Mare ready to foal?

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Thanks Diane I am back. Boy is it hot here today! I had to change all the water containers in the fields cos the water was hot
All quiet at the moment but is it just me or does she look more sunken in at her flank?

I thought she was standing a little hunched earlier. Fingers crossed she is getting closer
Hi girls I'm back!! LOL is anyone here able to stay on while I change the cam so you can tell me whether its good or not? I'll take the iphone out, but i can't get suzi'es cam on it so your advice will be very helpful
haha ok no worries
make sure you tell Suzie that ok LOL

I'm heading out there now... can ppl tell me if its good or not... as I can't see the cam
I have seen that tail going more then normal and now she has changed angle again she looks very sunken in. I think there will be a baby along soon. Yipppeeee
Very exciting - I hope that she foals tonight.

The glare isnt as bad since the lights went off thank god
going to get some sleep now plse ring or txt if any changes
or a foal night... will be up a few times, light rain here tonight might make her decide it is safe enough to foal...

hugs n kisses to marestare aunties from Suzie n Cassie!!

glad glare has improved
have to keep u happy
No she is not comfy and has been looking at her belly a lot.

Darn it but I have to go to town shortly. Tell her to keep her legs crossed till I get back
yeah, is her tail straight up? The darn cam keeps freezing is it just me?
Hi Cassie, I just wanted you to know Im thinking of you. I'll have you know that your Suzie now has a bigger screen than Peanut. Im happy to read that Renee was able to contact you and will be able to ring you in a couple hours ( crossed finger )to tell you to get your butt outta bed. how long were you able to get off work for maternity leave. ((( HUGS )))from Peanut and Me

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