Peanut Blessed me with a

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you girls are HILARIOUS!! you make me laugh!!

and it is very true about us needing a foal!! otherwise I'm sure we will go insane!

and your right Heidi about marestare, gosh they have some emoticons!! I was shocked LOL
Because my butts stuck to the chair too

No actually I do need to go turn it out. Ive just been putting it off b/cits so much easier to see when the light is on. Im going now to shut it of and have a cig.
I am off to take Alberto to school. Today is his last day then it's goodbye freedom
haha Heidi you put it so well poor Renee... well I have to go back down to work to do the tills... ponies in bed for the night Little brats!

be back in half an hour... ponies I don't mind if you foal without me...except for Suzie of course LOL just as long as you have your FOALS!!!
You ladies are just too much!!

You chat your way through 3 or more pages here and when I come on to check on what is happening, I have so much to read through, plus flicking up the cams to keep viewing our girls, I have no time to post before I hear my lot outside calling for their brekies! LOL!!

Haven't posted it on LB but we lost a foal three days after Chapella foaled. Exactly the same 'happening' as Chapella - mo pointy belly, no movement with her vulva, bag just begining to show movement, experienced mare (born 1995, we bred her) foals easily always going to her full dates. Daughter had done last minute checks on everyone and then left her farm to come over here with a couple of big round bales of hay for me. We got chatting doing a catch up on the mares progress - she stayed longer than she intended (about an hour and a half) went back to her farm and found mare in the field with perfect foal beside her - still in the bag! Foal still warm so she tried everying just in case, but it was too late. Perfect little filly, skinny looking though, pale chestnut with a trace of white spotting showing on her quarters (Momma and Daddy spotted). The mare is fine (thank goodness) and last night was showing good signs that she was accepting that the foal was dead and asking to go out with her fiends, so daughter will remove the foal and wait to see how the mare is before getting rid of it completely.

But daughter, of course, is beside herself, doing the 'if only' - 'if only' thing as this foal was so exitedly hoped for - was a try out mating and we were keeping out fingers crossed for something special, which is exactly what we got!

This mare, like Chapella, was due to foal mid to late July, so I have no idea what is happening this year. We have 3 more mares who might be in foal, due from the beginning of August, but one more who is due from mid July, who is looking just like Chapella and the mare who lost her foal, a small bag but no other signs. Daughter now wont leave the place and is viewing the field every 15 minutes, plus sitting in the living part of our lorry all night (that she has now backed into the centre of the huge barn for night watching)

but she cant keep this up with no sleep! I am not allowed to help as I have had some recent health problems, but we are hoping a friend will come over to give her an afternoon off to get a few hours of snooze, but there is also her 3 year old son to consider - not much chance of sleep with a hyper child running around!

So not a good week for us here so far. Was so hoping for one of the girls on here to produce a nice healthy foal to give me a bit of a lift - COME ON GIRLS!!

Oh Anna you poor thing!! how terrible has your daughter got her mares on marestare so we can watch them??

the poor thing.

hope she is able to get some sleep and the rest of your mares foal well and deliver beautiful healthy foals!! so it would make your day if suzie foaled tonight... come on my baby girl... will go out and check on her again soon...

Praying for you, your family and your girls Anna...

Oh Anna how sad! I am so sorry for you and your daughter. She sure is having a tough start and with a small child too it makes it so much harder. My youngest is 3 so I totally understand how much time they need at that age. I really hope that things will go smoothly from now on.

A question if it isn't inappropriate, do you vacc. against Rhino?
Oh man, Im so sorry, why do these things have to happen. We all try so darn hard...please give yourself and your daughter big hugs for me. You have a couple more to go and I'm sending my prayer that the rest will go as you so hope!

We all appreciate the support and warm thoughts you have given us...why does this stuff happen to the ones that give the most!
You really are sweet people, I knew I could share this with you without the feeling that anyoe would be saying "you should have been watching/there/have realised2 so my thanks.

The bag was actually quite thick, the cord and the afterbirth were all still attached, which made me wonder if it was a red bag that 'delivered easily' eg no complicated foal positions, but I guess we will never know.

Cotics (the mare) is fine and today has happily forgoten about her little daughter. We will not be breeding her again this year as she has had two babies on the trot and we never aim for three. But next year maybe, if we still have the colt/young stallion we used - it would have been his first and only foal for us.

No Renee we dont vacs against Rhino - dont think anyone does here in the UK??

Daughter is calming down a bit now - just feeling very sad and keeps going and giving Cotics a cuddle (which she loves LOL!!)

Just in case you are wondering about Cotics being a strange name, she is actually known as Narcotics, but we dont often shout that out across the fields when we want her! LOL!! (her real name is Nokomis but for some reason she has been Narcotics from when she was a yearling - probably because she was always so hyper and strong willed and mostly appeared to be 'high' on something.
Now in her mid teens she has at last turned into a calm sweet girl, but the name has stuck!)

Peanut is obviously enjoying some out and about time - fingers cross tonight might be 'productive'???

Wow the colour is good today! Now we know that the bucket really is pink. I think Diane might need some curtains on the window to the take room, what colour diane?
hi Heidi, how is your girl looking today? how sad is it about Dreamer and Sugar,

sorry Diane I didn't want to put it on Tina's post but when they say the foals aren't viable... they are dead? (to put it blunt) how do they get the foal out... Heidi if you would rather me not ask this question on your post thats fine... Diane if you could reply back to my post it would be appreciated...

Kinda scared for suzie now... especially after Anna as well...

here's hoping Peanut delivers us a beautiful healthy filly tonight!! I think we deserve one!! with everything going on... n Suzie's false last night silly girl
ok LOL sorry .

Thanks Diane.

I don't even think we have fescue grass in australia Dad had never heard of it...

what is miss Peanut up to tonight Heidi?
haha Diane!! she does look, uncomfortable even though she is just standing there... her's hoping either tonight or tomorrow night,
has she got cow patties Heidi? I agree Diane, she is looking more uncomfortable tonight... she hasn't laid down at all and she hasn't spent the whole time in 'her corner' not her usual self tonight...
Morning all
hhmm someone seems a little restless! Butt rubbing you say Diane, so she is copying Suzie. Maybe they will foal together

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