Peanut Blessed me with a

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Good Morning Anna, well Ive been hiding in the shadows for a couple hours..but I couldnt hide from the mosquitos. Does anyone think that what we had last PM was stage one..just trying to figure out a time line
I think it is exactly what Suzie did two nights ago so we shall see what she does tonight then we might no something she certainly looked like she was going to do something!!! Hope she still will tonight u should see Suzie she is resting her head on my neck right now lol
I think baby is in a position that she doesn't like so she feels uncomfy! Suzie did it and then settled so once baby is ready I think she will be too

It really would help us Aunties if you could take a few photos cos it is hard to see on cam. I don't think she looks the right shape yet but it is hard to say
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Saw you and Suzie sharing a grooming session, Cassie - so sweet!

Have no idea what these two girls are up to? All this "I'm uncomfortable, cant settle" from both of them, then ..........nothing.

Ever get the feeling they are 'playing' with us. LOL!! Naughty girls!

So where were you hiding Heidi? Must have been a good spot as Peanut didn't give you away by looking in your direction?

Oooooo Peanut has just laid down. The place where she has gone down looks a bit hard and bare, silly girl! She has obviously spread all her bedding about during the night, she really should think what she's doing. LOL!!

Wonder if we are going to have a baby?

Shame she didn't feel comfortable enough to stay down a bit longer for a little snooze - baby must be pushing the boundaries in there, poor Peanut. Am waiting for her to do the up and down, up and down proceedure leading to .........a foal!!

Go Peanut GO!

LOL Ireckon they have been playing with us for the last month what do you reckon Heidi LOL naughty girls LOL Suzie loves a scratch hehe she loves scratching me too!!!
Good Morning Everyone, do we all have our smiley faces on today? Anna, my husbands tractor was out near SB stall. I was sitting up there and I could see right thru the top door..luckily she was standing in the corner that was visible.Looking at my notes,She was up and down 15 times last night ( 5 sternal w/longest sternal 13 minutes )6 poops and 4 pees ( that I saw )What any of this means..who knows except that she has never been up and down more than 4 times per night and only sternal 4 times since she been on camera, poop is usually 3 to 4.Now the tail was swishing alot but that could be contributed to tail wrap being uncomfortable. I redid it yesterday and pulled alittle hair up thru and down tape to keep the top part from slipping as it sometimes does. Perhaps she didnt care for may have loosened up some b/c she doesnt seem to mind it now.My husband stayed home alittle bit longer than he planned so I was able to sleep for an hour. I just fed but Im still not really awake so I'll go out in a bit to see if she'll give milk and will test.

it doesnt look like it on camera but the skies are really wierd looking this am..Typical of Florida storms and the news is saying thunderstorms all day in this area..hopefully all will stay calm. Skiff has left for work now so its me and the dogs. BTW Quahog went in yesterday for another round of chemo but they couldnt do it...his liver counts ( what ever they are ) are off the charts...they wanted to keep him and have him on some sort of I.V. and an utra sound or some sort of MRI will be done today.Poor little guy has actually been running around and feeling good..I thought we were making progress.

Well coffee is waiting and ive got to go say good morning to miss suzie. Cassie, I hope your enjoying camp...but please try not to get as dirty as the kids...thanks for the great narrating you did last night...I was too busy watching and it was hard to type

Talk with you all in a bit

That's good that you were able to get some sleep a great pity that peanut didn't foal last night. Now we turn over to miss suzie who tonight tho you can't see it has a pink ribbon braided into her tail here's hoping lol

Very sad bout your dog having to stay in hospital can't help all that much we always refer cancer cases to the emergency clinic which are awesome but if you have any questions I am happy to findbout the answers :D hope everything improves for your little man!

Have a wonderful day
hope you talk some sense into that pong n foal of yours I tried tonight so let's hope it works
nite Heidi
I've been watching day & night with the rest of you!
I saw those 3:30 AM poop picking sessions too!

I've been here all along!

Ooopsy! One of the outside mares I'm foaling out, done DID this AM!


Your turn Miss Peanut!
Hi Nancy...thats what i have yes..what do you think....close?
I pooped out, on ya, last night....

BUT I dreanmed of her all night so might as well of stayed up.

I am flabbergasted not to see her bundle this morning with all the up & down,

the side biting, the chewing on her leg I'd seen earlier.

When I saw her stretching out the rear left leg I went ahhh ha, progress.

Peanut.....COME ON - Your Mom wants to snuggle your bebe!!!
Robin congratulations!! was the owner excited? foal?filly? no complications I presume! Im glad to know you've been here all if we can only get Marty away from her crafting duties!!

Nancy, I was dreaming about her to when I slept but they were more like night mares!! I sure hope she will show us her filly tonight!!
Heidi, I'm so sorry to hear about Quahog - most strange considering you felt he was so much better. Have you heard anything new from the vets yet?

A Tractor! Now that could be a good place to sit, nice and high up, not very warm or comfortable though, still too comfortable and you might have fallen asleep!

Hope your weather holds off so Peanut can go for a little stroll this afternoon.

Congratulations on your new baby Reo - us lot here are extremely jealous. Can you tell us what you did to make that baby pop out at the right time!!

Off to check on Cassie.

The tractor Anna , really wasnt too bad...just the bugs!

It never rained as hard as expected today so let Peanut out...boy was she a rolling rock star..I didnt think she had it in her being as chunky as she is. Hoping that got baby moved around enough for a foaling tonight.Fingers crossed!
Heidi, just checked Peanut and there seems to be interferance on the cam (lines, some wide, going from top to bottom), is it the weather or is it something that needs looking at so we dont lose contact tonight?? (when of course she will foal!)

Cam is fine now!

Looks as if it is munchy time for Peanut. Then you are grooming someone -- oooops a doggy head has just popped up in Popcorn's stable (I still dont know if it is Popcorn who lives next to Peanut) so who is it receiving the grooming session?

Hows Quahog - and is Ribs doing ok?

Hoping we might see a foal tonight - will you be back on the tractor?

OK now I'm puzzled! We have THREE little horses on view all at the same time. Which is which? Obviously I know Peanut, but who is tied to her door and who did you let into the next stable? Just being nosey! LOL!!

Hi Anna, Lets see, what were we doing today. Its easier to bath in the new barn so 1st Holly got a bath but I took her back right after so Im not sure if you saw her. Then sun came out so I put Silver Belle out ( S.B. is normally Peanuts roomie )brought Nicky ( black and white Stallion ) and put him in Silver Belles stall for a bit while i got clippers ready, then I bathed and clipped him out front, he's most likely the one you saw. Hes the one that Peanut is bred to...he used to belong to Marty. I did have Ribs in one of the stalls b/c he's right under my feet the whole time.

Im waiting for the dr. to call on how Quahogs MRI went. The other vet who was dealing with his liver issues said those levels were back to norm this a.m. Cancer has not spread to his liver.They will continue w/Chemo on Monday.

Ribs on the other hand is tough to judge. He's happy and really wants to do things....carries and throws his rubber ball every where expecting a toss but his back legs are like jello. He has almost no control over them. Sometimes when he sits on the tile floor they just slowly split apart and you can tell by his face he just doesnt understand whats going on. He will walk to the barn but his back legs just dont work right and sometimes he just freezes and cant seem to move them. He is in no pain physically...just not sure about emotionally. Daiquri our oldest GSD is still just trudging along..she a crazy girl!!LOL

Popcorn is kept in the other barn but I do bring her over to bath and you may have seen her the other day in S,.B. stall. Your not noset BTW

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