Mare ready to foal?

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Hi Cassie, I am back.
Before I left she was quietly resting.
Hey Renee thanks was just having trouble keeping my eyes open so your timing is perfect lol msg me when u can't watch if you dnt mind that's great

I just saw an arch of the neck n big yawn... Now just standing quietly ..,
o.k if I can't find anyone to take over I will msg you. If you read this Diane have a great holiday and I am sending prayers that you have a safe foaling
((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))) miss you already.
Ok thanks Renee dam dogs just started howling it's ok suzie!!!

Diane have a GREAT time!!! Miss u already!!!

Msg me Renee I dnt mind
Have a safe trip Diane and I bet you cant wait to meet your new granddaughter.

Well Suzie seems to have been moving a lot in the last while - everytime I look at her she is in a different part of the stable. Some tail swishing going on too. She is eating too just doesnt seem that quiet at the moment.
I have her up and no plans for anything else at the moment. All quiet she is laid down and resting
I wish I could help you guys out by watching, but my sloooow dial up keeps freezing the frames. I can only check in and make observations. Sorry, maybe soon we'll get some high speed down here in the boonies.
What a nice offer! We appreciate it,and TOTALLY understand about dial-up! There are parts of the town I live in that don't see DSL, and probably won't see it for years! I never had it until about 6-7 years ago when I bought a house in the "down-town" area (if you could call it that!).

We appreciate anything you see, and we're a bit chattery -- as it helps pass the time, so feel free to join us!

I also have to keep going back to page 44 to get to the link. Maybe Eagle could post the link often and more people can help out, as we are up in the states, while it is night down under. Just a thought, plus I'm in and out all day with horsie stuff as I'm sure others are. It would be good to form a ring of observers.
Thanks for any extra eyes, it is much appreciated. Yes Diane, we are a bit chattery. Lmao
Suzie is looking suspiciously uncomfortable at the moment, plus laying down in a corner?

Is anyone else watching? Can anyone get hold of Cassie if necessary?

Wouldn't it be wonderful if we had a little baby by morning! Hope all goes smoothly if she does decide to foal.

Poor thing is so uncomfortable, as she lays down her ears are half mast. I saw her squirlling her tail yesterday and yawning. Seems she like to lay down alot. Does look like the foal has moved into position as she looks slabbed sided, could just be the camera angle, I hate that bright spot, like a glare. But seems she likes to lay in the same spot away from the glare. I can only watch for a little while longer, got to go put horses in soon for their supper.
Thanks for all your help Riverrose, I am here and it is nearly morning anyway so Cassie should be up soon.
Hi all will do a proper trply in a few hours when I'm properly awake bit what Is she going now? I'm thinking mega bum scratches?
Although she looks uncomfortable, she is eating and just relaxing from time to time. We all know the feeling, my legs are killing me, I can't sleep, I need to pee every half hour. when will this ever end! HaHa! Glad to see you are up, Good morning to you down under! Back outside for me to swelter in the heat!
Morning Cassie, did you sleep well and was the film good? Madam was about the same last night
Thanks riverrose fOr the watch wish a foal had come out from it oh well another night

Renee hi
I did sleep well straight through my 3 alarms grrr mOvie was hilarious watched cars 2 did cars come out in Italy? The 2nd one has just come out here n is very funny

I can't believe suzie still hasn't had her foal izhope that verything is Ok... Have u ever had a mare do this Renee like the sweating up n showing all the signs then not doing anything for a cOuple of nights in a row?? She seems a bit restless now...

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