Mare ready to foal?

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I think Suzie is saying "It's breakfast time Mum!" LOL!!
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I mostly let the mares do it. Slaney looked like she wanted some assistance this yr so I helped on the contractions and down towards the hocks just till the shoulders came free and then I had to tear that awfully rubbery sack he was in.

Shimmer did need help and it was a really tight squeeze and it took 2 of us to help her. Foal presented beautifully but such a tight squeeze at her vulva. Although when the vet put his hand in to make sure there was no damage he said she opened right up and there was loads of space. Its just her lady bits are tiny.

Slaney expects help now and if I dont she almost glares at me. I am her midwife and have to work accordingly
Thankyou for your input Karina
its really good to know what different breeders across the 'world' LOL do to assist their mares

so thankyou!!

update on Suzie, she is sitting between 6.4 and 6.8 it wasn't quite 6.4 but is very close, she is very relaxed behind, and is more red then pink, so I will be keeping a close eye on her today,

she also didn't want me scratching her bum or back... ( and she always LOVES this) has anyone had experience with this happening? maybe the foal is in position and the brush hurts Suzie? just taking some guesses here, oh and the milk was almost down in her teats, the teats weren't filled but they were filling sorry I don't know if that is the right term to use, but thats as best as I can describe it hehe.

will check on her again before I head down to work... and will let you know if she is more red, less red... and such.

its getting exciting LOL
My goodness the race is still on between Peanut and Suzie - I think we should all place our guess on who will go first, what they will have and the colour (just for fun)
haha Heidi!! you crack me up

well I just checked Suzie again and she isn't red now, more a bright pink... she is stil very relaxed behind, so I will still keep and eye on her, bout I doubt she will do a daytime foaling as her previous foals were born at three in the morning.

oh n u never know Heidi you might get a
and Peanut will foal tonight LOL
Thanks for the advice everyone,

I didn't mean to say 'Pulling' out the foal I meant assisting, I'm sorry if I have got people upset or cranky, I certainly didn't mean to, please remember that it was still my sleep time and I was half asleep as I posted so please don't flame me.

please remember also that I do have some experience with 'assisting with birthings' with cattle and I am a vet nurse. But I am a newbie with horse births so any advice given is much appreciated, I just don't know all the correct termings.

I thankyou all very much for your advice n I'm sorry if I caused any stress to anyone, I certainly hope that no-one thinks I am incapable of having horses or breeding, everyone has to start somewhere right?...

thankyou to everyone who has taken an interest in Suzie and been watching her for me

I thank especially Renee, Diane, Anna, Karina and Heidi who have been with me the whole way and have been answering my MANY STUPID questions and helping me with camera angles and with Suzie
you are all the greatest friends!! and I can't thankyou enough!!

I am also reposting an older question as the 'pulling' topic sort of over took it and I would really like to know what you think, (there you go another silly question LOL)

she also didn't want me scratching her bum or back... ( and she always LOVES this) has anyone had experience with this happening? maybe the foal is in position and the brush hurts Suzie? just taking some guesses here

Suzie seems to be really walking around with a real pregnant walk today, I know with Humans in the last week they get a real pregnant walk about them,

wondering if horses do the same thing? she seemed really awkward in the back legs poor baby girl.

well I better get back to work and watching Peanut, Suzie and Moonlight.

Thanks for everyones advice and for helping me so much
Thankyou Diane

your help and all the other help I have received while on here has been very much appreciated and I have learnt HEAPS!!

yes its a lovely sunny day here today, Smartie and Penny even got a rug off
they were very happy ponies hehe,

I posted on marestare, saying I'm glad its not summer right now, with the camera I have you wouldn't be able to see anything at all LOL the glare would be so bright, if the foal was already born, it would be the perfect day for mum n baby outside but alas her little baby is still cooking a little longer.

she is definatly looking more uncomfy today then she has been poor little girl, but she is looking VERY cute with her HAIR CUT LOL
ok I just rang the vet, their after hours number is on speed dial.

just watched Suzie do some MEGA rolling in the paddock
my little crazy girl!!
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Hi Cassie, Im not feeling well at all and a 1/2 bottle of Nyquel isnt helping but w/Peanut right now..she is hating any pressure on her belly or top line. I rinse every day w/cool water and normally will sweat scrape her lightly no
not any more it bugs the heck out of her. She really only likes the brushing on her neck and she lets me know where she wants to be scratched and THAT changes minute by minute.
LOL I am watching Peanut for you Heidi!! get some rest
your girl will be fine,

its another change that I noticed in Suzie, poor baby girl's!!
well I am cranky like my pony this arvo do you know what my silly father has done?! you don't so I'll tell you!!!

we have a round yard and cattle loading area that is really safe and is directly behind the stables, which was where I was going to be putting Suzie and her foal in when she EVENTUALLY has it. I was growing the grass for Suzie and the foal!!

well he has gone and put the cows in there!!!! grrrr
I tried to tell Dad that I needed it and the grass for Suzie
and he said that there wasn't much grass in thre anyway and he needs to sort out the cattle. there won't be ANY in there now FATHER!!!
I could have screamed!!! and he scared Suzie, she went off running all scared from the cows near her paddock!!

not cool Dad, anyone want some beef??
right now I'm so angry I could get rid of them all, well bsides my ones hehe

dad didn't understand at all, then I went to give them some of the horses old hay that was no good for them but ok for the cows and he says "what are you doing?!" and I said "giving the cows some hay!!" and he said, "don't do that I'm trying to sort them" so I said "fine the hay is there feed them yourelf I'm going back to work!!"

gosh I was mad! so anyway
my poor little pony got scared out of her brains, and will prob be stressed all night if Dad doesn't move them back out again before poor baby girl!!
Hi Cassie!!!!

I've been keeping an eye on your baby girl, too, off and on.

I'm getting better. My old doc moved his practice to Hawaii

and I'm working with new doctors. Think the guy I saw yesterday

might be on the right track...looking forward to being 100% before

our summer ends. Seems a waste of lovely weather to be feeling yuck.

Suz is looking good. Cranky is good if you're a mare wanting

to foal sooner than later :)

Sorry your Dad isn't quite on the same page as you are.

Sometimes 'others' just don't get it.

Suzie sounds about your cows like all our kids are when the

black tail deer join them, for grazing time.

You'd think a space ship dropped aliens in the pasture.
Checking out for the night my time - 11:16 Tuesday night.

4:16 Wednesday afternoon - your time and 2:16 AM Wednesday - Peanut time.

Have a good rest to your afternoon and nice evening Cass!
haha yep, too right Nancy!! LOL Suzie can't stand the cows LOL

she seems to have settled down now pretty good so here is hoping, that the cows are already back out again LOL

hoping n praying that you get better again really soon!!

usually Dad is really good with my horses,I think he is a little stressed today thats all

oh well...

Thanks Nancy!! NIGHT!!
Checking in
Gosh you girls write too much

Cassie, waddling is a good sign, I can always tell when my girls are in the home stretch by the way they walk and behave. They go strange a day or 2 before. Kim this year didn't want to come in her stall the night she foaled
Stalls have food so that was really strange!!!! Britt decided not be caught in her stall the day before she foaled and had me running like an idiot with all the Aunties on MS watching, I even fell over
I was trying to brush her which she decided was no longer necessary.

So as you are like me and know every hair on Suzie I am sure you will see some changes in her.

Sorry your Dad is annoying you, I am sure he didn't mean to upset you, he probably just forgot that you were keepinng that area for Suzie.

Nancy I am so glad that you are improving, Keep up the good work
LOL!! Cassie. Ask daughter about farmers and cows! She is often to be found tearing her hair out!!

Nancy, I hope your new Doc can help you get sorted. Sending ((((HUGS))))

Yes mares waddling about and getting cranky is quite normal and usually means that 'progress' is moving forward, bless them. Just go with the flow and do whatever makes them feel happy - even if they dont want you to do anything!

I find foaling a mare is divided into different sections, emotion wise. There are the 'butterflies in the tummy' as your realise that foaling is on the way. Heart in the mouth as you check for two feet and a little nose. Total relief as you sit back and realise all is well. Small panic and then more relief as the shoulders come through. A moment more worry until the hips clear the birth canal. Then the smiles of relief (and sometimes tears) as that new little life lays there in front of you, front feet stuck straight out, little head tossing, nose snorting!

All those ups and downs of an emotional rollercoaster packed into around 5 minutes or so - where else in life does it happen?
yes Anna and I can't wait for it:) I'm home now, just about to put my cranky Suzie away for the night!! it was a definite first for her to not let me brush her, even when I came home from lunch she didn't want me scratching or brushing her LOL not sure if the cows are still in will find out soon LOL

will give you an update when after I go out and feed them

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