Mare ready to foal?

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Lol no worries Renee thanks for watching
she is certainly exploring her stable right now lol
ps. Hope you have help at hand Cassie at least to offer support, fetch things, use the mobile to the vet etc etc if necessary, as she's certainly looking interesting - of course it might all just be a false alarm..........

Lol knowing suzie it prob will be but we are not saying that in front of her lol as soon as I see that sac I'll be running to dad lol he is always my animal assistant delivered many a calf together!!
That almost looked like a contraction? Hope she's not going to foal standing up?

Dont wait for the sac Cassie, you and your Dad need to be standing quietly within feet of her stable now!

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Oh n this lovely lady called Renee who lives in Italy gave me her number you might know her I think she has been around lol I'll prob give her a call if I'm insure of anything n i have two horse breeders here is Aussie land that won't mind a call lol

Oh gosh I hope not!!! not after she is such a snuggle bunny!!!

But would the disturbance stop her from foaling?? I thought maybe it would...
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Sorry, didn't mean to sound sharp, but once you can see the sac it is almost too late to reposition the foal if necessary, plus if you can see the sac the foal will have been born by the time you have your shoes on and made a run for it (say 50 yards) so if your Dad has to wake and find clothes you need more time!

Even if it is a false alarm I would still get yourselves prepared, just in case.

Sending hugs and hopes that tonight will be the night for Suzie and her new baby!

Suzie is well used to you coming and going and if if she pauses and wonders what you are up to, she will soon accept your presence and relax. We take chairs out and just sit nearby chatting quietly/drinking cuppas/reading something, often for hours at a time if we feel something might foal.

Have you got a laptop or is it a full computer, coz you could take the laptop out with you so everyone could keep chatting to you?

I agree with Anna, at this point you should be dressed with everything you need ready to go, I would wake your dad too and that way you give him a few minutes to get dressed.
It is not my place to tell you what to do Cassie, I can only offer suggestions from what I see on the cam. If Suzie was one of my mares then I wouldd say that she is showing classic symptoms of a mare likely to foal in an hour or two (allowing of course for it to be a false alarm as they often are.
) You cannot rely of Renee to phone you, it is daytime with her and however much she manages to watch her cam, she may be doing something with her young son, her horses or be somewhere away from the cam.

You need to be with Suzie, to be able to quietly go in with her once she is seriously pushing to help her deliver this new baby as quickly as possible - within minutes of the first couple of contrations. Mares become exhausted very quickly (unlike cows - and I do have experience of these too) plus the fact that the foal oxygen supply is cut off while it is in the birth canal - hense the need for an immediate birth or it could suffer brain damage.

Good luck I hope this is Suzie building up to foaling and not a false alarm.

Hi anna, thanks for helping Cassie, we could both learn loads from your experince
LOL!! As soon as I get excited and get everyone running hither and thither finding clothes/boots/taking trips to the loo etc, Suzie decides to relax!!

Still even if nothing happens, you will all have had a practise run for the main event. LOL!! Mind you after what she was doing I wouldn't relax too much! She might be lulling you into thinking nothing is going on!

Cassie I love the way that when you go to see Suzie you always get down on your knees, down to her height - it is something we do with our minis too. Looks so sweet right now with you sitting in her stable - hope you are giving her a little pep talk.

Wish I was there to get a picture of the pair of you.

I agree Anna they are adorable together. So this could be like a fire drill at school where everyone has to line up outside
not sure how happy dad is to be lined up outside at 5.00 for a practise
One more tip, then I must go and get supper ready. When we go visit our foaling mares to check on them, we drop a handful of hay into their stables as we leave as it gives them something to focus on and stops them wondering if we are coming/going/bringing food etc. They see to settle down more quickly after our visits if they have something to munch on! Greedy lot!!

Will try to keep watching while doing our food, but might miss some last minute vital signs, so over to you now Cassie.

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