Mare ready to foal?

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morning all
Hey Renee, did I see somewhere that you have a new stallion? If so how come we dont know all about it? Tell all please!

Really hoping tonight's the night for Suzie??????

Yeah I have a new boy but I was waiting to post until I have some good photos. I will take a video of him when I turn him out after lunch and start a thread.

His name is Pat
naw how cute!! can't wait to see some pics... just gave my sloth some hay, she sure is a cranky sloth tonight!! real relaxed again, inside is bigger prob about 3" poops not as soft as this morning but still softer than normal Anna, I hope Suzie is listening to you! because this is her 2nd last night before the 1st July, ahhh if she doesn't have it!! I'm gonna get it good from my uncle!
p.s sorry about Suzie's coat, its been raining here all day, and I have brushed her to try and dry the coat quicker but because it is so wooly she stays wet a while... the stable door is left open so she can go in but no, my wooly little mammoth likes the rain!!!
much to my disgust!! LOL
Suzie sleeping like the 'sloth' she is
n now its my sleep time too!! thank you my night watching friends your dedication is much appreciated!! :saluteNight!!
I did notice but when I restarted the cam it cam up immediately so I imagine that it hadn't been down long when you restarted it.
morning girls night Renee, sorry Heidi!! what happened? i noticed the times that I watched her last night that she tended to be sleeping when she was on her tummy then when she was out sternal... and according to what I saw she didn't roll last night at all... about to go feed her now!
LOL I know how dare her groomer even think to look in her private parts!!!
more milk this morning not that I checked of course...COW POOPS!!!!
still open and long behind...

Come on Suzie please have your foal tonight!!!
I've just been watching the grooming, plus I saw the reaction to having her udder checked - she doesn't like that does she, well neither would I! LOL!!

How much are you feeding her Cassie - there looked an awful lot in her bucket? Talking of buckets (and not their colour!), you may want to change the ones like the one she is eating out of - a foals little foot could get caught in the handles, we have one of those buckets here and I wont use them for the foals or the weanlings due to the handles. Also have you made provision for her water bucket to be raised up? You need to do this before she foals (also watch out for the water buckets/bins in your field/pasture). Many a foal has drowned in a water bucket left at ground level in the stable, as it makes unsteady movements when first trying to stand. In the field they can just over balance and fall in. Please remember that if there is something 'dangerous' lying around, a mini foal will find it - they are so full of mischief. LOL!! My main 'shout at eveyone for being so stupid' thing is string! String used for tying things up - always cut all the ends so there are no loops for a little mouth to investigate and get caught in. String lying about - pick it up and put it out of harms way. String hanging up within reach - get rid of it. LOL!! I'm a mad woman most of the time, but I see possible accidents anywhere and I drive my family insane!

I love it when I pop the cam up in the morning (my morning) and watch Suzie laying flat out in her straw, seemingly fast asleep, then her eye opens and she has a small stretch before closing her eye again. She looks so peaceful and comfortable, bless her!

Good luck tonight Suzie, are we going to see that little baby of yours???


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