhaps I never will figure it out- my head is still reeling on all of this. I am trying to figure out agendas of people trying to figure out how I ended up being the bad guy here LOL (but hey I can take it ) trying to figure out why some directors are one way outside of the the board room and a totally different way inside- do they not realize even though the open portion was short it was enough to see they ranted and raved about issues and how against them they were and were so quick to vote for them behind closed doors?

this whole thing clearly makes no sense. I will say again though 3 directors did say this is how my area wants it to be this is how I will have to vote. Those same 3 directors have done this at other board meetings I have been at I have nothing but respect for them on that issue-

Perhaps there were more during closed session I can only speak for the 3 I saw in the short open session

i asked one of my directors a question and she promptly asked the right person for me even though we are on different sides of the fence on that issue she did her job and got clarification for me with no snide or snotty comments (to put it nicely lol) I appreciate that very much as well -her vote did not go the way I wanted on a issue but it is not world according to Lisa and as far as I am concerned she did her job as a director on that issue by at least asking the questions and getting the direct answers for me.

On a final note for me on this subject (unless someone has a direct question for me) until I can get all my ducks in a row here and take time to go over all my notes

Sharron and Karen did a great job once again keeping track of the bids and money for the trainers auction. Not an easy job heck I couldnt even keep track of what things were going for and I was bidding on them
I can not imagine trying to keep track of every single thing being sold.

The trainers worked hard to get money out of our pockets and while it was less then previous years that didnt stop them from trying to work the crowd. Honestly that was probobly the least intense and most fun part of Convention
So good job to all those that helped- those that donated and Sharron and Karen for keeping track of it all.
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I do not post to the forums as a rule but I do read them daily. Regarding the activities and procedures which occurred during any convention and more importantly regarding the structure and operation of our organization I cannot state the following strongly enough. READ and UNDERSTAND the articles and bylaws of our organization. DO NOT assume or take for granted what someone say is a “rule” or says “that’s the way we do or have done it”. Do not ask “isn’t their a rule/bylaw that says such and such …find it and read it and state it…if it is not there then it is not a rule/bylaw. Again if it is not there it is not a rule/bylaw. The rules/bylaws are what is written and they are as written. Understand your rights authority and exercise it to its fullest. Demand compliance or work to change it. Understand your rights or authority how to exercise it. This organization works exactly as we as members allows it to if it has a problem it is because we collectively as members accept and allow them to occur. Thing do not change by posting here they are changed by the manner and means which are stated in our rules/bylaws. Again READ and UNDERSTAND what we collectively have adopted and either accept or change it. Every thing we can/should or shall do is all written in the rules/bylaws if we accept or fail to enforce or conduct business in a manner other then it is written then it is because WE allow it to happen that way. If you allow yourself to be convinced to conduct or condone a matter you otherwise have a right to change or enforce then you have done so because you allowed it to happen the blame falls on you.There is no “they” or “them” there is only “we” and “us”. There is only follow or accept or change you have the power, right and authority to do any, all or none. Your choice. ....Your right ….Your decision

If you do not allow yourself to understand how to do this then the fault is yours

That is the best post on this subject and I couldn't agree more.

This was my and Ruth's first convention and we went into it ill prepared. It will not happen again.

Gary this is off subject but I am pretty sure I was talking to you guys the morning of the HOF breakfast we were in the room pretty early was that you up near the front of the room?

I was stressing about saving 2 tables
Gary this is off subject but I am pretty sure I was talking to you guys the morning of the HOF breakfast we were in the room pretty early was that you up near the front of the room?
I was stressing about saving 2 tables

Yes, that was Ruth and I. It's good to put a face to the names.

I guess our convention experience was similar.

We will be better prepared next year.

RayVik that was beautifully stated and should be read by members of both registries. I have said the same thing (not near as eloquently) for years and it falls on deaf ears. I hope this will sink in one day.

As for the convention and BOD meetings, are the minutes published for the membership to read? Sorry, I have only been paying attention to AMHA business, to keep from getting things confused in my mind as to who has what rule/bylaw.

If not, that might be a good place to start.

Who votes for the President and other major jobs?
From the rule book:

Article VI – Officers

The Officers of the Club shall consist of a President, Vice-

President, Treasurer and Secretary who shall be elected by a

majority vote of the Board of Directors at the first directors’

meeting succeeding the annual meeting of the membership. The

President and Vice-President must be members of the Board of

Directors. The Treasurer and Secretary shall not be named from

the Board of Directors, and may, or may not be the same

person. Such officers shall have the usual duties pertaining to

such offices; provided, however, that they shall in all instances

be subject to the direction of the Board of Directors acting as a

whole at a duly convened meeting.

Article VII – Board of Directors
The notes from the meeting will be posted in the Journal. The only parts that cannot be posted are those pertaining to personnel.
RayVik that was beautifully stated and should be read by members of both registries.
I agree with RayVik, it's extremely important to be familiar with "procedure". I wasn't able to attend Convention this year but have learned from past experience that you must be prepared as sometimes things go by so fast you leave the meeting saying... "What just happened?"

Rule proposal and changes are supposed to be sumitted by July 1st in order to be heard at convention. I believe there must be a 100 copies of the proposal made available to the members who are in the meeting. Many times members don't know what is going to be discussed when they get into the meetings until the last minute when the proposals are handed out. Even though there is discussion time, (usually not enough as the meeting has to move forward) When it's time to vote many still have ideas or questions concerning the topic because they have not had enough time to think about all the pros/cons. My question is this...Why can't copies of everything that is to be discussed in the meetings be provided in the Convention packet when we come in and register? That would give the memebers much more time to go thru the proposals they are interested in and be a little more prepared with questions/answers at meeting time.
RayVic I agree that you sure can say things good. And, I too am a rules person. I turned my 80 year old mother in for trying to sneak a cup of coffee onto a airplane once. The sign said, big as life - no carrying drinks on. She said that she couldn't see the sign. Yah- Sure

But, you can study that rule book till the cows come home and you can be a heck of a speaker, but what good does it do if you are ignored and don't get to speak.

No, I feel that we have only one option left--

The protest march. Oh, Boy one last carrying of signs. But, I am not quite sure of what to put on my sign. The good thing about the protest march is that it is outside and I usually spend half of my time outside smoking anyway. I'm digging out the fringes .
But, you can study that rule book till the cows come home and you can be a heck of a speaker, but what good does it do if you are ignored and don't get to speak.
Knowing the rules is a good thing I am in agreement with that however that also means the BOD need to allow you to point out the rules and not override your rights.

Many were discussing out in the hallways that next year they are thinking of hiring a attorney as a group and having that person join AMHR and attend Convention working for us to ensure the rules are not only understood but being followed and we are allowed all of our rights as members.

The fact that the conversation had to even come up (let alone the fact it was met with great reception) is a pretty sad state of affairs and one I personally believe will happen next year.
I think it would be very helpful if topics to be discussed were included in the issue of THE JOURNAL preceding Convention.This would give everyone time to think about the issues.However this would mean that the Journal had to come in a timely manner which it often does not due to many circumstances. I was not able to attend this year due to surgery, but plan to be there next year.I have attended many conventions and have felt several times that things were not always clearly represented by the board .one particular item that comes to mind from many years ago was the breakdown of income from Miniature versus Shetlands.Mini income was 10 to 1 versus Shetland income , but when I questioned it I was told it was not a true picture and then it was quickly moved on to another subject. I hope to find out from my friends who attended what went on.I am so sorry I had to miss it.
Good Morning All,

As someone who have been attending our ASPC/AMHR conventions since 1998 (this was my 12th convention) what disappoints me the most is putting out the author of those proposals whey they are to remain annonymous until convention so that they aren't given a hard time. These proposals which were on the clubs website weren't even written in their entirely for the majority that were turned in. If they are to be presented ahead of time, they at least need to be typed on the sight the way they were presented. When a committee chair takes then and condenses them down, it waters down what the author was trying to relay. I had to ask several times that the proposal be read the way it was presented so we all could make an informed decision.

For those that are new or don't know, in the past we USE to be able to bring a proposal to the floor of the convention as long as we had 100 copies. We voted several years back (I'm thinking in 2001) that we couldn't do that anymore as it took up way too much time in those meetings. With submitting them by July 1st it gives the committee chairs a chance to send them on to their committee members to review and discuss along with the opportunity for the registry to post them in time for everyone to look over and give their thoughts as well. I did have one person stand up in my amateur committee meeting that had not been in a long time wanting to bring a change up, but had to tell them that they needed to submit the change by July 1st of 2010. They didn't know that it had been changed since it had been several years since they had attended.

Since my committee met after lunch on friday, I did have my 100 copies of my agenda already out on each chair so when everyone came back to be part of the meeting they already had in their hands the full proposals and what we were going to discuss. I felt our meeting ran smoothly, the proposals were voted on and noted, handed out the End of the Year recording forms for the End of the Year awards (those are due by December 1st) and adjourned. We had a good representation of amateurs there this year.

I look forward to seeing everyone again next year.

Karen Shaw


Amateur Committee

PS: If you need a End of Year Form, please email me at : [email protected] with your name and mailing address and I'll drop those in the mail to you.

Karen, I have always wondered. When you send your proposals in by July 1. Where do these committee meetings take place to discuss the proposals and decide if they should go to the Convention and be posted in the Journal for all to see. I mean they have to meet somewhere if they are to be in the Journal that far in advance, right? Am I right that the committees have the right to submit them or change them or throw them in the trash?

On the proposals that I prepared for the Amateur committee, my members got their copies in July to look over and let me know if they had any questions. For those that I submitted to the other committees, a copy went to the committee chair, a copy to the office and I had a copy of my original with me at convention. The office makes a copy for ALL of the directors. All proposals are considered even those that could be almost written the same. We did have a couple that almost read the same for the Modern Pleasure meeting. In order to alter any proposal at convention, the author of that proposal HAS TO BE THERE. If not, then we have to vote the way it was written. There were a couple of good ones, but since the author WAS NOT THERE, then we had to vote it down so that the language could be cleaned up and brought back next year.

I know a couple of proposals were signed by two people that were presented. If you CANNOT make a convention, but have a proposal you like to submit, it's better to find out someone that will be going, have both of you sign the proposal so if it needs to be amended in anyway, you have representation to do so. With the two minute gate rule, it needed to be amened to two minutes AFTER all horses entered the ring, not when the gate opend. Had to vote it down the way it was written since the author was not there.


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