Peanut Blessed me with a

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Morning Anna, no foal to report here Suzie is in for the night, after having lots of fun in the mud :p

your poor daughter Anna... can she borrow a camera again?? or buy one? I have a baby monitor for Suzie and you can see its fine, not heaps good quality but it works!!

alright then Heidi start talking to that baby!!! come on baby!!!

hope you guys don't get to hot in Italy today Renee, our winter camp is set to begin Tuesday and I'm a leader for two of the days. freezing cold in the bush yippee LOL

COME ON BABY FOAL!!! you still have time to make an appearance tonight!!!
Anna, your poor daughter. Of course she is doing everything possible to keep these horses shes sleeping in the car..oh bless her heart. But she has children too...that must be so hard.

I just hope its a safe uneventful delivery. I want to run out and check the poops in the stall and see if they look like cow patties but I dont want to disturb her!
OMG did you see that?? she couldn't be bothered to even walk to the bathroom! she just peed in the middle
ooooooh!!! well I'm headed out to night church, doesn't start till 6:30 but I'm on singing so gotta go practice
Peanut and baby I give you permission to be born while I'm away!!! your lovely Aunties are watching you so all is safe!!!

Renee, whats your take on her...youve been watching every night too. tonight certainlly isnt her normal behavior but it still I think a coupple hrs away
Enjoy your singing Cassie!

Peanut does seems to be more restless, although she mostly seems to be trying to rub her shoulders - I notice you often have a fly mask on her Heidi, is she a bit 'fly sensitive' or is she just feeling a bit over hot and itchy tonight?

Thanks for your thoughts re daughter, dont worry though, she is made from stern stuff (me!). Actually last year was the first we had (borrowed) cameras. Before that our routine was much the same as daughter's is now. Checking mares every 20 minutes during the day and night, and at nights we always spent another 15-20 minutes down in the barn with the girls, talking to them, picking up droppings, giving a bit more hay where necessary. They loved it just as we did - it was 'our' time with the girls, as other than when foaling, they all live out (often several fields away from house and barns, and get visited once or twice a day for a check/chat. They are just so relaxed at foaling time, never getting up if they are snoozing, while we pop into their stables to pick the poos or to give a quiet stroke, but maybe this is because we have a more or less 'closed' herd? The last time we purchased new mares was in 2004 and 2005, so from when we started in 1992 all our girls are (more or less) home bred and by the time all the daughters, grand daughters and neices of our original girls, come through the 'breeding barn', they are well used to our strange ways! LOL!!

Off to check on Peanut and Suzie again. Oh and by the way, be careful what you say, my foundation mare is a Nutcracker (Nutty) and she would be very upset at any slight on her name - you would not want to be around Nutty when she gets upset - you have been warned!!

She sure has been restless tonight
who knows she could be a few more days or flop down whilst I am writing
Hi Anna, Nutty sounds like a couple of my little girls!!Her rubbing is more than alittle disturbing..she sems to do it often for the past week.She does tend too always get lots of flys on her face but I try to keep her mask on when I notice they are out. Its the neck and side rubbing that has me stumped. You may have seen me w/a comb the other day...checking for fleas or maybe some other yucky mite in her mane.nothing. I will say she has not had a bath in over 2 weeks because of her frantic rolling when she gets wet...just makes me too nervous to watch her and figured we will have a spa day after foaling. This is really going out on a limb but I wonder if its too hard for her to lay down and roll so this is her way to position baby...I sure hope not.

Do you know "why'or whats the signifigence (sp ) of the loose poop prior to foaling
I think it is their way of emptying out. When I called the vet to to tell him to get his butt here bc Britt was going to foal, he asked what made me so sure and I told him she had pooped 6 times in an hour, he said that wasn't a real sign, well she foaled 10 minutes later and I lost the filly. I won't tell you what I wanted to say to him!!!

This was a very particular case though and I knew she was very high risk so don't panic Heidi
How heartbreaking, I think I remember your posting on that. Well The "godess just picked up 5 piles, 3 pretty runny out of Peanuts stall and there is only 2 in Silver Belles. I dont know if that means anything but maybe?

Your sons Summer camp it an overnight camp or does he just go for the day. How long does it last? I always for bad for the youngest when their older sibling gets to do things and they arent old enough yet...maybe he would rather just hang w/mom anyway. When do the kids start school there. Kids in fl. dont start until Oct. b/c the schools dont want to have to pay to air condition the school in Sept..always thought that was odd.
I'm back
singing was lots of fun thanks

no foal yet Heidi,
did you talk to that baby yet? I have talked to Suzie's baby and told her/him that tonight is the night!! :p

I agree with Renee I think humans do a similar thing... well that is what I have heard as I have never experienced it HEHE

oh Renee, how terrible!! stupid vet... as we have been saying the whole time!! we know our horses better than anyone else!!
No Not yet
I was so hoping it was going to be last night while Skiff was going to be here. He leaves shortly and will not be home till around 10 pm..we have a couple events today....I just really wanted the extra hands for emergency and /or support. We live out in the country and cell phones dont work well out here...well only if you stand in a particulr spot ( its way away from barn )which means I will have to run in the house for the land line. Oh well...Im not going to think about that

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