Mare ready to foal?

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HAHA!! I reckon I would love to work for you!! I think Heidi and me would be great at the picking up the poop, unless of course its night time hehe.

Yes thats Suzie's Mumm'y coming corner lol just fed her. her bag is harder this morning... she is tighter behind then last night but I felt BABY so as long as I keep being able to feel her/him I'm ok... would LOVE for her to have it tonight!! So seeing as you have just had a foal you can send your foaling vibes down to me

Will put some pics of Kia and Samson up so you can see!! and guess what I'm going to call her next calf, if its a heifer.....? hehe

oh and I totally agree about the whole straw thing... we have loads of shavings from our hardware store, but I needed to have straw, especially while she is having the foal...

it looks so comfy for her, and I can tell when she has rolled or lay down cos she gets bits of straw on her coat or mane hehe

pics of kia and Samson.

Suzie had a propeller tail when I went home just before

she hardly ever has a propeller tail so its exciting.

Got hold of her previous owner. grrr sorry to say I don't really like him... he said to me that I was getting to nervous asking all these questions... and I said, I don't know anything of what her normal is so how can I be prepared... I just want to make sure both her and the foal are going to be ok. and he just huffed.

he says he doesn't know if she was ever completely registered with AMHA
after telling me she was.

he said he will ring AMHA and find out whats happening, then I have to go to his house to get the paperwork.

just a little frustrated right now.

one good thing he did tell me was that Suzie, never has any problems with foaling, the foal always breaks the sack easily she is a really good mum (knew that she would be anyway. but thats good to know )
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Love the pics of your cows Cassie - keep them coming please, need to see them all!

Checked on Suzie and she's obviously out - so no foal last night.

I do get a bit muddled with all these different times as we shoot, via marestare, across the world. When one is 'talking' on LB it is almost like we are all living a few miles from each other. LOL!!

Dont forget to keep an eye on Suzie throughout the day - she might just decide to be sneaky!

PLEASE keep an eye on my baby girl tonight!! I have decided that I have not seen relaxed till TONIGHT!! really long, relaxed AND swollen!! and not just down then end! the whole thing is our heaps more then normal, wish I had taken my camera out with me!! sorry girls no pics...

still not much milk, but like the other sneaky mares at the moment she might get it ones she foals EXCITEMENT!!!

if she doesn't have the foal tonight I might set up the camera in her paddock, cos I will be at the vets tomorrow and can't come and check on her, so I might need a double shift lol

will put some pics of when Samson was just a baby, He was so cute!! still is mega cute now, but he is turning into a BIG STRONG bull so I should be calling him cute anymore tho he has the biggest CUTEST ears you have EVER seen hehe!!
I love your cows and if I get to have my own land (just rent a few acres right now) then I would love to get a couple of Dexters.
I know they are just gorgeous and I believe have lovely temperaments too. I hope your Uncle gets some and then I will get to see lots of photos lol
so cute! calves have the most adorable eyes
I will have Suzie up for most of the night for you.
Thanks Renee!! I know, Jessie is the sweetest thing lol so excited she is in calf

more excited for Suzie's little foal though!!!!

Thanks for last night girls, was kinda hoping but oh well.

will go out n feed her now n see what she is up to
oh yeah the slow motion thing is funny isn't it lol she does it quite a bit hehe depending how she looks this morning I might put the camera out in the paddock I'll just see...

Thanks again
soft cow poos this morning girls!!! still really relaxed anb big behind... even the inside is huge this morning, and everything always tightens back up in the mornings.... hopeing for tonight (my tonight hehe)

off to the vets now... don't know whether I'll put the camera out... what do you think??
Hi Everone
just got back from the vet hospital... sorry I didn't put the camera out ended up running out of time, but all is good cos Suzie is still holding onto that little foal... but now I am home and she can have it anytime (TONIGHT) she chooses hehe.

Update on miss Suzie, even more relaxed then last night... udder pretty hard though still not much milk... red inside hooha, seeming restless already... has knocked straw into her water bowl and seems to have been shuffling straw around eveywhere and Dad only put her in about 5pm... hmmm

temp drop, tonight from 37.7 this morning to 37.3 tonight...

Everything seems lined up except for the udder of course... but as is whats happening with so many mares recently she may get it after she foals.
here's hoping...

would love a foal tonight!!!

I saw you in there early this A.M. Did I see you taking pictures? Nesting...umm..that should be a good sign. I'll be checking her through out the day!

nighty night
Thanks Heidi!!

no, just cheking on her
Dad fed them tonight as I didn't finish work till late so I wanted to go out and make sure she was ok
Suzie Just YAWNED!! hehe night all
will be checking her a few times tonight... just in case, will have the barn alarm on, and my number is listed on my camera, if anything happens please let me know!!

Thank you!!


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