Do you think folks are spending less time here now?

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Jill - I was just smiling about the Mary Lou being a fan comment.... and that was all. Nothing "escaped" me.

And the only reason I know that some threads were still happening as late as July 2010 is that I rarely clean out my message inbox and decided I better do that yesterday. There were several messages in there from then about that big healthcare thread that was extremely political and was obviously going strong at that time. So going by the dates on those messages, some threads were still around in July 2010. There were also a lot of them throughout March 2009 - just going from old messages - and then of course there were many during the 2008 election campaign.

It just seems like it has been longer than that, I think....
Tag, it's not like me to confuse anyone with the facts, but politics were banned here long before last summer.

It was June 2009 (about 20 months / nearly 2 years ago) that Mary Lou announced political threads were banned. However this ban followed a previously instated one in November 2008 (that may have been lifted for a short time -- I just don't recall). It is not until now that political threads have been allowed back on LB. Trust me, if we were allowed to discuss politics on LB last summer, I'd have noticed. There were tons of interesting and exciting political matters to discuss at that point in time.

As I recall, Marty had a thread last summer regarding health care / emergency room visits that was not "supposed" to become political. While it was not Marty's intention to have a political "debate", it is not possible to have a discussion about healthcare in the USA and it not turn political. I think this thread drifted well into political waters and that this is the thread you dug up from last summer and feel represented that politics were in on going discussion on LB, when in fact, politics were not open to discussion here.

To me, this is an important point BECAUSE the activity level drop off is something that's happened over the past year or so, and it was not 2+ years in the making from what I have observed. People were not leaving LB due to the political debates which were very popular leading up to the fall 2008 elections. Those threads had SO MANY views and tons of replies. They were extremely popular.

As further evidence, just look at how "popular" and how many views this one thread has generated. I think there's a message there for those who care about activity levels and increasing participation on the message boards. 105 replies and 3029 views. I don't think there's a recent topic that can match those numbers right now.
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I think this thread drifted well into political waters and that this is the thread you dug up from last summer and feel represented that politics were in on going discussion on LB, when in fact, politics were not open to discussion here.
I did not dig up the thread (as it was sucked into The Void) - as I mentioned, I reread messages about it. It did turn into a political thread - and that was the final straw. I was just pointing out that it happened even after it was not supposed to... that was all.

And there must have been quite a lot of those threads in March 2009, judging from the old messages in my inbox!
I'm just going by the official, formerly pinned, announcements that were made by Mary Lou. I think it was specifically on June 21, 2009.... but if not, it was June something, 2009 when the political threads were banned and stayed banned and stayed banned until a few days ago. So we are talking about a nearly 2 year span during which political threads were disallowed. Which, again, I point out because it greatly pre-dates the slowdown we've seen on LB and in my opinion couldn't possibly be the cause.

I'm jealous you got to keep your old PM's. I think mine all bit the dust when the forum was upgraded awhile back.
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Just a comment about the "thumbs up" "thumbs down" thing. My opinion is that it will result in even less comments/conversation. If people can just push a button they won't bother to comment. For years there have been too many posts that have received little or no response. I paid particular attention to that and for a very long time I made it a point to post to threads that seemed to be being ignored. To me it's merely a matter of common courtesy to respond to someone who obviously has something to say or something to share. Can we possibly all be too busy to be courteous?
Just a comment about the "thumbs up" "thumbs down" thing. My opinion is that it will result in even less comments/conversation. If people can just push a button they won't bother to comment. For years there have been too many posts that have received little or no response. I paid particular attention to that and for a very long time I made it a point to post to threads that seemed to be being ignored. To me it's merely a matter of common courtesy to respond to someone who obviously has something to say or something to share. Can we possibly all be too busy to be courteous?
I think you make a great point, Donna!
Just a comment about the "thumbs up" "thumbs down" thing. My opinion is that it will result in even less comments/conversation. If people can just push a button they won't bother to comment. For years there have been too many posts that have received little or no response. I paid particular attention to that and for a very long time I made it a point to post to threads that seemed to be being ignored. To me it's merely a matter of common courtesy to respond to someone who obviously has something to say or something to share. Can we possibly all be too busy to be courteous?

I think you make a great point, Donna!

Appy SO true!!!!

Jill Ditto
No wonder people get in such a huff over actual politics, if some are almost arguing over when political discussions were banned here. What difference does it make anyway?? "Awhile ago" is good enough for me
--and I agree that I don't see that the political threads were what scared people away from the forum. There have been lots of good discussions since the politics was removed--but not so much just lately, so the slow down has come well after the politics disappeared.

I personally didn't see the political issues/disagreements spilling over into other areas of the forum. Perhaps there were a few that allowed their posts otherwise to be tainted by things said on those threads, but I didn't see that or read it into any of the posts, and it didn't affect me that way--I like or dislike people for many different reasons and can appreciate the friendship of people that don't share my opinions be it on politics or whatever. I can also dislike someone that is of the same political beliefs as I am...that one thing doesn't have a whole lot of effect on my view of people. I've never been able to understand why so many people are so intolerant of religious differences either.
Just a comment about the "thumbs up" "thumbs down" thing. My opinion is that it will result in even less comments/conversation. If people can just push a button they won't bother to comment. For years there have been too many posts that have received little or no response. I paid particular attention to that and for a very long time I made it a point to post to threads that seemed to be being ignored. To me it's merely a matter of common courtesy to respond to someone who obviously has something to say or something to share. Can we possibly all be too busy to be courteous?
Its just a like button so there is no "do not like" button or thumbs down. Its there now if you look and looks just like a FB like button.

I (and I dont think anyone else) said the reason for the slowdown was political posts. Just said that some quit posting after that.

No wonder people get in such a huff over actual politics, if some are almost arguing over when political discussions were banned here. What difference does it make anyway??
LOL I noticed that too.
I was one that voted for the LIKE button. While I use it on FB, it has never prevented me from actually commenting also - which the point has been made by others that it'll reduce conversation.

I'll comment (sometimes multiple times) if I have something new to add to the conversation, but its also nice to select "like" to someone elses comment that has my same thought - that I am agreeing to the point they made - without having to repeat it exactly as they did. Shows I'm still following the topic and paying attention to the additional commentors on the subject. Unlike whereas I've seen here sometimes people actually write and admit "I haven't read all the comments but want to add .....". I'm thinking at the time, if you haven't read all the comments in succession, how do you know what you are commenting on? LOL

With that said, the like button at the bottom of this page ..... on LB ......... my question is ........ if I select it - it seems to me that I'm liking the entire topic? I don't see it for each post whereas I can "like" an actual comment/post that has been made (by a specific individual). I may not entirely like the whole post but agree with a certain comment ............ so how am I able to "like" what just one person actually said?

My 2 cents worth ........
I think a discussion about one thing (politics or anything else) is bound to influence people's opinions about others and that only naturally influences interactions elsewhere. That's not bad or good. It's just the way the real world works

Based on things some members have said or shown of their horsemanship, I wouldn't put much stock at all in their horse advice. If people want to disregard what someone says on the main board because they don't like their political views or the books they read -- oh well

Hey, I may never be able to "s-word" a horse to a liberal democrat... *shrug* I'll just keep my (much enjoyed) day job
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With that said, the like button at the bottom of this page ..... on LB ......... my question is ........ if I select it - it seems to me that I'm liking the entire topic? I don't see it for each post whereas I can "like" an actual comment/post that has been made (by a specific individual). I may not entirely like the whole post but agree with a certain comment ............ so how am I able to "like" what just one person actually said?
Yes this like button likes the whole topic. I know ML is doing updates there is another like button that can be put on posts
LB will always be my favorite of course and will continue to visit multiple times a day (and all night through foaling) and will definitely keep my membership strong, but it seems to have gotten dull lately. Without upsetting anyone - - - do you find this to also be true?
It took me awhile to see (and respond) to this thread because I just haven't been "hangin' around" here as much as I used to - which goes right along with the theme of this thread! Someone else said something like this already and I agree that the "quality" of the participation has gone way down and, that, in turn, has caused me to lose interest and that, in turn, has caused me not to participate. I've actually made an effort to start participating more the last week or two, but I'm just not "feelin' it".
I actually spend more time on other equine sites/forums myself right now.  

I personally prefer a more open controversial/interesting matter that allows for objective opinions good or bad without the threat of being banned/locked out from the subject matter/forum.
I couldn't have said it better myself!
To be honest, sometimes I would post more but I read through the responses and think 'why bother'. Recently I've seen a couple posts that gave really poor--actually wrong--advice[snip]
Ugh, me too!

Maybe the word YOUTH in BIG BOLD letters out by the side of there name.
I would prefer that over this...
I'd like to second that motion!
No wonder people get in such a huff over actual politics, if some are almost arguing over when political discussions were banned!
I had the EXACT same thought!
I just seen the like button we are heading in the right direction, but under stand is saying we like all the comments just maybe need it under the one that started the topic would make it a bit better.
AppyLover2 said:
For years there have been too many posts that have received little or no response. I paid particular attention to that and for a very long time I made it a point to post to threads that seemed to be being ignored. To me it's merely a matter of common courtesy to respond to someone who obviously has something to say or something to share. Can we possibly all be too busy to be courteous?
Amen! Why bother to go to all the work to post photos when you know no one is going to respond?

Hey, I may never be able to "s-word" a horse to a liberal democrat
OUCH. I still love hearing from you Jill, even if we are on very opposite sides when it comes to politics. No two people will ever agree 100% on everything. I have been dating my very conservative boyfriend for 3 years now and even though we disagree on politics, I love him no less. The reason for that is that we DO agree on more important things like respect, kindness, devotion, work ethic, etc, and that's what really matters. That being said, there are no politics when it comes to the love and care I have for my horses
I know that's how it is with you too. Actually, did I ever tell you about my orphaned colt 2 years ago? Your thread about your bottle/pan raised colt helped me tremendously and I thank you very much for that. It was amazing how well my Frankie kept up with the other foals in growth!
OUCH. I still love hearing from you Jill, even if we are on very opposite sides when it comes to politics. No two people will ever agree 100% on everything. I have been dating my very conservative boyfriend for 3 years now and even though we disagree on politics, I love him no less. The reason for that is that we DO agree on more important things like respect, kindness, devotion, work ethic, etc, and that's what really matters. That being said, there are no politics when it comes to the love and care I have for my horses
I know that's how it is with you too. Actually, did I ever tell you about my orphaned colt 2 years ago? Your thread about your bottle/pan raised colt helped me tremendously and I thank you very much for that. It was amazing how well my Frankie kept up with the other foals in growth!

I was just attempting a joke at my own expense, but, I do imagine there are members who would hold political opinions against me. It's just that I'm not going to sweat it

I'm happy our experiences with Trooper helped you out!!! I seriously fought back tears of frustration several times while raising him up. I remember one night, I simply couldn't do the basic math of scaling down the Big Horse forumula measurements to Mini Horse measurements even though I knew I wanted to do like 1/4. It was just too much for me to figure out with so little sleep. I just couldn't make my brain kick into even turtle speed that night
My husband and I have opposite political opinions at times, but we show respect for each other's concerns and don't debate about it. Our two daughters are also opposites that way. People too often take a stand and refuse to consider other views; we've learned to be very open to differing opinions and respect the people expressing them. We discuss, but we don't try to change the other's mind. Stating our views is enough, and if we just want someone to agree with us, we talk to the people who share our views.
I dont think we need another sales section either.... the current board is quite sufficient and I dont want to weed through post after post on here to review horses for sale.

As to politics.... my parents always told me there was two things in life you just dont discuss with others- religion and politics. Every single person has their own idea of just what those should look like..... And I fear if I ever got started on the political one, I couldnt stop and would be foaming at the mouth and wild eyed within just a few minutes, LOL
I fear if I ever got started on the political one, I couldnt stop and would be foaming at the mouth and wild eyed within just a few minutes, LOL

Me too!

Although, I'm not sure if my hubby would notice anything different about me

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