Peanut Blessed me with a

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What, no other whale to complete the pod !! Oh well another day. Renee, Britts sire is very nice, I watched another video of him that shows just how fluid he is as well.

I think I asked you this before but cant remember, does Eagle drive? I noticed on another thread that studs over there are tested and driving was something on the test.I didnt do a test on PN today but may do one in a little bit. Surley she cant stay at 6.0 for 3 weeks can she?

anna you must be happy to get a few of your wee ones home.

Well Im off to do a few dishes, have a couple horses to wash and perhaps a dog or two. hopefully Peanut will do something other than eat today!

Thank you to all the am starers
Come on Peanut. This foal is coming so spit it out!

Hope everyone had a good night/day.

I'm convinced PN does not want to be watched so she's holding out.. but she can't possibly hold out for too much longer. Let's go Peanut!!
Wow Renee, Britt's daddy is beautiful! Thanks for sharing that video!
wow PN just plopped down quite uncomfortably in the bathroom
Oh Diane, i wish i could get my horses to look as good as yours! Sighhhhhh
If only we were closer bc hubby has a wallet and we could be partners

I would think Renee you would have fun driving Eagle around the little streets in Italy. You mentioned you lived in a small village...Ive never been to Italy so maybe Im all wrong but I just vision little narrow sreets, hills lined w/these old stone houses and the smell of garlic and spaghetti sauce LOL and you driving Eagle and the kids riding bikes! Am I close?
so close it is spooky
Are you watching me through the computer

oh but I don't smell of garlic! well I hope not
Diane, your boy is absolutely stunning, but then I've always loved him - even in his furry state in a fuzzy phone pic.

Just thought, dont forget that if Diane's got the 'stock' and Renee, your hubby has the 'wallet', then I have the grass - can I join the partnership, pretty please.
I guess since I didn't wake up to a baby it was nice to have a

video of Falco to watch.

He is just wonderful.....

I LOVE watching these little guys strutting

their stuff. They are so stinkin' cute - just thinking and acting like

they are such big horse boys.

Makes me laugh.

Diane, Spotty is one handsome dude.

Funny how so many of the mini appy's seem to have more 'style' than

their bigger counterparts?

Why is that, do you appy folk think?

I am not normally drawn to appy's but I've seen some mini ones, Falco

and Spotty, as good examples, that are so attractive...
I"M BACK - did you miss me

I didnt even get to tell anyone I was disappearing for a hectic day lol.

Been up to my eyes in the usual feeding and trying not to kill kids and also had to go through loads of clothes that the kids have grown out of and bag them for charity.

Also while I was doing that I was also watching the Nations Cup (showjumping in Dublin) - pretty good multi tasking.

Then had to go bring Banner and his girlfriend Sassy up from the Castle field and bring Slaney and Buck back from their field and move Sunny and Rosie down to where Slaney was and then the usual mucking out, feeding and then bedtime routine. Oh and Shimmer had a bit of hows your father with Banner (she was very happy)

So now putting the feet up and I might even go wild and have a glass of wine.

I see Peanut and Suzie are still in one piece although for some reason Peanut looks smaller - that baby is coming out tonight (I think...................I hope.................
Goodness Karina, I think two glasses would be more apt - what a day!!

Cathy managed to bring the two mares and the babies back here today. Got the top open barn ready for them yesterday, and they now have the whole 3 acre field and barn between them. The foal's travelled beautifully sharing double compartments with their dams (mares not tied up) and sped off like mad things across their new field! LOL!!

We caught up the two 'escapees' and took them with us back to the 25 acres and their friends. The we caught the three mares that Cathy wanted to take back with her to get covered. Had a bit of a job getting them out of the gate coz everyone else was saying 'me too, me too' and pushing to get out and come to.

Back to the yard and a quick fiddle with the lorry internals to make room for the extra horse. They all loaded straight away, bless them. I'm sure it must be the fact that they find that lorry so comfortable - and approve of Cathy's careful driving - coz the first time they ever loaded was for the 11 hour trip when we moved to Wales in 06, then two years ago they all loaded perfectly again to go to Cathy's for covering, so this is only their third trip and they all just walked up the ramp and in! Such good girls.

Diane, I hope your little Celena doesn't do a Suzie and Peanut on you!

Poor Peanut was quite frantic with her itches tonight when she came in, but after a little while she calmed down to brousing with just the odd scratch or two. I wonder why she does this, something must be 'annoying' her, but I dont think even Heidi knows what it is. It really is quite strange though isnt it?

Off to check on the girls - also hoping tonight will be THE night for Peanut.
Hi all, I had the farrier here this afternoon and the chips were all very well behaved, even Dipinto my yearling was an angel. I have been teasing Britt as she was due in yesterday but she wants to kick Pat to Timbuctoo so fingers crossed. This evening we have been out for dinner then we went to the village fair that is here for a week, I fear that the boys will want to go every evening agghhh. You girls have all been busy too. Anna I am very pleased that you have joined Diane and I in our dream venture.

Peanut just popped in and she seemed huge, what is she up to?
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See you all ( so to speak) tomorrow bc I am off to bed. The weekends are hard for me to watch but I will do my best. Night John boy
Hi Ladies, it took me a few minutes to catch up. Geeze I would love to bring something to the partnership table....uuummm not too sure what i could bring that would equal anything you all have. How about Chief Manure Godess and barn tidy-upper. Would that work maybe.

Diane,about 5 years ago I went to a show ...I cant remember where in Fla. it was but I think it was at like a big pavillion and they had a miniature horse farm out front of it...Paddock something miniatures I believe. Would Spotty have been showing there w/a gentleman handler. I know it was not Catch b/c Ive seen him numerous times at shows. For some reason I believe it was Spotty...Nancy I have never liked the big Appys...well rarely liked...but the mini ones if they are leopards...I love....and they have to have tails....Spotty does!

so i do agree w/your comparision.

busy days here..3 dog baths....3 bridle paths,3 hoof sandings and major moisture lotion....they are all so dry lately!! Peanut was in and out depending on where i was to watch her. I gave her a good rinse and curry thinking maybe the sweaty heat itchiness would subside alittle. I think when you saw her really rubbing she had just had her rinse. Took care of the cruddy teats too. i dont know why i'll bother but will test PN again just for the giggle "it makes no difference" factor tonight.

We got no rain today...we are forcast to have storms Sat and Sun. Well Ive had the horses loose most of the day...lets go see if their ready to come in then its off to open up a can of soup for Skiff who is feeling good but still pretty tender lifting anything...drats I need some hay moved LOL

See you all tonight

Good Night Renee, Anna, morning cass

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