Mare ready to foal?

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Your cam is down Cassie!

Are you doing the change over?
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hurry up Cassie, we need a Suzie fix
well I was about to, but my brother is doing some restart thing on the computer and so I can't start the camera yet, sorry Ladies, Suzie is so stressed out with the cows behind her, so I have opened the paddock gate so that Smartie and Penny can come into her paddock and be with her.

I doubt we will be getting a foal tonight! she looks really close too... But she won't foal with the cows behind her not when she doesn't feel safe.
and Dad apparently can't move the cows out because he still needs to sort them some more tomorrow.... sigh,

I have soccer tonight at 8:30pm but don't worry I will have the camera up before then.

I think I need sleep, or maybe Suzie's crankiness has passed onto me LOL
Cassie, I don't want to worry you (that is Anna's job)
but be careful with the other horse in with Suzie, she doesn't need any extra stress right now, such as them wanting to play or worse fight
I will be much happier when the cam is back so that we can keep an eye on her.
oh sorry, Renee they are in her paddock but can come and go, she is in the stable and they can't reach her... but if you think I should put them back its easy done, I was thinking she might be happier with them near her,

yeah I know I'm sorry I blasted my brother LOL for not doing it this arvo when I was still at work, and it didn't matter as much if we couldn't see Suz!! gosh my brothers are dumb sometimes!! I am going to go out and check on her and will let you know how she is going
I thought she was in the pasture with them, I think she will be fine in her stall and they might help her relax as you say.
ok good I'm glad
n sorry I should have clarified, the stable is in that pasture but she is locked in, and yeah hopefully they will help her, but ONCE WE GET THE CAMERA GOING!! if we notice that she is more stressed out then I will move them back, wish I could do the same with the cows!! oh well can't be helped!!
Ladies I am going to have to put some sort of limit to your typing - I get nothing done in the morning trying to catchup

Slaney started her waddle a couple of days before foaling. She was running and bucking up to that. It was funny as she was making her way in for the night (waddle waddle) and there was a water bucket in her way and she did not want to go round it was it was such an effort it was easier for her to keeping coming a straight line. I could have sworn I heard her swear under her breath

I am so excited but I really hope she foals soon.

Dads can be very frustrating but you know the saying women are from Venus and men are from Mars
haha yep I do Karina LOL sorry for the catch up LOL

thats good to know about Slaney and the waddling,

how cute would have been so funny!!

do you still want the pics Renee?? LOL
the only change is that there is some milk in her teats, but not enough to tell any changes, I might go sit out with her for a little while though before soccer so I will take my camera and try n take some pics, if she is settled enough, I think that the cows have settled down a bit now, she doesn't look as stressed. maybe if she doesn't seem very stressed I will move Smartie and Penny back and she may still get down to business tonight what do you ladies think??
lol yeah I no I won't ever have a winter foaling again
to much fluff and too cold to clip, and oto cold for the foal , its just altogether too cold...

ok I have to warn you girls that the cam might go down for a second again while I'm gone, Andrew aparantly had to restart then he is finished. I have told him my username and pasword so he can get straight on again, Renee if it doesn't though is it alright if you msg me and I will ring him and beat him up over the phone LOL

I am only 15 min away and can race home if needed, hoping that she won't do anything... but will quickly check, before I go, Renee I'll msg you if any updates!
o.k no worries Cassie, I have to go out now for an hour but I will be back by 21.15
Cam up and running ok now Cassie!

Seriously, if you want to show us a pic of her tummy, then please lay down in the straw alongside her to take it! LOL!! Alternatively just tell us when her tummy starts brushing against her lovely straw bed, and we shall know that she has dropped!

Good thinking to let her friends through into her paddock to keep her company. She still looks a bit on edge coz of the cows, I hope they WILL be gone tomorrow coz if she doesnt foal tonight, she may get more stressed when she does foal (protecting the foal) if they haven's moved. And I keep thinking of them eating all Suzie's specially saved grass!

Naughty Dad and naughty cows!!

Gotta leave now for most of the rest of the day I'm afraid. Will keep checking the cam if I can get to pop back in, but no posts until this evening.

Have a good day/night my friends.

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