Mare ready to foal?

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Hi Cassie, I just tried to see your girl going directly thru MS but was unable to bring her up. Im sure you can see her thru your camera, its just somewhere in the streaming. Anyway, I trust all is well and will check back later!

Hey Heidi LOL I think my brothers might have moved something at home and I'm at work so I can't fix it lol Suzie isn't in the stable at the moment so its all good, she out having a fun time in the paddock, will be in within the next half hour tho as I will be home in the next few minutes.


My Dad is awesome hehe he is building my stable for me and is doing a BRILLIANT job!!! lol (it helps that he is a builder hehe)

you should be able to see Suzie soon
Sorry Cassie, its still not up for me...just says stream not found...Ill check back

Perhaps you have to re boot as I did when my power went out

oooppp posted too soon...i see your fixing it
O.k I have her up and she can't hide any more too. Thanks for the new angle. I have been meaning to ask what the weather is like there as she still looks very furry. Is it cold?
i know grrrr I'm very frustrated sorry guys, don't know whats up but my camera won't connect to my computer now for some stupid reason of its own!!!! will let u know when its up n running again
OKAY!!! YAY Suzies is up n running again!!! FINALLY stupid camera,
got it on the same good angle as well lol... sorry if it is still a bit bright I AM NOT changing it again lol you should have seen me standing up on the wall balancing against the roof beam but its all good now, after dropping the thing twice into the straw below (luckily)

to answer your question Renee, yes it is freezing here still, snowing only 1 hour from where I live so which is why Suzie has a teddy bear mammoth coat hehe.

Don't think she will foal tonight what with me jumping around her stall and...

my uncle went and got a HUGE truck stuck on his side of the paddocks it was stuck for 7 hours!!! he couldn't get it out with his tractor, they had to get the tow truck, it couldn't get it out... they then had to get a neighbours HUGE machine which finally got it out!! will go check out the damage to the paddocks tomorrow hehe I'm such a brat of a neice. but they were making loud crashes and beeps and shining lights... Suzie has been great through it all but it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if she didn't foal!!!! grrrr. would love for her too still though hehe

Off to indoor soccer in 15 min don't feel like going out in the cold weather brrrr...

I have had my little winge now so I'm all good
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OMG there was a stabbing at indoor soccer tonight!!!!!

police drew their guns and everything talk about excitement in our little town!!
OMG Cassie what a day you have had
I am afraid we live in a sick world and even in the small villages we aren't safe. I live in the middle of nowhere and someone still stole my hubby's iphone from his car on Sunday. Bast...

Try and get some sweet dreams and I will watch Suzie.
thanks Renee, lol I'm definitly ready for some sleep now hehe... she is looking real content tonight, wish she would have this foal...

Thanks again
sorry girls, but the camera has really gone!!! looks like it's gonna be a cold trip outside its 1am here wokeup to check on her brrr hopefully get it working soon!!!

wait I remember why Stupid me!!! forgot to plud it back in!! it wil have run out of betteries!! should have it up n running again soon!!!!
It is hard to see Suzie tonight, I hope she is a good girl and gives us plenty of warning
Flat, sternal, flat, sternal, she sure is tired tonight but she has her eyes wide open. hhhmmmmmmmmmmmmm

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