Mare ready to foal?

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Maybe its just me but Suzie didnt seem to be laid down as much - which is the way Shimmer was the night before she foaled. Keeping fingers crossed
Thanks karina .
suzie will be in the stable this morning then I come back from camp about 12 I'll let her out god the arvo so she can have a few rolls n such

Thanks for the watch Renee n everyone

Will go out n feed suz in a minute
So no foal last night for Suzie - it's now up to Peanut to get the ball rolling!

Have you noticed that clever Peanut has managed not only to get her fly mask off, but she has neatly placed it on the dividing wall - perhaps she is offering Popcorn (it is Popcorn?) a chance to have a go wearing it?

Off myself to bed now - hope your morning at the camp goes swingingly Cassie - it certainly sounds as though the kids are having great fun.

Catch you all again in the early hours.

Has she gone out or has she squeezed herself off cam?

A couple of mins before that she was acting really odd and acting like someone was pinching her backside and was walking backwards. Me thinks someone is feeling the pressure
Now our DSL computer service is back online after being down for 8 hours

hope to lend my eyes, using Michael's laptop...

Gooooooo Suzie and convince Peanut she needs to pop, too.
hi everyone
Suzie is out for the arvo, although by the sounds of it still needs watching grrr I hate that it is so hard to take the camera outside!!

as soon as I let her out she did a HUGE roll must have gone for 5 minutes!! lots of tail swishing as well I think she must be getting close, praying that she will hold off till tonight and not go during the day

she wasn't really all that keen on the hay I just gave her as well... hmmm... she always loves the hay!!

yes Karina the kids LOVE day camp!! me and my brother took our snakes up for a little reptile show just before which they thought was BRILLIANT!

but we had to eveacuate our site and go back to our church hall because of high winds!! a few trees fell down... it wasn't worth the risk... its meant to get up to 100km by the end of the day yuck!!!

my little bro is home today so I will be getting him to keep an eye on Suzie and I will be calling him, its less than a minute to get home from work which is GREAT!!

Lets hope Suzie doesn't surprise us with a day foaling and waits till tonight!!
OK I have made the decision that because according to you lovely LB and marestare ppl she has been acting weird all morning the camera is going into the paddock!!! I think I want to keep an eye on her today!!!
Is it just me, or is the cam down? I had it up and about 30 min ago it went down...while it was being adjusted. I can see Peanut's tho...
bout to bring Suzie and her camera inside please let me know when I have it in a good spot as I will have the iphone out there

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