Night Renee, sleep well!
I can do some watching on Suzie - I have to go beddy-byes soon too, but am back up in about 7 hours, so should be able to check on Suzie during your afternoon/pm Cassie if it helps. Good idea to keep her in while you are not there, can anyone else check on her? If I see something during the pm who can I contact and are they likely to be able to contact you - could you get home or are you 'stuck' until the end of your day?
May I suggest that as soon as you get home, you let Suzie out whatever the weather, she might need to have a good roll to help the foal get into the right position for foaling - the half rolls mares do in their stables do not really help alter the foals position if the mare thinks it necessary.
Enjoy your day - have fun!