Mare ready to foal?

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Hi Cassie,I have her up too. Been in and out between barns but I check on her when I come in.did you see I copied you...I decided to put a litle straw down to see if Peanut relaxes like yor little one....and suzi sure looks relaxed right now
Lol I'm half asleep as I write this so we will see how I go buy maybe iv changed my ming I want shavings!!!!! she is too relaxed dnt think we will get anything tonight
Yes you sure are half asleep. Lmao Go back to sleep like Suzie. Zzzzzzzz

Yes you sure are half asleep. Lmao Go back to sleep like Suzie. Zzzzzzzz

Oppps not sure what happened there!
It's almost morning downunder, and all she has done is sleep, pee and sleep some more! Maybe she is going to be a day time foaler. I have one that likes to have her foals at 1:35 in the afternoon, all three of them. I guess we'll just wait and see.
well I'm about to go and check on my STILL pregnant pony!! n feed her, Riverrose, the guy who Igot her from said that her last two foals were both born around 3am... I dont think she will do a day time foaling but anything is possible!!
Although not posting, I have been in and out all day watching the cams. Suzie certainly lays down a lot LOL!! Mind you I think this is good as it gives them the chance to get the weight off her legs, bless her. Please dont change your lovely straw bed for shavings Cassie, Suzie looks so lovely and comfortable snuggled down in her straw.

Heidi you say you might try a bit of straw to see if it would encourage Peanut to lay down, the problem with straw and brood mares is that you need a nice deep spongy bed, so they can sink down into it so their tummies dont reach/are cushioned against the hard floor. If you dont normally use straw and the big deep straw bed doesn't work with Peanut, you suddenly have a huge amount of bedding to move!! Still it might be worth giving it a try, particularly if you have some on the farm for the cows? We actually deep litter all our mares for foaling, starting off with mounds and mounds of clean straw stamped down to form a base about 8 inches thick, plus banked up round the walls. We then pick up the droppings more or less as soon as they are done throughout the night and when the mares go out for the day, we add more straw so the surface of the bed so the stable is always clean and fresh. The mares love it as their beds get bigger/softer/more squidgy and happily lay down for hours at a time during the night. I know a lot of folks dont like deep litter, but with no droppings allowed, and plenty of fresh straw daily, the beds stay really clean. Plus no foal is going to pick up 'germs' from a stable that its Momma is already immune to! Works well for us anyway.

It looks as though Suzie has just got her food or hay, she made a bee line for the door a short while ago and is now doing her headless view on the cam! LOL!!

Haha breakfast is served, this morning miss suzie will feast on the most top grade feed and once she has left her lounging area and moves into the big paddock her breakfast will be followed by the highest grade lucerne hay

Lol sorry I'm in a silly mood this morning hehe

Update on the little miss. Same amount of milk as yesterday... Still not much down, real relaxed behind grumpy.
Heheee you are a happy bunny today! Have a fun one. I am off to bad. Byeeeeee
Suzie in for the night, we are meant to be getting some bad weather over the next few days so I think I will keep her in tomorrow (if she has the foal overnight then I definatly will keep her in :p )

I went out to put her to bed and the light wasn't on... strange, I have a flood light on one of the beams as we don't have proper electricity in there yet.went there and found my flood light was smashed on the ground
we had some friends come over with their little boy and I heard the dad saying be careful Lachy then I heard Lachlan get out of there now... hmmm
luckily we had a spare in the garage which I have nailed into place!!!

Suzie isn't sweaty at all tonight but she has got something dry on the tips of her udder she wouldn't let me check but I'm thinking its milk

baby was really active I was under her tummy checking and I felt it against my cheek then her whole tummy seemed to move!!! Come on Baby!! keep the movements coming, right out of that mummy!!! LOL
LOL yeah, at least we had a spare, otherwise I was going to have to re-open the shop to get another one, cos I knew that if I didn't have a light on in there she would foal and we wouldn't be able to see her LOL :p
She is a headless horse!! Move already suzie!! My dog Kingston was barking like crazy b4 prob scared suzie out of having her foal... But just in case the barn alarm is up going to try get some sleep big day tomorrow!
Nothing much to report Cassie, she was quiet and rested down sternal and flat, perhaps not for as long as usual but nothing to get excited about. I am off to bed now, have a good day.

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