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I'm in bed...? Why?? Ah I'm so confused was there someone in my stable?? I gave her extra hay like everyone said n she hasn't stopped eating all nite... I prob should go out there n check on her if someone else is out there I will!!!! Beware stay away from the ponies!!! Plse dnt tell me someone else was in there yuck I would hate that giving me goosebumps.
Oh there was someone standing with their back to the camera and nearly out of shot. Suzie had her bum to who ever eating and I saw (what I thought was you) that person leave. Did anyone else see or am I loosing it?
Aghhhh hold on I am going to shine the torch from the eindow! We have had ppl stealing horse rugs around here I need to chrck smartie!! What did they look like? Renee did you see anyone?? Bahhhhhhhh
Smartie n penny looked fine tho it was hard to see as it's really foggy karina I so hope your imagining things right now sorry to say but i HATE the idea of someone out in my paddock n int stable I feel yucky now!!!
Goodness you are having an exciting night - repel all intruders I say!! Is everything OK Cassie, just checked Suzie and she seems to be looking for someone???

Sorry but i have only just got back, so didnt see the unexplained person.
Ahhh Anna I can't sleep!!! I just shone the torch out there which woke up penny n suzie so they are prob stomping all around the place!N so suz would be watching them!! You can see the light on from the road but gosh i hate this!!! Karina plse plse plse be wrong!!! Yuck yuck yuck yuck yuck!!!!!!!
Page finally came up for me for the first time this AM.

I didn't see anything either.

She seems calm but looks as she is looking about.

Freaky thought that someone would dare enter another's barn!!

Do you have farm dogs that bark when strangers comes onto the

Kingston my retriever usually does but his pen is on the other side of the proprty n he isn't as young as he used to be... He could be able to see n hear someone coming if he was awake he will usually bark but maybe i will leave him out tomorrow night
Suzie is down n looking fine now... Karina I hope I haven't scared you off lol I just put a post on marestare to see if anyone else saw anything suzie down flat now n looking quite comfy my cutee little kid!!! Lol well i think I can go back to sleep now I'm all in a tizzy lol but my eyes are trying to close lol
I saw someone in with her at 3 something and thought it was you. It looked like a young girl (teenage/20s?? maybe?) But I Just thought it was Cassie so I wasn't really paying close attention. But there was someone in there for sure. not very long tho..
with marestare can they 'rewind' or look back on previous video?
Ahhh thanks Megan but Ahhhhh I hate this!!!! Yuck yuck yuck yuck what did she look like??? Did she go over to suzie?? Gosh I feel ill!!!

I dnt think they record until the blessed event
Cassie, Let your eyes go sleepy and count cows, now....see them leaving the Suzie and baby pen :)

All looks safe and sound now and she is obviously totally relaxed enough to lay down.

I agree sickening feeling..who in the heck would be up at that time on a foggy morning

snooping in her bedroom?
She was in the bottom left corner of the screen with her back to the camera. When I saw her, she really didn't go close to Suzie. I think Suzie had her backside to the camera and she didn't turn to the person. Then the person left.
I keep Suzie and Peanut up on my computer screen and watch all through the day while I do housework and such as well. She is being watched by a few of us
Most strange - I was going to suggest that it might have been you dad maybe out checking the cows for some reason, who then decided to check on Suzie.
Na the cows have been quiet all night so dad wouldn't have gone out. I'm just glad that we brought his big power saw in from the stable the other day I will give the stable a good go over in the morning karina n Megan roughly what did she look like? I know it's hard to tell but I know of one lady down this way who is very strange n she will often stop outside n show the ponies to her kids but that is during the day not 3 o'clock in the morning! Ok I have calmed down I have my puppy beside me cos I scared myself lol I will deal with it in the morning if anyone else saw anything or noticed anything please let me know arghhh

Ps Diane did you see anything? I was waiting on your input lol
Well whoever it was obviously didn't worry Suzie. Go back to sleep Cassie, we will be here - I'll keep the cam running while I get food ready and eat it too, also I can watch tv and the cam at the same time, although I might not post!

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