Mare ready to foal?

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I am keeping an eye but will have to go feed up soon. But all is quiet and she is laid flat out. Although she has been pretty restless tonight so I really hope she is getting closer.
Well we still have no foal
thanks all you aunties for the awesome night watch im sure that sometime soon suzie will reward us with a foal... Was really thinking that last night might be the night but no.

Will go check on her now n come back with n update

I think she is moving in the right direction and it shouldn't be long. Bwdik
well this morning she is really relaxed still really open and long, milk still not heaps but is there she doesn't want me touching her udder or her tummy, she is cranky this morning.

can I ask a dumb question and the answer will prob be every mare is different, but is there like a time frame of how many night they can go into pre labour? or whatever it is she is doing at night??

Well you answered yourself but my Britt starts walking 2 days before and Kim stops laying down a week before.
sorry Cassie, where are my manners. Good morning Sweety. I just rolled over in bed to switch off the alarm and started reading the threads, I wasn't really awake yet.
LOL no worries
just came inside from giving Suzie lots of scratches!! n Smartie nudging me for his turn, it's a bit harder to give him lots of scratches cos he has sooooo many rugs on :D

will go out n feed them soon and put them to bed, suzie is warm to touch today still, will see if she gets sweaty again tonight... fingers crossed for a baby!!
I keep meaning to ask you Cassie, do you have a foal rug or a heat lamp ready for your new baby?
I have a foal rug
it has a wool lining and moleskin and wool on the outside, should keep it plenty warm hopefully
and if not, we have heat lamps for my snake
Ooooooo SNAKE! Lovely!! Lucky you - what type?

Sorry - morning Cassie and Renee.

We have had two Indian Pythons - great creatures.

mine is a centrilian carpet python her name is Kari
haha Renee yep we have two snakes, one is my brothers though LOL

morning Anna!! how are you??

update on Suzie, the same as last night, sweating (already) really long, open and relaxed behind still doesn't want me touching her udder or tummy got to feel both, prob the same as this morning... and I think I felt the baby move which is good... up for round three anyone hehe
I will watch her as much as possible but I can't promise the whole night. Is Diane having an early night?
I saw you re-plaiting her tail early, can I ask why this is something that a lot of folks do? I have often wondered.

So Suzie is going to keep us waiting yet another day! I wouldn't worry too much though Cassie, this foal will get itself born when it is ready, no matter how many times you try to feel it's Momma bag, nor peer under her tail, poke or prod her, knock on any 'door' in an attempt to get what's inside to come out. LOL!!

And thanks, I'm feeling fine! At last I'm getting some energy back after having the dreaded flu (or whatever) bug, which I obviously then passed on to poor Kay (all the way across the 'pond') who has now given it to Rusty. I cannot believe how long it actually takes to feel a bit more human after the flu has long gone - or maybe it is that us oldies take longer to recover!

Tomorrow we lose Diane, who is such a brilliant watcher, I hope her day with her Mum went well yesterday - how long is Diane away for, I cant remember. Hope she will take her computer/laptop with her or can use one there, so she can at least catch up with what is going on?

I'm off to do the furkids now, then I must do a little garden work (getting so overgrown!) then off to the local store for some supplies, before going over to daughter's as she wants me to poke/prod/feel/knock on the door of the mare who could foal any minute but is not due until the beginning of August, to say whether I can see any changes in her in the last two days.

Maybe Peanut will have foaled by the time I get back to check!

Have a good day/night everyone.

no worries Renee, maybe you could send me a txt when you can't watch her anymore? you have the kiddies home
Haven't heard from Diane, the whole day! ... hope everything is alright...

well, the plaiting the tail, helps to keep the tail from getting all gunky when she has the foal... n I secretly love it hehe as soon as she has had the foal tho her tail won't get plaited anymore, well headed out to the movies for a little while, prob be back about 9:30 , she is standing but not looking really comfortable...
what has my munchkin been up to? just gave her some hay, it is freezing here tonight, her sides are wet and she is quite warm

showing any signs tonight??

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