Mare ready to foal?

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Thanks Diane, before I went to sleep last night she yawned like 5 times in a row, and lay down and rolled... surely she must be getting close...
will take some pics of her today...
Bout to bring Suzie in for the night... she has had a lovely day, having a little run her belly going wobble wobble wobble... will try and take some pics when I feed her...
I braid her tail until she has the foal... tight up the top but looser down the bottom. which is why I change it so often so if she does wack the foal (whenever it comes ) it won't hurt her...(could be a him I suppose... LOL)

she had a very fun day outside today but was really really restless before I put her in... I think she exhausted herself trying to catch up to Penny (my other mini through the fence) lol she had no hope of catching her

putting up the pics in a minute CHANGES!!! she has more milk tonight! even after a big day out in the paddock!! backside really relaxed and elongated not as much as Dreamer but I dont think suzie will get as elongated as Dreamer.

Pics from today, just after she came in the stable... the last pic is from thursday for comparison... sorry about the mud on legs and under tummy, she didn't want me cleaning it lol silly girl she lay down in a mud puddle today

What do you think??
yay lol I think she has dropped more too.. doesn't have that real V yet I don't think but she is getting there, well at least I think so anyway

Do you think that she should elongate more before foaling??
i will still watch her like a hawk, she has been this elongated for the past 3 days... well anyway I'm off to bed, will have barn alarm on if ppl are happy to watch my baby girl. Thank you.

Cassie, good morning I just wanted to let you know that Rivendell Miniature horses web site has about 10 really good foaling videos on their site. The one titled Snow is a really really clear one...text book! If you get a second go take a peek. That is how I would like our foaling to be!! how bout you! I would post a link but Im not sure its allowed
morning all. Thanks for the night watch. I love the crayonbox website, before I started on here I was checking things on there nearly every day LOL

Thanks Heidi I will check it out, I really wanted to have a look at some foalings so thats great thanks
Suzie has more milk this morning!!! I'm going to order the foaling strips!!! where is a good place online to get them from, I think Renee was saying foal time or something like that/?
Cassie, in Australia, we have or that sell the hardness ones. For the pH (which i think it a LOT more accurate than the hardness) just go to a pool shop and get the pH test strips from there. They need to go down to at least 6.8 if you can get a bit lower, then even better
Thanks Renee
thats great I will go to the pool shop and grab some, we might have some at home anyway lol

what do you think about how Suzie is progressing??
All quiet on the Suzie front tonight, so guess we will just have to wait a bit longer for any action!

I bought my foal strips on line from Foal-Time and they worked just great plus you only need one drop of milk (my mare was far from a Jersey cow) It was the first time for me so I just found it much easier than having to dilute for the pool strips.
Hi just read every 23 pages is she looking like foaling soon cant see her on mare stare
LOL Thanks Renee, i think I might try and buy them cos Suzie is like your mare, she doesn't like parting with her milk lol hopefully they don't take long to come to australia lol

Lucky lodge, Sorry can I ask your name? it just sounds better then saying your username hehe will be bringing her in in about 5-10 min just got home from work bout to feed them all you will see her shortly... will come back with an update
Suzie in for the night... looks like she has dropped more
hooha the same as yesterday... maybe a little more open... not much though... major change!! MORE MILK!! tried to express some and instead of the tiny little drop I find on my hand a little stream came out!!! of clear yellowy stickish liquid!!! YAY Suzie!!

guess where my little brat was tonight when i came home...
ok, the tack room of my stable doesn't have a door yet so obviously doesn't have any feed in it, i had a biscuit of hay that I got out last night gave half to her last night and was going to give the other half tonight... I put it in the tack room thinking she wouldn't be able to see it!! but she smelt it!! when I went out to feed her I couldn't see her in the paddock started calling her then I see this little head pop out of the tack room door (space) with a big bit of hay sticking out of her mouth!! the cheeky little thing! went and found the hay!! LOL luckily I hadn't put too much in there!!
being pregnant makes a girl hungry, I used to buy loads of cheese and then sit in the car in the supermarket car park and eat it, the funny thing is I hate cheese!

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