Peanut Blessed me with a

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hey Heidi, hope Peanut has her little cashew tonight (LOVE the name by the way!!!)

Cashew you have my consent to be born tonight even though I won't be able to watch you!! be safe little one

Heidi and other aunties and uncles, if you wouldn't mind keeping a little eye on Suzie for me today? she is in the stable for today cos we are in for some wild weather... just a check every couple of hours until you go to sleep would be appreciated


Have a good night Heidi, Peanut and Cashew!!

how was your flight? Dont worry there are still a few hours left till the holiday is over...we all have time for holiday babies. hows your Mom,she must be loving it seeing the 3 generations getting together.No news here except that I now know, I REALLY HATE STRAW !! :arg! At least I gave it a 2nd chance...should have had shavings brought w/hay the other Im almost out and cant leave till baby is born which at this rate might be in August!!

Cassie, I have to ask? where did I miss the post on the name of Cashew...ummm not so sure I'm feeling that name...think we may need to consult a little more on that one.

Diane, any news about your little mare?

Well Im sorry you where not able to get to the computer last night but its probablly just as well....after all it was your first night visiting!

Make sure you post pictures of that new grand baby as soon as she makes her grand entrance!! Talk soon
it wasn't me who started it Heidi LOL I was just saying I like it :p

no foal yet...
come on miss Peanut!!

Diane I'm glad you made it safe and sound

hope you have a lovely time with your daughter!!

I WOULD DIE DIE DIE! No Nick baby has ever had anything but beautiful names to match his beautiful children!
Heidi I think your friend Marty is complaining about Peanuts name too

( Calm down Marty, Cashew was just a joke )
Morning all!

Hope everyone is feeling good today? No 4th July babies then.
Was it Marty who a while back predicted the 4th as a birth date? Like to take another guess Marty?

Glad to hear you arrived safely Diane and that all the family are well. When is the new baby due - sending good wishes for that important birth, plus I hope your little mare hangs on until you return before producing her new baby.

Heidi I know you hate straw (not sure why?) but Peanut obviously approves LOL!! Good to see that she has taken the chance to have a laydown snooze - perhaps a bit more straw is needed LOL! But seriously do you put down straw or hay when the baby is about to be born or do you foal on shavings?

Cassie, I see your weather has improved - Suzie was just following you out of her stable when I last checked on your cam.

Regarding daughter Cathy being on LB, no she isn't, she relies on me to pass over any info/things I learn as she uses her laptop for other things rather than websites. But believe it or not there is no broardband/internet at her partners farm (old fashioned farmers, never used computers!) but under normal circumstances Cathy is here with me a lot of the day and has her internet connection here, it is just now that she refuses to leave the foaling mares at her place, that I dont see her unless I go visit over there. She is most annoyed as she wanted to work on updating our website while mare watching, but no internet!

If all is well this morning with the mares, she is going to chance taking a couple of hours 'off' and shooting up here to 'plug in' so she can get her e-mails from the past two weeks and catch up on 'official' bits and pieces.

Sorry I'm not around here very much to chat, but life is going through a busy/stressful patch right now and I need to be 'elsewhere', but I do keep checking on the girls throughout the day and my thoughts are with you all.

Speak again soon!

HI Anna!!

no weather hasn't improved I just felt bad for her being locked up in the stable all day so when I came home I let her out, but it was still blowing a gale and she had her ears back just standing rear to the wind, so I put her back in and fed her...

Thanks for all the help you have been Anna!! hope everything settles down for you real soon and you mare foal's okay!!

thinking of you and your daughter right now!! your poor things!

well Heidi Peanut is in her normal corner again, looking pretty quiet... gosh I wish these mares would hurry up and have these foals!! if suzie doesn't foal this week I'm going to get the foal out to check her!
"I'm going to get the foal out to check her!" Miss Cassie, will you put the foal back in after you check on her?..I think you mean get the vet out!! silly

My husband sort of made me lay down when he got home last night..said something about needing to sleep. Well I slept and slept.Just got up. He watched the camera all night for me. Im going to go read the other posts and get back to you all shortly.

haha WOOPS!!!!!!!!!!! glad you knew what I was saying cos I obviously didn't hand to the forehead!! I think I might be going FOAL CRAZY!!! hehe

Glad you slept so well!! you are amazing staying up all night long!!! good work HUBBY!!!!

very proud of you and him! you OBVIOUSLY NEEDED it!! hehe

No, no cashew... will have to think of another name... macadamia?? JUST KIDDING!!!!
I just saw your other post.....congratulations to you, Katy and the rest of the family
did you remember to wrap her tail before she left for the hospital
Will she be using Straw or shavings
O.K. I'll stop being silly!! How about the little brother, I bet he's excited too. Time will go fast w/you visit so enjoy it and dont worry about anything...we'll be here waiting for you to get back.
Just the last post she made..Im angry b/c Skiff watched the camera for a bit this am b/c i needed
and I wanted to get paints for the
well you know......but I completely forgot...may be able to run out in the AM!!

I'll be back in a bit...Quahog Dr. appt. tomorrow so I have to go give him a bath before it gets dark....if I can get him!!
Nancy , im not sure what would be going on I just logged on again the same way you would and it appears fine uummm let me know if you still cant get it to work.

Peanuts stablemate is

Popcorn ( its actually Peanuts sister ) I treated her w/medicated shampoo today b/c she was getting this yucky stuff on her chest..anyway she is in the slinky B/C I didnt have time to let her dry...she will roll, she's a really dappled gray.almost looks appy some days!!

P.S. Diane when I saw Last Spokes post I thought oh Diane is missing this...I was going to remind you to find it when you get back....low and behold...what did you do ..sniff out that horse had already found it. I was glad to see Spotty!!

I cant believe they had your daughter waiting for that long...Dr. must be on "mare time" Well I know you'll let us know as soon as she makes her arrival. Have fun!
I am clueless what is happening.

I even went to some other sites, from the M/S website, that said their cams

are up and running but the only one I can access is Cassie's now?!?!

On her page there is all the buttons, etc and below the cam photo. All the other

cams show up black screens with no buttons below.

Looks like I may not be of much help although I'm leaving your page up in case

it 'wants' to load.

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