Mare ready to foal?

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LOL Thanks Renee, i think I might try and buy them cos Suzie is like your mare, she doesn't like parting with her milk lol hopefully they don't take long to come to australia lol

Lucky lodge, Sorry can I ask your name? it just sounds better then saying your username hehe will be bringing her in in about 5-10 min just got home from work bout to feed them all you will see her shortly... will come back with an update

Hi my real name is jenny
Foal-time strips are wonderful - so very easy to use. You can take one strip and tear it into 4-5 pieces to get more tests out of the package. If you e-mail them, they will ship today.

oh really? even to Australia?? Thanks heaps Barbie

did anyone just see Suzie

was standing still then all of then sudden, turned in a tight circle... stopped did one little poo then all the sudden turned the other way in a tight circle LOL funniest thing!! she is a bit more restless tonight baby girl!
hang in there sweety, we all hope you get it sorted soon as we miss you! ((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))
about to go and check on her and her MILK situation!! she had even more last night... can't wait for my foal strips to arrive, wondering if I should pay the extra so I get it July 1st instead of July7th hmmm

still can't believe that Dreamer hasn't foaled!!! she is the one we have to concentrate on at the moment!! I reckon it would so be like Peanut, Sugar or Suzie to go and sneak a foal in on us while we are all watching Dreamer!!!
Well another night has passed for Suzie, and a new night is not far off for Dreamer, Sugar and Peanut. Surely Dreamer will do something tonight? Mind you it wouldn't suprise me if little Peanut did something sneaky while we were all watching Dreamer LOL!! Or perhaps they are all planning to deliver at the same time - having used horsey mental telepathy to communicate!!

Or maybe Suzie herself will do a suprise outside daytime delivery while her Momma is busy with the chores?

Is it Marty who says "there is nothing as predictable as an unpredictable mare"? How true!

I'd try to pool strips if you have them Cassie. They are all i use and i have had 100% accuracy with the mares i use it on.

You need to dilute it 1:3 (milk:distilled water). You can buy distilled water from most service stations or coles/woolworths.

So if you get 1/2 ml, you need to dilute it with 1.5ml of distilled water in a CLEAN, DRY container - dip your strip in and follow the instructions on the test strip packet (normally for a second, and then wait 10 seconds for result).

Most of my mares sit around 8, but as soon as they start to drop, they are getting close. All mine foal within 24 hours when they get down to 6.8, but i have had some get to 7.2 and foal that night. Generally once they start dropping, they keep going down...
LOL you are right Anna, but Suzie is not allowed to have a daytime foal I'm at work all day!! unless of course she times it when I come home for lunch (the brilliant thing about working next door to where I live) hehe

then that is fine

Dreamer HAS to do something tonight!! otherwise that foal is going to fall right out of her!! I can't believe how open she is!!

I reckon poor little Peanut can't be too far off, poor little thing, at least Suzie is bigger she handles it better

ok, MILK situation!! we have more this morning!!!! YAY so excited I didn't try and express any cos I don't want to do it too often... not sure what to do about the milk strips... i don't think that I can get enough from her yet to use the ph strips... not sure how much I actually need...

Do you guys measure how long she is inside her hooha? heard someone talking about a size of 2" and I'm wondering if it is realiable, and who does it??

Dreamer will be watched like a hawk from me today
and Peanut!!
Thanks Renee, I'll try and see if I can get that much tonight... fingers crossed... we sell pool testing kits at work, so I can always get some.
Cassie I am just sorting out the emails with pics attached so you will have them soon. Sorry I didnt get them off earlier but its been a crazy day.

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