Peanut Blessed me with a

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Ha!Ha! You two are just

Just got in for a quick check on everyone before I rush out again to do my furkids (been busy off the place most of the day)

I see we still have two 'intact' mares!
These girls really are making everyone suffer LOL!!

Take no notice of Cassie - I'm not an ogre and you dont need to jump when I tell you too. Suzie was so restless last night and was showing all the signs of possible foaling when Cassie said "when I see the white sac I will go call my Dad and we will go out" or words to that effect. I got in a panic because I imagined Suzie foaling while Cassie went to get her Dad, waited while he got dressed etc etc, and I knew that if all was well Suzie would have foaled well before they got there, Cassie would have missed it, plus if Suzie needed help it would have been too late. So I got them all roused by telling them they had to get right out there, even sit on chairs quietly, where they could watch her, but that they HAD to be there before she started to foal.

Of course Suzie proved me wrong and made me out to be a fool, changed her mind and is STILL preggers! LOL!!

Lets hope our girls do something constructive (on different sides of the world) within the next 24 hours.

Haha Anna I'm sorry I was just teasing I didn't mean to offend at all I'm an Aussie I love to tease lol

You have so much knowledge to offer n thankyou for helping us out

I'm glad you let me know about going out there before the sac I am so used to cattle birthings that are normal to take ages so all the info I am getting is very very helpful thankyou

Sorry anna
Anna, that was funny. oh must have broken your toe when you dropped the phone after hearing Cassie being so
and all. Cassie you remind me of my husband. I think im more like Anna..I'd be tripping over myself getting out there....note to you guys CALL ME!!
Heidi that was Renee who did the phone call, I was the one shouting out posts via the internet while jumping back and forth between Suzie's cam and Cassie's thread LOL!!

I'm like you - I HAVE to make sure I'm there well in time (it's wonderful this year as I have passed all the stress and worry over to daughter!!) In the past I used to drive daughter mad by waking her (I did the 6pm to 4am watch, while she did the 4am to noon, then we did horse work between us noon to 6pm) from her 'sleep' on the living room sofa (fully clothed I might add) to tell her someone was going to foal. Time to make tea/coffee, use the loo, put loads of warm outdoor clothes on and go out and take our positions on our chairs! She would often complain that she could have stayed asleep, but the mares never let me down and we always had a foal within the hour! Last year we were lucky enough to get 13 foals from 13 mares, but we also had one full red bag, two partial red bags (where the placenta presented first but showing the 'star') and they split themselves with the next contraction, plus two foals with a front foot hidden over the wrong side of their heads and two maiden mares with quite 'tight' foalings, so I consider it very lucky that we were 'in attendance'!! My tiny favourite elderly mare was the last to foal and by this time I was beside myself. Having successfully got 12 foals, surely our luck would run out with the 'dreaded 13th'! I smoked and smoked, bit all my nails (I never bite my nails) cursed myself for letting daughter persuade me into letting my little sweetheart have just one more foal, and she just hung on and got bigger and bigger!
I was a basket case! In the end she easily popped out a tiny little colt, the image of Dragon! What a relief, but never again. My elderly girls are just so precious and I want them to have long and happy retirements! By the way - the name of my little sweetheart.............Heidi

ps. Meant to add no offense taken Cassie, I love the teasing/banter that goes on on these threads. Hope you didn't mind me giving you orders - ooop's I mean advice --- LOL!!

Well geeze Anna, your daughter can handle things just ducky next year...I would sure be in good hands if i knew you were taking a little vacation down here in South Florida!! Im glad too hear little Heidi made it thru her last pregnancy with flying colors...I would be stressed out too.
Hey I would just love to visit the US of A before I get completely in my dotage -- I have just one problem to overcome.............................they no longer allow smoking whilst flying! LOL!!

I never did get the cam to come up last night.

Then woke this morning to a message on the CenturyLink helpline that

the DSL was down in portions of Washington & Oregon.

I'm on Michael's laptop, now, as my computer decided to have a major burp

when it went offline so it'll be going to the computer doc, tomorrow :-(

Thought maybe when I got back on Peanut would have a little bundle by her side.

Glad you've lots of good eyes helping you.

***Diane, Way BIG congrats on the new bebe grandest baby!
tonights the night Heidi!!!

Anna I'm glad your ok with before :D I don't mind taking orders at all, I honestly didn't know that you had to be out there ready to assist that soon so thankyou!!

how is bubba doing??

Heidi my regular question how is Peanut and baby tonight?? hehe
I thought for sure last night would be IT but it wasn't IT and I was really getting ticked off because its about dang time we have that foal. Heaven knows I need all the beauty sleep I can get at this point in my life.
I don't know much about all this, but I've been watching her and she IS acting different...up and down a lot.
Yep and that is different for peanut Alicia she hardly ever lies down the swishing tail tummy biting kicking pacing lying down n getting up again are all little signs that together mean she should foal real soon

She has gone over your midnight mark Heidi we will forgive her tho is she still has it tonight!!!
Anyone up for a game of charades? (bangs head on desk)

Yep and that is different for peanut Alicia she hardly ever lies down the swishing tail tummy biting kicking pacing lying down n getting up again are all little signs that together mean she should foal real soon

She has gone over your midnight mark Heidi we will forgive her tho is she still has it tonight!!!
I have been watching like a hawk! I'm hoping to see all the beginning signs for her and Suzie so I can report to my mom some of the beginning signs. You can read and read about this, but seeing it all happen for yourself (myself at least
) is the best way to learn. I'm hoping Peanut has hers soon...she seems like she's uncomfortable. She can't be still for even a few seconds, poor thing. I remember my labors...the hours before the actual pushing SUCKED really bad, so I can imagine it's not too different for animals.
I'm exactly the same Alicia I find watching them is so much fun especially when they are being interesting like how Peanut n suzie have been lately!! you can learn so much from just watching them let's hope peanut actually fOals tonight!!!

Marty lol your funny yep charades sounds good COME ON PEANUT!!!

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