Peanut Blessed me with a

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wow she loves a scratch lovely to watch, hope bub comes soon
It is lovely to watch
yes we are all hoping peanut decides to give Heidi her foal!!! Hope it's born tonight after 12 then it's an independence dayfoal :D
Yup, you guess it fireworks!! I stayed with Peanut and SilverBelle and sent Skiff over to camp at the other barn for a bit.Poor guy just walked in from work and I had him out babysitting horses. I think they have quieted down for now so we should be good to go. I have not gone to bed for a couple nights so Im going to turn the torch to Skiff and he will watch and I will try to sleep for a bit. If you guys see anything out of Peanuts norm feel free to call us,I will most likely not nap for more than a couple hours...if that. Good Night All and Happy 4th!! See you in a bit
All quiet on the Peanut front, she's grazing her stable at the moment.

So sorry you and Peanut (and your other horses) had to go through more fireworks Heidi - hope you managed to get a couple of hours snooze?

Come on Peanut, you will be so much more comfortable with that baby on the ground as against having to carry it around with you all the time.

Happy 4th July my friends.

Hi Anna!!!
happy 4th July have you noticed though that she has changed corners?? she has been pacing a little more tonight too, and just before the was two massive bites just to her tummy just near her back legs... poor foal was in for it LOL

come on Peanut we want to see your Baby
Yes Cassie - different corners, just like Suzie last night when she insisted on keeping close to her water bucket a lot of the time!

Just seen Heidi doing a stable clean up - I love those owners who are busy busy during the nights. LOL!! I hope she managed to get a couple of hours sleep though?

Off to do my crew now, will check in again before I leave to go do a little shopping and then on to visit Cathy (daughter) - back around my late lunchtime, so probably by morning with Peanut?

Heidi, I really feel for you when I see you out there at 3.30 am, these girls really make us nervy don't they. You know you want to fill her stall with straw so be done with it, go and get a whole bale and put it down, you will feel better after

Hugs Renee
naw Heidi!! do, Renee is absoloutly right!! and Anna your right too... the last two, maybe three night Suzie has been spending most of her time near the water bucket...

it might be a thing Heidi, a change that both our girls are showing meaning they are getting closer!!!
Good Morning

Good Afternoon

Good Night....just want to make sure I cover everyone.No sleep tonight,late fireworks and actually I dont know why, but Im just not tired. Yes you guys did catch me changing the sheets out there tonight...Renee you have no idea just how right you are...but Im just not ready to get completely on the straw wagon yet.I have to wean myself into it, putting down a flake at a time
Cassi all I ever get to see of Suzi is her Booty...I used to like seeing her in the middle of her stall.

Anna, you need to get Cathy on here to play chit chat with us. Is she ever on LB. Although with children and all the horses Im sure it would be hard for her to find time.

Lets remember to keep Dianes little mare in our thoughts too.

Cassie, I keep forgetting to ask you..I know its cold where you are but will you be clipping alittle of Suzis belly before foaling or is it just to cold to even bother. Talk with you all alittle later
good I'm glad Peanut is resting

No Heidi I won't be, apart from the fact that it is freezing, and she won't let me... I don't think I want to... I know that probably brings up some heated topics about all that... if I had done it when she wasn't as advanced in her pregnancy I might have but I will see how the foal goes... whenever he she makes an appearance... sigh.

p.s suzie is pretty much in the middle now...

no she is up again... penny is still in her paddock gotta go move her back now then she will prob settle down
baby cashew is kicking so much that i could see it on cam
poor Peanut
I am off to bed now Heidi I will have her up your nightime. Have a good afternoon.

I WOULD DIE DIE DIE! No Nick baby has ever had anything but beautiful names to match his beautiful children!

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