Mare ready to foal?

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have a good day Anna
hi everyone I'm back!! LOL

Andrew has just switched the computer off, so luckily I went and checked her when I got back in
the cows are which is good, Suzie is quiet, I will make sure it is up and running again before I go to get a shower!!

we won soccer 3-2 and we are coming 2nd on the board LOL just so you know hehe.
Suzie is up n I am off to get some sleep I'm exhausted!! night a;l will check in on her during thenight if she gets really stressed or you notice anything plse let me know, I hav barn alarm up

night all, zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
She is up for me too. She looks so cute....I can see the shape of her face now. She also seems to be dancing the beat of her own drum!! Hurry up Suzie we want to see what you are hiding in there
wow she looks huge right now! she is laying down with her butt toward the cam and she looks all belly
Well Suzie is flat out snoozing. She looks relaxed and havent seen her looking stressed so all appears to be well.
Hope you are snuggled in your bed, but not counting cows LOL

Suz has her head tucked in the corner and must be sleeping, too.

Thanks all for the good wishes. I had last night a cough free

night, for the first time in over 2 months....Man did that feel good.

I think I may 'love' this new specialist.

An internaitonal clock is a stellar idea....

That'd give MaryLou something to do.

At first I kept wondering if you guys were pulling all nighter's

and was wondering when you slept or did chores till I saw where home

was for you.
wonderful news Nancy that you slept well, I hope you continue to make fast progress. hugs from Italy
Cassie was that you in with Peanut at 3am????

All looked quiet to me so wondering what brought you in.

Nancy glad you are still feeling better too. I hate being sick.

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