Peanut Blessed me with a

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Hope your able to get some more milk Heidi n that she is getting closer. My foal time test strips came Friday so I'm gonna try testing suzie as well soon she doesn't have a very big bag at all but hopefully I will get a drop or two.

Yes update on how relaxed she is... Has she dropped more?? Colour?

And why preytell are you having the vet out on Monday? To tell you where the baby is hiding? Save your money and I'll tell you for free.

The test strips can change FAST.
test strip tonight= 6.8

Her behavior is off the charts...never have i had such a cranky horse. I look at her face and shes like a little angel...but really she wears Prada. any more of this and she will be on my arts and crafts shelf!!!

....its a joke, relax already!!!
I think that means she can blow anywhere from now to the next 24 hours. Right?

Be sure to call me. Heading to bed but I cannot miss this!

It sounds as though we are getting closer - I'm mean Peanut is getting closer.

Good morning Anna, i sure hope were getting close my eyes are going buggy watching this screen every night peanuts down...nope she up drats!!

Hows your daughter holding up..she must be exhausted too...tell her were all thinking about her. When is your next one due?
Those ears as usual are working overtime. I really hope she foals soon. Looking forward to seeing the little baby
Thanks Karina, I sure hope so too. I dont know if its the baby i want to see or just to have my little girl Peanut back again and in a happy mood!!
I am sure she will be fine and she will be delighted with her new bundle once he/she decides to make an appearance. I used to feel so sorry for my mares in that last few wks but they are so chuffed with their babies and I know it was worth it.
thinking of you and Peanut Heidi!!! we think Suzie has another week or two to go... I sure hope Peanut doesn't wait that long for you!!!
Morning Heidi.

I'm quite sure you must be boggle-eyed by now, I'm hoping that Peanut will go 'pop' very soon for you. I have her and Suzie up on a special page on my laptop so I can keep doing quick checks on the through the day - and the night when I get up for the loo! LOL!!

Daughter is marching on! Our Mummy mare is showing most of the signs of foaling any minute - except the change of vulva colour - so she needs watching continuously. By our other two mares catching us out by foaling between 290 and 305 days approx, we are keeping a good eye on Mummy - not actually DUE until August 10th approx.
So it COULD be a long wait - or it MIGHT not!

Bit of trivia - Mummy's real name is Madam Butterfly, but over the years we have always had a 'Mummy' amongst our girls. As each 'Mummy' passes on to Rainbow Bridge, a new one is elected (not necessarily an old mare, but one who's type and temperament deserves the title) Butterfly is our third 'Mummy' and as she is only 13 this year, hopefully she will carry the title for many years to come.

Mummy from two weeks ago..........


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Wow Anna what a precious thing to do with Ur mares!! How lovely! How tall is she? She looks v shaped already lol wish you had marestare for your girls
Hi Heidi-I am just curious if you have posted the specifics about Peanuts foal. Who she is bred to, is she a maiden, and do you have a website where we can see the rest of your beautiful barn and animals? I have been watching her but feel certain that i will miss the birth...have to leave my computer for the rest of the day and then back to work tomorrow. If you have the time, I would be interested in learning more about Peanut.

Have a wonderful day!:)
OMG Anna, if she holds out until August what will she have? A mini Shire
She is gorgeous, look out for Diane, she might just fly over and steal her

Heidi, great that her milk is progressing
not long now and "we" will have "our" baby
I am
laughing my big butt off. That Diane has been in hiding for days now with that new little baby, she probablly hasnt even eatten b/c she will not let go of the little one long enough.Well well well..she sniffed it right out..I knew she would!! What is it with these Appy people...I bet the wall paper in her house has spots!! She most likely knocked her daughter off the chair getting to the computer to see Mummy!!

Anna shes lovely and she seems to be taking her new name very seriously..she has lots more years to be a "Mummy"

Thanks for the nice story.
hi Charli, thanks for asking about Peanut. She is 11 and has had 3 babies that I am aware of, of course she may have had more but might have never reigistered.I did see her last baby because it was being weaned when I got Peanut. It was a very small appy..all I really know is that her babies have always been small. she is double registered....but has never been shown that I am aware of. She was bred to another forum friends horse Nicky that now lives with us.I think his photo is on page 4 or 5 of this thread.

charli, we do not have a web site B/C I am not really a breeder nor do I show...basically I clean poop and horses. They are strictly just for fun and they are cheaper than a therapist for me. We didnt do too many parades this year but in the past have done lots of parades with our carriages. We did take Nicky ( our stallion ) to elementary school this year to help the kids read Martys Christmas book. hopefully this year we can get back to doing a fewmore parades. We have 8 plus three dogs.

Arent you glad you asked about Peanut...Im rambling way to much LOL

Anyway thanks so much for watching her and I do hope she foals soon and that you can see her. P.S. I am a novice at breeding hence all the helpful forum friends guiding and holding my hand thru all this!!

I don't know if anyone else has mentioned this, about Peanut, but I went to not watching her

non stop as I wasn't noting a lot of change. Her being outside gave a break to seeing her look

a certain way.

Last night, I 'thought' she looked like her body had changed - filling in towards her hips.

It's hard to compare apples to apples sometimes when you don't know the sizes of the different

mares in foal. That is something I notice, with our girl though when she gets close.

Any further change in her milk tests?
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Hi Nancy, thanks for pointing these little changes out to me...sometimes I think I get barn blind and not notice stuff b/c I see her every day. Two people on MS forum told me that they have seen a change in the last couple of days too....your 100% correct..I wish I had a chance to see first hand more preggo mares and in different stages of pregnancy.She still looks lopsided to me and I dont see the two long leg looking bulges that a was seeing before ( they sort of ran along her side) but I dont know if thats good or bad!Its pouring rain right now but I plan on testing her again as soon as the rain stops. We are really watching her 24/7 between hubby and myself so I cant imagine not being there if there is any problems...I just hope I can take care of them b/c starting tomorrow hubby will be gone from 4:00am every day and will not be home till 6:00pm so she can not foal during those times :arg!
LOL!! Nice to see Diane 'pop' up suddenly.
Hows that gorgeous Rachael Diane, are you and your Mum getting plenty of cuddles? I think we all need a Rachael update please.

Love the way you say Mummy might find her way across the water - half of her has already travelled the other way! Her sire is Little Americas bred and her G/G/sire is Orion. Her dam was a normal mini British Shetland. Now I, personally, am very excited about her coming baby as we have 'experimented' this time by putting Mummy to my special little boy - nothing special show wise and we have moved on from using him as we do have quite a few of his daughters, but he is small (30") and has the conformation we like. He is a red dun, fading to pale chestnut in his summer coat - no spots, nor any in his background. Mummy has chestnut 'tendancies' in her background, judging by the chestnut she puts into her foals when the stallion also has chestnut, so I suppose we shall get a chestnut, but daughter is demanding a red dun with spots!! LOL!! Daughter dislikes chestnuts! I'm sure Mummy will throw a colt as her last two were fillies, but I live in hope! Mummy is 33" by the way and all her children stay smaller than her and are so laid back a bomb wouldn't wake them up once they are asleep!

Just checked on our girls - Peanut is munching away, but looks as though she has dropped a bit more in shape to me - Suzie is doing her usual snuggle in her straw bed, she looks so comfortable!


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