Peanut Blessed me with a

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LOL yeah I reckon... Peanut you would be everyone's favourite mare if you went first and had your little foal tonight!!!!
I think we have a milk test!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .................................................
:shocked ............................................... hehehe, we need some game show waiting music!! LOL COME ON DOWN HEIDI!!
Diane!!! she is the SWEETEST little thing!!! how beautiful!!

her poor big brother must be feeling it...

I know we keep thinking the same thing!! Peanut unfortunatly looks pretty calm right now...

come on Peanut we wanna see some action...
look at those little cheecks and the little nose and little eye...oh shes just delicious!! Your poor little least he got to spend the day with his new sister and Mom. I think moms and babies should stay in the hospital longer anyway.they seem to kick them out in a couple days!Diane its hard to tell in the picture but ..any hair? looks like a little soft peach fuzz.

FYI test strip tonight showed 6.8 or 6.4 hard to tell but in that range..will test again tomorrow

I know I need to go out and change Peanuts sheets but its raining and I was hoping you wouldnt notice!!
hehe we don't notice! LOL but we notice Lillee!! have a look Heidi, she might foal on us!! then we can see what our girls should, or shouldn't do
Oh Diane I just want to kiss those rosy cheeks, she is just the prettiest little girl. Well done Grandma you past on those good genes
Sorry that big brother is confused by it all, bless him but mummy needs her rest so she is in the best place for that.

We miss you, come back soon.
Peanut looks very quiet too at the moment but here ears are moving back and forth a lot so she is listening to something
She does seem very restless for the last while and those ears are working overtime.
Peanut seems to have changed size, colour and shape! LOL!! We have an interloper folks!

Hi Heidi-I have been watching Peanut from WI and I hope she goes soon because I am leaving town and have no idea if we will have internet. I was wondering if you could give us an update on her status....milk, vulva color, etc. so I can see if I have the time to go out and work with my own horses? :) Good luck with the foaling if I miss it.
Sorry guys, I was attrempting to catch up on some laundry/housework yesterday and didnt get too much time here. We did Foal Strips Thurs PM and was able to get the smallest drop only but it was 6.8...maybe just alittle more toward the "rare" side. I was unable to get any milk to test in the 2 times I tried yesterday. Will try again today. Her teats are pointing straight down and everything IMO seems to say we are close. Still no loose poops though. if I can get milk and she is not at 6.4 i will call vet and ask him out by monday.

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