Peanut Blessed me with a

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I'm sure that everything will be fine! she will do a great job of foaling and she will be the best mum!!

I'm sure Suzie is going to foal while Dad and my brothers are down at the snow for the week!! Dad is my animal helper grrr LOL so glad I decided I should stay home with mum phew!!! LOL

that sucks about phone reception!! do you have a satellite phone or something?

Hope everything goes well for Skiff tomorrow!!
Matteo is off for the whole week and we will go and have lunch at the camp and pick him up next Sunday. I am going to take Alberto to the circus tonight as he just loves animals. ( I am sure I will be cringing for the entire performance)

Does your phone work in the stall with Peanut? We might want to pre-organise some sign language:

1 finger Colt

2 fingers Filly

you could always give us your vets number just in case you need help and can't leave Peanut.

THIS WILL NOT HAPPEN BUT I LIKE TO BE PREPARED (sods law says things only happen if you are not prepared! Right?

What do you think?
It is 13.00 here
All seems quiet with both girls at the moment - I always have to rush back to the cams to check before I post, as I'm never sure if, by the time I have read through everyone elses post, someone could have foaled!!

Heidi, sorry but I have no idea why Peanut has suddenly started to feel itchy on her neck. If she laid down more I'd say perhaps something in the shavings. She used to nibble her front legs a while ago didn't she - perhaps it is just something she does in the late stages of pregnancy? Well you know what these mares are like!
But I doubt it is the lack of a bath, the only bods who get washed here are those going showing. The mares never see shampoo or water, except rainwater of course, but then our lot are kept 'au naturalle' (sp?) and need all the natural oils left in their oats (and the dirt, muck and dust!!)

Regarding loose piles of poo - most mares in late pregnancy will do some loose piles, but they do them at the normal time they would do normal poos. When you see your mare walking round the stable doing small loose piles one after the other with hardly a break - expect a foal any minute! LOL!! And yes, it is the normal way to clear the bowel before straining to get the foal out. Also dont panic after foaling as it will quite often be 12 hours or more before a mare gets enough food going through her system again to do another poo! It is nice to be able to offer a mare several wet/damp feeds after she foals, rather than put dry food through her empty system, plus soft leafy hay and best of all an hour or so out (maybe in hand) to graze on some really good grass. We have a special 'safe for baby' area of nice rich grass that we use for all our mares, in hand, around 5 hours after they have foaled and graze them for about 3/4 to an hour to help flush through their systems naturally. Depending upon the foal we may do this twice the next day, before allowing them both out loose in the mare and foal field the next day. It helps to keep control of the mare if the foal is a little weak in the leg department for a couple of days, foal gets to run around while Momma munches the grass. It's better for the foal than to risk Momma taking off at a gallop loose across a field, either because she feels like it or because she wants to keep her new baby away from anyone else in the field who might be wanting a looksee!

Heavens, why is it that I always write so much everytime I post. I really must stop it - bad habit of mine! LOL!!

Rushing off to check the girls - most probably both had babies after all this time.

sorry, was just glued to cam..She was down at 9;30 SO NOT LIKE HER. nipples pointing straight down loose stools, hard bag Vets # 1- 239- 694- 7177DR.VanRoekel or one of his associates ( not sure who is on call today/tonight. Thank you Anna, I think today I'll spend a little time putting up round pen panels to make a smaller grassy pasture.not much grass in the pastures as they are now but wehave the front lawn. Hi need to babysit you silly girl...go start your vacation
Little drop of goodness on each

I even broke down and put a little straw in there...little Suzi always looks like a bug in a rug in her stall so I figured I should bite the bullet and give Peanut some. I just hope she only uses it to sleep and not poop and Pee. My big fear is fireworks tonight...we have these spanish neighbors down the street and they tend to party for every holiday.
Hi, I checked Peanut earlier and she has a little drop on each teat. She layed down for about 30 min w/alot of checking out her sides...legs stretched out. She has never layed down when the sun is up.
diane,I know you are busy getting ready to leave so you can answer later if you want but didnt you say your horses are at your moms your brothers live at your moms too or would this mean they have to make a point and actually go there to "check on them".snowcap would be nice...i'll pray
she sure is restless today, does she want out? I find it very strange that she keeps standing in the bathroom!

Diane I am sending prayers that your mare will hold on until you get back and the SHE is snowcap.
Renee, most of my horses are usually stalled during the mid afternoon anyway and are not let out again until 4 sometimes 5 so staying in her stall now shouldnt be that upsetting to her. But taking your suggestion, I did let her out and it was good, she at least got down and did a few good rolls and meandered around alittle. Its just so darn hot and I cant see her in the pasture I stalled her after 30 min. I will go out later when it cools to try again for some more rolling. I wish I had finger paints as I would love to write HI DIANE right across her back!!Shes so fat there is a ton of writing area!!
"Hurry Home Aunty Diane" would even fit on that fat butt
I think you were right to put her out for 30 mins as she was looking as though she wanted to go, maybe she prefers to roll out in the open. I have a mare that will roll as soon as I open her stall door right on the concrete, it is really funny, I will video it one day.

Anyway back to miss peanut she seems happier now, come on Peanut give up your cashew
Glad that peanut is looking settled
exciting bout the milk n the rolling are you going to try n express some or just leave her??

I noticed the straw yay!!!! Comfy peanut tonight she might get so comfy that the foal would slide right out of her wish suzie would do that grrr lol

Praying for rain at your neighbors house tonight!!

Or you could go up to them n say very nicely

Excuse me ma'am sir I was wondering if you would be so kind as to hold off your fireworks as I have a mare about to foal and she does not like the fireworks

Hehe maybe that could work wow I really am in a strange mood this morning :p

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