Mare ready to foal?

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morning all
ok first I have to report that all horses rugs were ok, all Dads tools (in tack room) are ok, besides my two brats making a mess overnight. nothing seems ordinary, only thing strange is some chewing marks on the outside panneling just on the otherside of the gate,

oh n MAJOR butt scratching going on from miss Suzie, you should see the gate!! covered in hair!! LOL

even with all the stress of the cows, strange ppl, the horses Suzie is very relaxed and very PINK!!

still no change in the milk department, I sort of don't want to test in case I hurt her udder and stop the milk coming down/?? another stupid question I know but can I do that??

Suzie rushed out of her stable as soon as I opened the gate LOLI bet it will be hard getting her back in tonight LOL but I will make sure that the cows are gone!!!

oh n I told Dad, he was concerned but when he saw that all his toold were safe he was ok.... we are going to be closing both gates to our property tonight, just to make sure!!

sorry for the hectic night you must be exhausted lol I know I am

well I better get ready for work, at least I get to leave for a few hours, going to empty out and put new straw in Suzies stable and maybe get a rest LOL
We dont normally get a lot of snow but we got a bit the yr before last so the kids had to go out and make mini snowpeople

Here is my attempt at a mini horse (I was told it looked more like a westie)


The kids


My mothers inappropriately placed carrot on her rabbit


Slaney likes the look of the rabbits carrot


Slaney is thinking she might push my mother out of the way to get to the carrots

Jaw droppingly beautiful winter shots, Karina.

Love the family photos....

Somewhere, I have a photo of Michael making me a snow

German Shepherd and horse.

Makes me want to visit the land of my ancestors.

My son was there in '99 after graduating with a

Bachelor of Science, from college. He spent a

month touring the countryside.

Fabulous trip for him.
So you have a bit of the Irish in you Nancy. What part of the country do you hail from? I am in Co. Clare which is in the west.

You should definitely make a visit but I cant guarantee the weather
I just drew a blank where they originated from.

Everything is still in boxes after our move here

to the farm 4 years ago.

The family names are Corner, my fathers side

and McGeary, my Mom's.

We have gazoodles of research of them arriving in Ireland

as early as the late 1500's/early 1600's ....

It is thought they might have originated in Bavaria, as lace makers

and settled, eventually, in Ireland doing the same.

Immigrated to New York/then Ontario,Canada, then into Michigan on my Dad's side.

A lot of shirt tail family still in Canada.

My Mom's family immigrated to New York and then came all the way West and settled

here, in Washington State in 1842, before it was a state.

Genealogy is fascinating....luckily I reap the rewards of relatives who are really

into it and I share tales with them of horses and dogs.....seems fair LOL
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Hi Cassie, been following your thread and Suzie is really drawing this out for you! I hope her lovely foal puts in an appearance for you soon
You know I dont think I have every heard of Corner before. McGeary sounds like more of a Northern Ireland name. g

It is all very interesting and if you find out where your ancestors come from I would love to hear.

Ok I am definitely off to bed now.
Hi Wings, thanks for joining
I see your from the great land down under too, what part of Australia are you from??

yes she sure is LOL

its hard because I don't know when she was put into foal so I have to totally go via the signs that she is giving me
and because this is my first foaling it makes it even harder LOL

you would have noticed that we had a crazy night here last night, I'm exhausted LOL but everything is in order this morning and the gates are getting locked tonight, so hopefully the only visitor besides me, will be the filly fairy bringing Suzie her baby foal, filly hehe.


do you breed mini's yourself? how long have you been doing so? hope you dont mind my questions LOL if you have looked back you will know that I love to ask questions!!

night Karina, thanks for the snow photos,they are brilliant!! makes me want to take a trip to the snow now LOL we get ice here where I live but no snow, its snows about 1 1/2 hrs away from us but we are too low... where we live...
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Brain wave!!!! though its not a very happy one,

what if last night the chic who came into my stable, was checking to see if Suzie had to foal... and if she had might have tried to steal it!!!!!!!
what do you think? that would explain why she came in then left again!!

well I'm not taking the chance!! their is a padlock going on Suzie's gate and maybe even the front gate!!

oh n for those who called my BEAUTIFUL Smartie a donkey!! here are some pics of him!!




oh n cos we are showing off our dogs lol meet Casper, my cavalier and Kingston my Golden Retreiver



and casper also loves a swim!! hehe

Wow, sounds like an action filled night at your place Cassie. What a worry to know that someone came into your property. Maybe you could get a few of those Solar sensor lights and put a few around the paddocks to be set off when someone/something comes in. Statistically they are supposed to make a bit difference if the intruder doesnt have the cover of darkness.

There have been many a foal theft in western Sydney - you are a fair bit more west, but its perfectly possible, and definately worth being concerned about.

Maybe you can also put a sign "SMILE FOR THE CAMERA" or "THIS STALL IS UNDER VIDEO SERVEILANCE" to let people know they are being watched and will be caught.

Im sorry this has happened and has shaken you up. Very concerning indeed though!
I was thinking of getting some of those signs Renee
hehe serves them right!!

thats what I'm thinking and its not worth the risk! so I have the padlock and she will be locked in at night now

no-one is going to be stealing Suzie or her foal!!

I am going to put some more sensor lights up as well, its just not worth it!!

oh Diane I totally agree about dog breeds!! being a vet nurse I see all the problems that are associated with different breeds as well!!

I love all my animals!!
Thankyou very much Diane
I plan on trying to find one of those sort of signs and maybe a beware of the dog sign on the main gate LOL they don't need to know that Kingston is a complete softy and is locked up at night LOL but his bark does sound ferocious he has a real deep low growl!! LOL
she seems restless but ok now, I will be home in an hour and I will check on her and spend some time with her, my poor baby girl she will must be exhausted!!!

Thanks for watching Diane!
Brain wave!!!! though its not a very happy one,

what if last night the chic who came into my stable, was checking to see if Suzie had to foal... and if she had might have tried to steal it!!!!!!!
what do you think? that would explain why she came in then left again!!

well I'm not taking the chance!! their is a padlock going on Suzie's gate and maybe even the front gate!!
Cassie, you need a dog like I have. She is great with the horses. She even keeps my stallion in check. Great with other animals big and small. But let someone cross my fence line. They had better make their peace with their maker. She just did 8 days at "Camp Cup Cake" for an alleged bite. She didn't bite but tried to. Since it was a trespass it didn't count against her and she didn't have to go to county lock up. I told her the next time she better make sure she rips the arm off so I can start her a trophy room. This dog allows who I tell her to. Everyone else better watch out. We are now putting "Guard Dog On Duty" sings up.
cassie, what dear lord do you have going on over at your place..intruders, cows messing w/ poor thing. Yes signs..Alarm signs and you can even buy plastic real looking cameras to put up..they are about 5.00 ..they do lok very real. i hate living out in the boonies but luckily no one comes down my road ever.....hubby always wonders why I bother w/halloeen candy....dah ..silly husbands!!Karina I love those snow pictures wish we could fed ex some here.....of and did look more like Westie...sorry....good attempt though....mine would have looked like a snow mound!!
I know Heidi!! more than what I want believe me!! but hopefully everything will settle down now... the intruder better beware I have a secret weapon that I'm not telling anyone!!! (evil laugh!!!) never again will they venture onto my property!!!

Katiean I do need a dog like yours LOL maybe I'll borrow my best friends dog, he is a mini foxy n is the best guard dog ever!!!

well I'm off for a little while, you'll prob see me on the cam, redoing Suzie's straw in her stable

see ya's all later!!

p.s Peanut you better not foal without me!! I would be most dissapointed!!

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