Peanut Blessed me with a

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it would be 3:15pm on the 5/8/11
can't wait to be there!! hehe come on peanut can you please get this show on the road!!!
Octo-mom? Jon & Kate?

Nope its just little Peanut

Itching her tail with all her might

and rubbing her squishy little butt

Sitting in her little corner

Looking like a big marshmello

Waiting for the big event

Finally got a 6 point zero

We’re hanging in

While she’s hanging out

We’re going to be bald

Tearing out hair out

Little Peanut

sweet and mild

do it now

Let’s see that 4 legged child
I think IMO that the bulge for the last few days has been at somewhat of an angle... bottom to top..about a week ago it was a straight line across front to back

she really looks like she got into the cookie jar over night. I switched one of the lights today to 100watt and its really making her look like a great white whale...but thats is shark week I think
what am I laughing at ...its my mare... :arg!

But they do look very much alike. Like you said mane tail..yup sisters

does she bite?

good morning Nancy, hes feeling better, just got up for a minute as a matter of fact. They gave him a bunch of pain killers but he's not big on drugs. He may have just taken an asprin. Hopefully he'll stay home tomorrow but I doubt it ...he'll go in to work Im sure.

FYI...Peanut will soon be the main attraction at SeaWorld Florida..just needs to pass a swimming test first
Morning all, how are your nerves Heidi? I am just off to feed my hungry lot, back in 20 minutes
By the way I found out Azium is NOT safe for a pregnant mare. Maybe your vet can look in his bags of tricks to find something safe she can have for her itching.
I'm turning in my watcher badge for the night, to make room for the

next group of Peanut watchers.

Our girl has had some interesting moves tonight...thought maybe one

of her poopy piles looked a bit looser than the apples I've seen before.

Liked some of her stretches, half rolls and continued pushes to

her behinder.

Progess in any manner shape or form is accepted.

Feel free to go ahead and let her perform some sort of magic,

over night, as I'd love to wake up to a new foal and could make

do with watching the instant replay on video.

Hope Skiff feels better in the AM...don't blame him for disliking

pain killers.

Night all......
O.K I am back, sorry it took so long but I had to do a bit of pony porn

Pony porn..please enlighten me ??

I looked all round the stable Peanut and wheres the baby this morning??..went to bed convinced i would see a cutie baby standing at your feet when i turned on the computer today..must be cooked by now
holy cow!!! look at those ears
She is not a happy camper

Lindi-loo Eagle has a mare here to be covered and she is far too big for him to do on his own
so I have to help
Little mini in your stall

two flakes of hay

You sure do maul

Weve watched you every day since june

sitting here thinking its gotta be soon

While hubby's in bed fast asleep

Im out in the barn checking your teats

Plenty of milk I can feel it at last

If you'll just stand still i'll try to be fast

I look at the color and its not to great

Still holding steady at seven point eight

Back to the house to stare at the screen

Shes acting as strange as i've ever seen

could this be a sign that foaling is near

Heck no shes only scratching her rear

30 more days have come and gone past

How much longer is this gonna last.

Her belly looks low and i can now see a v

I hope the strip tells me were at 6 point 3

I close my eyes and hope for the best

7.0 gosh i hate this test

Back to the house I go stomping my feet

This breeding stuff has become quite a feat

They say when shes ready she'll show you her foal

but these sleepless nights are taking their toll

several days later heading out to the barn

I stopped in my tracks when I heard the alarm

still half asleep a felt somewhat whoozi

till i looked at the screen and saw it was Suzi

All bundled up asleep in the hay

Was the tiniest filly Im sure was a bay.

Cassie was happy I could tell by her smile

Shes not leaving the barn Im sure not for awhile.

Im here still waiting for my day to come

when I look at Peanuts strip and it reads 6.1

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