Peanut Blessed me with a

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Ok...she can have HER within the next 15 minutes while I'm feeding my Kittens, or she'll just have to wait until I get out of the shower. I know as soon as I start the shower the bag will pop out! LOL
Lol anytime is good we dnt mind lol just as long as it's tonight!! Have you got silver belle in foal?

I would appreciate marty making me some too LOL!!! She seems to have settled back down now... How many days is she now Heidi??
She has the "look" and it shouldn't be too much longer now!
Robins here
Robins here
O.K. Now I'm at Peace
obins Here
Morning my buddies
What on earth has little miss Peanut been up to? Is it me that brings bad luck bc she seems quiet now
Lol haha did you lol aren't I the most stunning thing ever!!!! Haha not!! I think I got it in a pretty good spot gonna have trouble getting it back for tonight but atleast I can watch her!!

Your peanut seems to have settled again
that's what suzie has done to me 4 times now!! Let's hope peanut has this little goal tonight!! She sure looks like she will!!!
I've had your cam up and working for severasl hours now.

I keep expecting her water too splush and a baby to appear.

What's going on with you Ms. Peanut???

Is she 347 today?
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Ok...I've been staring a hole through her and the more I stare the calmer she gets
. So, I'm really going to take a shower this time...maybe if I'm not looking something will happen... LOL My mom always says watched water will never boil...I'll be back in a little while...maybe there will be 2 lil horses when I get back
I slept just fine thanks well at least until about 4.30am and then Alby called me, he doesn't like sleeping in his room alone now that his big brother is away at camp
I can't wait for Matteo to come home, I miss him like mad.
Morning all

I over slept - restless night and fell asleep properly about 3 hours ago!

No baby yet I see -- take no notice of the fact that Peanut is grazing, I had a mare who was eating her hay with great gusto, she suddenly laid down, pushed, foal shot out, mare still with a mouthful of hay! I was standing right there but didn't even have time to leap over her (low) door to help - couldn't believe what I was seeing. LOL!!

Come on Peanut, PUSH!!


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