Mare ready to foal?

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I phoned Cassie's mum to let her know, I wouldn't want her to foal alone
Its been down for a few hours...I have been spying on her and Peanut today...I'm hoping to catch them delivering! It would be nice to get to see a mare in the beginning stages of labor so I will have an idea of what to look for with CoCo. Seeing it first hand is probably better than just getting an explanation.
Hi everyone just got home
no foal so it is all good

I think I have worked out why Its not working my brothers car had a flat battery this morning and I think Dad unplugged my camera to charge it up grrr so when my camera ran out of batteries everything would have gone silly dad!! thanks for ringing mum Renee!!

My mobile got a flat battery I was so hanging to get home! at least I'm only there for the morning tomorrow!!

I have let Suzie out for an hour or so...

Hope everything goes well with your daughter and her filly Diane!!
can't wait to see pics

real soft mushy poops in her stable when i just cleaned it out, hopefully tonight will be the night, but I will make sure I know where Mum's iphone is so I can chat to you all in case I am at the stable again tonight!! here's hoping it will be the real thing!!

Thanks everyone for watching her today for me :D
YAY how exciting!! she is so tiny how beautiful!! MUM is doing well?? she looks very happy!! you must be stoked!! congratulations!!!

LOVE HER!! absoloutly BEAUTIFUL!!
yipppeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee she is stunning Diane, ( good genes!) mum looks amazing too, Well done Grandma
Now lets hope she has opened dance.
Oh WOW!! Many congratulations Diane (and Katy too!)

You must be over the moon - what a gorgeous little filly - does she have a name yet?

Let's hope Suzie and Peanut follow suit soon!

Glad to hear Suzie is ok Cassie - please get that cam up and running again asap - really freaked me when I tried to log in this morning!

Sorry - morning everyone!

Congratulations on the arrival of your beautiful grand daughter!!
So glad all went well and she and your daughter are doing well!

The cam is down again. I've just checked in, so not sure how long its been? Ill give it 15mins or so and ill get hold of Cassie... she would be home now, so im sure she's aware.
camera back up again everyone
sorry Suzie is all good had an hour and a half in the paddock, back in now as it is very dark and very cold!!!! meant to get more wild weather again tomorrow!! so many houses have been destroyed in this wind storm, even a train got hit by a tree!! in for more tomorrow!! at least our snow fields are loving it... 61cm over the last 2 days!! YES!! so wish I was going down with Dad n the boys oh well have to look after Suzie and the foal (it had better be born by then)
OMG Congratulations so delighted to hear that all is well with your daughter and new granddaughter. She is just gorgeous and looks so snug all wrapped up like that.

It must be a relief and I bet you cant wait to play the doting granny when they get home.

I have Suzie up but she looks like she is waiting for her dinner.
LOL she is eating her dinner, I have put a feed bin onto the gate for when she foals... cos Anna said I shouldn't use the bucket I was using, I want to set up a better system yet but we have to see how that goes yet
Suzie down already but not looking comfy at all... ears pinned back... and if she goes any further back she will knock over her water bucket
I love the way that she always lays down, it means that she must feel very safe
Haha don't know what I was writing above woops!! Lol suzie looking really content any signs of anything or do we think no foal tonight...

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