Mare ready to foal?

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LOL!! Renee, well they say practise makes perfect!

hi guys got the interne+ on my phone wont work to well but at least i can talk to you guys she bit me on the face lol can you guess where i am lol
I've been watching quietly in the background..

'My eyes' have to go up the road, to the next town, to take the GrandBeagle to the groomer for her bath.

?Maybe? there will be a bundle of joy when I return?

She's looking pretty happy with her pampering, though.
Lol thanks for watching for me hope the grand beagle likes it's bath back inside now dnt think it will be tonight thanks for watching tho it was very exciting!!! Lol
well, lets wait and see, I am off for a quick cigarette now things are quiet
My friends, I apologise most profusely for getting everyone so wound up over a possible birth - well there is still time LOL!! But at least Cassie, you have seen what a mare might be doing in the run up to foaling. I would keep a good eye on her today when she goes outside - she might prove to be a 'daytime' girl!

I'm lucky Renee, I can smoke in my own house - but will never smoke inside when young g/son visits and always smoke outside at other folks houses. Nasty habit, but helps to control the stress LOL!!

Think it is time to go check on Peanut - perhaps I can get Heidi all stirred up about her, now that Suzie has calmed down a bit.

I am off to put Alby to bed, I can't see the cam but I can read the thread.
Night Renee!!! Anna I can't believe you smoke aswell
smack I hate smoking!! Lol just putting that out there won't say what i think bout it right now.

I'm going to keep suzie in again today because I will be off at camp again n at least some of the marestare aunties can watch her!! I think it's meant to be yuckt weather again still too so she will stay inside.

Diane hope everything is going alright with you daughter!!!

Oh and Anna it was good practice for me last night so thankyou
Well, I have to hit the hay now, If Suzie goes whilst I am asleep I pray that she will have a fast and easy foaling. Remember to keep calm and have help nearby. Hugs Renee
Night Renee, sleep well!

I can do some watching on Suzie - I have to go beddy-byes soon too, but am back up in about 7 hours, so should be able to check on Suzie during your afternoon/pm Cassie if it helps. Good idea to keep her in while you are not there, can anyone else check on her? If I see something during the pm who can I contact and are they likely to be able to contact you - could you get home or are you 'stuck' until the end of your day?

May I suggest that as soon as you get home, you let Suzie out whatever the weather, she might need to have a good roll to help the foal get into the right position for foaling - the half rolls mares do in their stables do not really help alter the foals position if the mare thinks it necessary.

Enjoy your day - have fun!

Home with a bright shiny clean Beagle.

Obviously leaving the computer has no effect on getting the foal to arrive.

It's 4 PM in the afternoon here on the West Coast of Washington State, USA.

I've got 'eyes' going on inbetween getting our kidlets bedrooms ready, to come in for dinner tonight.

She's stomping her left rear foot right now.....

PS: I am a 'clean' one...never smoked in my life.

After THIS foaling year, drinking is beginnging to sound

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No way will i ever smoke lol xou can contact my mobile though it might run out of batteries otherwise mum at work 61245769823 I think that should work thanks i will let suzie out when i get home
Suzie is looking quite unsettled today, lots of tail swishing, a few bites at her sides, a few kicks at the belly, and plenty of pacing (although maybe thats because she wants out???).

I do hope you have a foal real soon Cassie. She's certainly moving in the right direction - so thats a good start!
morning all. Diane I am praying for a fast, pain free, easy birth to bring your healthy new grandchild into this world.

Cassie I see that the cam is down.
I have sent a message to Cassie but I don't think she has read it. I too am praying Diane for this healthy filly to pop out.
I phoned Cassie's mum to let her know, I wouldn't want her to foal alone

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