Calm me down, have had it with the school

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Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2003
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Muncie, Indiana
My son is in 7th grade, he is 12 years old. Plays in the Jr. High, I repeat JR HIGH Band.

As part of their grade, they have to play in the pep band, for HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL GAMES. It is part of their grade!!!!! These are played on Friday and Saturdays.

AND, he has to buy a Season Ticket to get into the game. $28

He HAS to be there, but we HAVE to buy the ticket???????

So, I have to buy an adult season ticket, $36 to go to the games.

School says to just drop him off. NO WAY, he is 12!!!!!! And there are thousands of people at these games. If there isn't enough lack of supervision going on in the world the school wants me to drop him off. OH MY *^$*%^@

So for him to get his grade, I have to pay $64 and spend 4 hours, twice a weekend for him to be there????????

Give me a break, please. How can an extra curricular activitie be part of a grade? And how can they make us pay to get into games he is required to be at.

I do believe my whits ends, have come and gone.@%#&(^*@

ok, little better, but just a little.
Just wait high school gets even more expensive
It really is not about the money, not even the point really. He HAS to be there to get a grade, but we HAVE to pay for him to get it.

So should we be sending $64 for him to get his grade in English and Math as well????

I have 2 older kids, I know how expensive their stuff was and of those two, the youngest graduated 5 years ago. I am sure by the time the 3rd one gets up there, I'll have to get a second mortgage to pay for his grades.

Plus Prom and Graduation
That is the way it works in school these days...pretty common actually...annoying yes.....but really there isn't diddly sqwat I can do about no point stressing....and it will get worse in high school......
When my oldest was still in High School band, they had to practice every weekend and they HAD to attend or their grade was lowered. They had to attend all band acitivites, which inlcuded games and rallys. There was a young man that was killed, immediately following his funeral the band was required back at teh school (not a school day either) for practice.

I think they get carried away wiht this stuff. But then I don't agree with weekend homework either. The vast majority of the world does not work seven days a week, so why should we expect our children to work seven days a week with homework? Ugh!!

Schools are messed up! This is also why I am now home schooling tow of my daughters.
I understand.

I think they would get less of an arguement out of me if he were playing for the Jr. High Teams, that makes more sense. But to require a 7th grader to attend high school games????? He still goes to bed at 9,,,,,,,,,,I think he is going to be cranky the next morning.
Do you have a PTA that is any good?? Maybe they could address the situation for you- after all you are not the only one in it.
If enough parents complain- maybe something could be done. Although, you might be surprised, a lot of parents don't think twice about dropping their kids off. And probably if the PTA got involved the band members would just have to do more fundraising.

It's very frustrating, I know. My nephew was in the band at his school and on the weekends they sometimes got home after midnight. My sister complained but none of the other parents seemed to think anything of it.
Frankie said:
I understand.I think they would get less of an arguement out of me if he were playing for the Jr. High Teams, that makes more sense. But to require a 7th grader to attend high school games????? He still goes to bed at 9,,,,,,,,,,I think he is going to be cranky the next morning.


Wow even raven who is 9 stays up later then that

I am not understanding one thing though if he is playing at the games even if they are highschool games.. wouldnt the fact he is playing in the band during the game mean that he is being supervised by the band teacher? and they are in one localized spot with the rest of the band?
I was FORCED to hate band, at the beginning of the year we had 4 choices, Woods, FACS, Jounalism, and Band, I chose woods, the teacher was a jerk and I wasnt about to put up with him all year when I dont have to! I switched to band to be with my freind (Taxi on the forum) and about a month and a half ago are teacher was GONE, not a teacher anymore..... Leter come to find out he had a relation ship with a high school girl, well anyways we got this new teacher, just a JERK, when I got into band, I got in there to do it the preveous way, NOT this new teachers way, the new teachers way is NOT FUN at all, come home practice 30 mins, A NIGHT, I have to haul the trumpet to my house and haul it back every single day, We played just fine and he is a perfectionest, I did not get into band to do it HIS WAY.... thank God that I am privledged enough to switch to journalism, now I dont have to put up with this anymore!

I totally agree with you....I would be at the school terping there ears off, you I would be righting a note saying MY KID CANT MAKE IT...... that is not fair that they are doing this, if it is required he shouldnt have to pay....defenetly dont let them get away with this PLEASE, cause when I have childred in the future it may be that we have to pay alot more than that!

Tomarow is my last day in band!!!!!!!

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Well look at it this way. If he didn't go to the games he would probably be kicked out of band. I know rotten deal but thats the way it is. NOW, here is my argument. For him to be playing for a H.S. event he shouldn't have to pay. Now yes I agree you should, sorry, your a spectator.

I think the parents need to get together and talk to the teacher about them playing for free. Thats just not right.
I know where your coming from my son plays high school basketball and for a fund raiser they have to sell 10 coupon books for 20.00 a piece what they don't sell we parents have to buy. It stinks.
Your right Frankie, that is the schools responsibility to provide entrance fees for the band members,ask them if the football players and cheerleaders have to pay for a ticket to play!!!!! They will probably tell you no because football is a sport and band is a cirriculum. Well, it takes talent and work to be able to play a musical instrument. Football..well..nevermind. There are ups and down in every educational program. I applaud you for being so involed with your child and his activities, your involment will make a big difference in his teenage years.

I am a home schooler. We live in a tiny town with one school that revolves around football and did not even bother to hand out books to seniors or juniors when I was going to school. For the last few years they have been talking about closing it.

After schooling for the last 9 years my children are now teenagers and I often worry they arent socially aggressive enough to make it in college. I worry they are to soft hearted. I worry about meeting other kids there age,about boyfriends,girlfriends,am I doing the right thing for my children ,and so many other worries. I have to pay taxes on the public schools even tho I dont use them BUT I dont get a tax break for homeschooling .

I know where you are coming from and I agree it is not right ,Band members should not have to buy a ticket.
Wow, I am sorry but that seems so crazy to me. I understand that I was never in band, or played in team sports (lets face it my horses were much more fun than any sport in school).... I am not an expert here.

I just don't understand, if your son has to attend the games, why does he have to pay an admittance fee? I also would ask if the players or cheerleaders pay to get into the game. The way I see it, they all (players, cheerleaders & band) play a role in the entertainment, and if the others don't have to pay, then neither should the band kids. I also like the idea of contacting the pta or get a petition or something from the other band members parents? Sometimes it takes the voices of a village to get things to change.

Good luck with all of just sounds so backwards to me.
Frankie said:
My son is in 7th grade, he is 12 years old. Plays in the Jr. High, I repeat JR HIGH Band.As part of their grade, they have to play in the pep band, for HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL GAMES. It is part of their grade!!!!! These are played on Friday and Saturdays.

AND, he has to buy a Season Ticket to get into the game. $28

He HAS to be there, but we HAVE to buy the ticket???????

So, I have to buy an adult season ticket, $36 to go to the games.

School says to just drop him off. NO WAY, he is 12!!!!!! And there are thousands of people at these games. If there isn't enough lack of supervision going on in the world the school wants me to drop him off. OH MY *^$*%^@

So for him to get his grade, I have to pay $64 and spend 4 hours, twice a weekend for him to be there????????

Give me a break, please. How can an extra curricular activitie be part of a grade? And how can they make us pay to get into games he is required to be at.

I do believe my whits ends, have come and gone.@%#&(^*@

ok, little better, but just a little.


I teach in a small high school. Our kids too would be required to play at all home games, but they would not have to pay admission. The parents, however, would have to pay if they attended. Also, our kids only play at the beginning of the boys games and then could go home. I know that doesn't make it anybetter, but that is how our school does it.
Hey Carolyn get this one:

Here, in middle school, 4 H is part of their curriculum and part of their grade too.
Coming from a different perspective here... I am heavily involved with the band program at my university. So much so that I've been involved with it for 6 years (at this school. Going on 12 years total). Yes, I LOVE to play. This bothers me: your son should NOT be required to pay to get into a performance. If he is required to be there, he should get in free as part of the athletic performance and as one of the performers (pep bands are there for their teams support. Without the band, games are much less fun). Your son and his band mates are performing a service for this school in playing at their games, regardless of the fact they are required to be there. The high school is double dipping by making them pay. This is something that should be brought up to the high school, as well as the junior high your son attends. As a perfomer, your son and his band mates should get in free. That they have to pay to get into a game they are required to attend is entirely unacceptable to me as a fellow musician and pep band member. If this was me, I would raise holy heck over this. Tomorrow evening I will be attending the NCAA Volleyball Tournement at Standford as a member of my school's pep band. However, I will only get to see the set my school's team is playing in. It is required that the school bring their pep bands, and none of us are required to pay to get in. We are treated the same as the players, without the locker rooms and other perks (such as food. We just get in free, everything else we have to pay for). You as a parent, however, would still need to purchase tickets. Even the players parents have to pay to get in. You could always sit in your car and read a book, but I seem to remember you living in the mid west, so that might not be such a good idea (frost bite would really suck). I am sorry this is turning out to be such a bad situation for you. I can totally understand why it is upsetting you. Music is one of the international languages, and I'm sorry that the idiots who are running that program are making it hard for you to enjoy your sons involvement. Please try to keep the annoyance of this particular stupidity from ruining your enjoyment of your sons music. There is absolutely nothing in the world like playing in a band and having the music take over. (obviously I feel very strongely about my music. If I have offended anyone, or gotten overly sentimental, please forgive me.) Please do take this to your principal, as it is highly unfair to make the students pay to get into games that they are required to attend for a grade. I have never run across this situation before, it is very unusual that the band is made to pay to get into a function where they are performing. You don't ask the band to pay to play a concert, you ask people to pay to see the band (and in this case, the team that is playing).
That just does not seem right to me. If they have to go to get a passing grade they should not have to pay.
Wow, amazing that he has to pay! My football player and cheerleader don't pay and neither should anyone in band. I have gotten around paying by working with the booster clubs. I work in the concession for part of the game.

My kids are 12 and 14, and I won't drop them off either. I take alot of kids to and from games and that's fine with me. At least I know what they are all up to.

Does your band have a booster club?
Our PTA is not an option. Their main purpose is fundraising and to put on a few activities, they do not and will not get involved in the particulars of teachers and what they do or don't require.

We do have a band booster club. They have spoke with the band director, there is a number of jr. high parents complaining. His only comment when the officers of the booster club spoke to him, It is a requirement, that is my rule, no more discussion needed,,,,,,,,,,,and he walked away. They then went and spoke with the principle. His comment,,,,,,,,,within reason, teachers set their own requirements for their classroom, and I consider this within reason.

But this isn't in the classroom.

So we tried another route, if this is a requirement, our child will be leaving band at the end of the semester and will not be attending games. Well, your child will be docted one letter grade for each game missed. So my straight A student would have an F on his report card. Honestly, we weren't going to do it, but we are at whits end.

To answer a few comments: No the kids are not supervised. There is both a Jr. Varsity and Varsity game. The kids have to be in their seats at half time of both games and between games. During the games, they are allowed to go where ever and sit where ever, to me that is not being supervised. Again there is thousands of people at these games, so if we lose here and it looks like we will, he will not just be dropped off. I am a firm believer, that if you are one of those people who think it will never happen to you, you are careless and yes it will happen to you.

When talking with all of them the other day, I asked them, does it make you wonder why your 7th grade band always has 20 some odd kids, but each year you only have 2 or 3 seniors? It's called, burning them out.

Oh, the reason given for them having to pay,,,,,,,,,the school says they would be at the game anyway and they don't want them to take advantage. Take advantage, they have to be there.

Thanks for your help and comments, am still looking at some things you said and will consider.

Lisa, his bus comes at 6:50,,,so he gets up rather early,,,and he is one of those kids who just needs sleep. Even Christmas morning he sleeps as much as he can!

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