I'm a little offended

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Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2006
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Near Phoenix, Arizona
Hi, I have a mini stallion, of show quality and breeding.

A woman in my neigborhood who claims to be retired from showing in the mini industry for the past 17 years, wondered if she could use my boy as a teaser for her Arab mare.

And she mentioned: This benifits her to know when she's "in" and ready for AI.

Her tone was sweet, but in my mind I'm thinking "no way"!

I understand many big horse breeders will use pet mini stallions, usually unregistered stock, as teasers. I think it's dangeous for the horse, and unfair to the animal.
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To her, no he's not too good for it. He's not hers and that's the capacity he'd be of use to her.

I'm happy he's yours and you're not going to let him be frustrated and possibly hurt.

Just because she may (or may not) know a lot about minis, it obviously doesn't mean she's going to think considerately of other people's "property" (hate to think of our horses that way, but that's what they are in part).
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Some people..
I always thought that the concept of a teaser was abhorrent! There are ways to allow a stallion to "tease" his own mare without the stallion or the mare becoming injured.
I'm not sure why everyone is offended.

If she simply asked if she could borrow your stallion to tease her mare, what the heck is the big deal? Unless she stated that he wasn't good for anything else, I don't see why anyone should get their panties in a twist. How is it any different then asking if she could borrow a broodmare to keep an orphan company? Does that suggest your mare isn't good enough to have her own foals? Miniature stallions are easier to manage so she probably was just thinking hey, there's one down the street, how easy would that be to just bring him by to tease my mare! I doubt it had anything to do with your stallion, and heck, maybe she was totally ignorant of the stigma that comes along with "teaser stallion"

Afterall, she wants to use a teaser to determine the best time for AI. If she's really using a teaser for that (and not just to see when the mare is coming in/going out) she's got some gaps in her breeding know-how anyway. ;)
If she planned to do it in a way that was safe, I doubt that she meant any offense to your horse or his quality. I'm sure she just thought "hmm there's a close by stud that should be more manageable than a full size stud".

I hate that mini studs are so often used for this, though.
Id be irritated. She should know he could easily get hurt and to know that and ask for such a thing...
I'm not sure why everyone is offended.
If she simply asked if she could borrow your stallion to tease her mare, what the heck is the big deal? Unless she stated that he wasn't good for anything else, I don't see why anyone should get their panties in a twist. How is it any different then asking if she could borrow a broodmare to keep an orphan company? Does that suggest your mare isn't good enough to have her own foals? Miniature stallions are easier to manage so she probably was just thinking hey, there's one down the street, how easy would that be to just bring him by to tease my mare! I doubt it had anything to do with your stallion, and heck, maybe she was totally ignorant of the stigma that comes along with "teaser stallion"

Afterall, she wants to use a teaser to determine the best time for AI. If she's really using a teaser for that (and not just to see when the mare is coming in/going out) she's got some gaps in her breeding know-how anyway. ;)
I guess you would have to meet her to understand the panty twist. It's a combination of her boasting, and pretentiousness, to boot.
I think if she was a neighbor who wants to be a friend, and really cares about my horses I would have felt offended, but not get a panty twist over it.

I think the mare thing is different because it benefits the foal's life. I would want my mare to help, if she wanted too.

Perhaps you are right, I'm sure she was only thinking him as an easy convienience for her. I know it didn't hurt to ask, but I didn't like it.
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I don't think I'm all that thin skinned on most issues, but I'd honestly be offended if someone asked to "borrow" one of my minis for just about ANY reason, and especially my stallions. It's not like they're a cup of sugar
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I'm not sure why everyone is offended.
If she simply asked if she could borrow your stallion to tease her mare, what the heck is the big deal? Unless she stated that he wasn't good for anything else, I don't see why anyone should get their panties in a twist. How is it any different then asking if she could borrow a broodmare to keep an orphan company? Does that suggest your mare isn't good enough to have her own foals? Miniature stallions are easier to manage so she probably was just thinking hey, there's one down the street, how easy would that be to just bring him by to tease my mare! I doubt it had anything to do with your stallion, and heck, maybe she was totally ignorant of the stigma that comes along with "teaser stallion"

Afterall, she wants to use a teaser to determine the best time for AI. If she's really using a teaser for that (and not just to see when the mare is coming in/going out) she's got some gaps in her breeding know-how anyway. ;)
I guess you would have to meet her to understand the panty twist. It's a combination of her boasting, and pretentiousness, to boot.
I think if a neighbor who wants to be a friend, and cares about my horses mentioned the idea....I wouldn't have been as offended.

The mare thing is different because it benefits the foal's life. I would want to help in that case.

You are right, I'm sure she was only thinking him as an easy convienience for her.....but my panty twisted as reflected on the matter.
I guess it didn't hurt for her to ask. But I didn't like it.
Okay, there's a little history there. ;) I hear ya.

Tell her she'd be better served with her AI attempts by a good vet with an ultrasound. ;)
I can see where you would be offended, I’d probably be as well. Just as I was when a neighbors friend asked about breeding his pony to my stallion - umm no - I never saw the mare but from little I know of them (the people) we don't need any more grade minis out there... but I tried to be polite and say I don't breed to outside mares.

Anyhow One of my first thoughts was how close is she and what’s to stop her from walking her mare by (if your stud is anywhere near a fence line that this could be done) that I have no idea but IF he is and I said no thank you and then the same person had the gal to tease her anyway on her own terms I’d be BLAZIN mad
I realize it's not a horrible issue. I guess I just feel possesive on my little guy, so I took the matter serious. The neighbor seems okay, a bit boastful, as we all can be when it comes to our horses....but I'm not going to let anyone use him for teasing purposes
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My daughter has used my mini stallion to check the heat cycle of their percheron mares. It has ALWAYS been save with the stallion outside of the mares pasture and he has been right every time. We have the vet come and double check him and have them AI. It saves them a lot of vet calls. I would never put my stallion in harms way as he is showing this year and I love him to death. It works for us as he just walks by their pasture and we can tell it takes a minute or two at the most.
Back story and all... I still would not be offended. The teaser is never in with the mare in any way - and is safe. I worked on a big TB farm where we had a Welsh pony stallion as the resident teaser - and he was never in any danger of any kind. The mares adored him and would always show to him even if they did not appear to be in heat at any other time. Mares that NEVER show will suddenly display when presented with a strange stallion - no matter what size he is...

You could always say that YOU would handle him - end of problem. I see no risk involved there... I guess I am missing the teaser stigma here - having spent a lifetime using them in the big horse world...
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We have had a neighbor that borrowed one of our stallions for about six weeks the last couple of years. He's our biggest stallion and we haven't been using him on our mares, so it wasn't a big deal. He had his own paddock alongside the mares paddock. When they were ready they came over to HIM. He wasn't in any way harmed. I think he rather enjoyed it! The neighbor did get all his mares bred those years. They weren't showing heat with a foal at side, this worked for him. He raises Paints.

Whitie didn't go this year, as the neighbor isn't breeding any mares this year.

The cool thing was that he paid us in hay! He makes WONDERFUL hay and I think we got two or three round bales for Whitie's services....

I feel your pain. I have an inexperianced neighbor (when it comes to breeding, though they have had horses for decades) that asked about using my stallion to see when her mare is in heat.I just simply told her that I would be happy to inform her if her mare runs the fenceline,winks or pees when we pass by in the cart. It was a polite way to say, I will not put him in with your full size mare, I don't think she got the winking thing, she'll probably be watching her mares eyes as I pass.
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"I'd be offended too. What a nerve. "

??? I don't get why anybody would be offended. I understand if there's "History", but just to be offended because someone wants to borrow a horse to tease?? Why?? It's not like they are going to purposely injure or abuse the horse. If a friend wanted to use one of my stallions to safely tease a big mare, I'd say OK - not a problem.

No this is not a cup of sugar, and they are not going to give back a different animal

Done correctly, the stallion is in no danger.

A lot of farms use a mini or pony to tease. They are typically an easier animal to handle around a mare in heat than a 17 hand stallion. The teaser is usually the pet of the farm, and has a great life.

Life is too short to be "offended" by a simple request.
I don't think any one would appreciate someone borrowing your champion show stallion as a teaser.

Aside from it all, I didn't feel it was appropriate, and I was surprised by it.
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