Mare ready to foal?

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got some PH and hardness strips
when I get home I will try and get some milk and test it

goes down to 6.4 PH YAY
LOL well you did a very good job sending them so quick
Thank you

suzie's sitting between 7.6 and 8... closer to 8 but not quite...could only get a few drop but it was enough!!
Madam always pees into the cam, if the colour was better we would be able to see her hooha
well they are the pool testing strips cos my foal time ones haven't come yet, but I think it would be a similar level to the foal time ones, yeah I think she will keep us waiting...
as much as I want my foal!! Suzie is going to keep me waiting
just gave them some hay, now I'm off to bed... night everyone, will still be checking on her during the night... just in case. LOL Oh Renee I forgot to change the setting... remind me to do it tomorrow morning if I do it now I'm so tired I 'll stuff everythin up LOL I just made it back inside before it started raining LOL

night all... bit annoyed about the whole waiting game with Suzie but I just have to be patient...
2.15am and she is still impersonating a mouse (well a very big and hairy one)
The sun will be up soon so I must be off to bed. have a great day Cassie and sorry that I have nothing much to report. Suzie was fast asleep for most of the night.

Nite Diane
I noticed that Suzie seemed to be sleeping happily last night (well early morning actually by the time I log in!), she does seem to be a calm little girl, bless her. I have forgotten, but where are we with her dates?

aww, don't listen to them Suzie they are calling you a sloth... shhh cover your ears...

Good morning Ladies!!

Thanks for watching the hairy mammoth mouse sloth for me last night

you are too funny!!!

about to go feed her now so she will come out of her "mummy's coming corner" LOL

Anna to answer your question, I don't know what her dates are...

The breeder (well he calls himself a breeder) said she was in with the stallion sometime last year but he doesn't know when... he was thinking she must be due in december january but we cleared that up when we told him she is was to big to be 4 month preggas. I then checked with the vet and he said she was much closer, in May he said he thought she had 6-8 weeks to go... so I have to totally go by the signs that I see. which makes it very hard especially as it's my first foal. I think if she doesn't have the foal in the next week or so I might get the vet out to check her again and see where he thinks she is in her pregnancy, all the signs that I have been seeing points that she is getting really close...

will give you an update when I come back from feeding her
soft poops from miss Sloth this morning... more milk even after I expressed some last night... didn't try expressing this morning.

still relaxed though now as open. and CRANKY!!!

I'm pretty sure she must have heard you calling her names and thats why she stuck her tongue out at you!!
How can you say we are calling her names! We love her!

It sounds as though she is getting pretty close, I know you say that you are working, but do try to keep a watch on her during the day - I have had quite a few foal during the daytime.

Keeping my fingers crossed for you both.

just went home for lunch and had a play with my cranky pregnant sloth

she has really filled out at the side and is now looking a lot like Dreamer and Peanut... I think the foal must be getting into postition YAY!!

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