Peanut Blessed me with a

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Hi Diane!! how are you guys and your beautiful new grand daughter??

haha Heidi your right about the appy mare Diane, comes on as soon as Anna put up the pics hehe

how did the milk testing go of miss Peanut??

I agree with what Nancy is saying she does look different tonight

Lets hope tonight is THE night!! have a little whisper to Peanuts ltitle foal and tell her to get busy hehe
Morning all.

Peanut keeps having restless moments doesn't she - I keep thinking 'maybe......' but no, she's still hanging on! LOL!!

Heidi do you have a slightly more powerful light near her stable, if she lays down in the 'darker' patches, it is very difficult to see whether she's preparing to foal/starting to push? I know that a lot of folk think that keeping the lights down low will make the mares feel more comfortable, but our girls have never been bothered by full lights on during the night - anyway we needed the lights so we could see to pick up droppings on our numerous night time visits to the barn. (Our regular visits never bothered the mares either, they became so used to us being 'busy' through the night, that most of the time they never got up if they were down sleeping and took no notice of our activities in any stable when we were foaling one of their friends!)

I simply cant believe that Peanut hasn't foaled yet - apart from the mild test, what are her other vital signs, have they altered any in the last couple of days. Surely she's gotta POP very soon!

I have been keeping an eye and cant believe she has gone another night. She must be out and about now so hoping lots of walking might help things along
Heidi, I have had a crazy day and we didn't get chance to chat, I hope tomorrow is better. Safe foaling if little Peanut decides to go.
nite nite

Have you tested her milk today??? Just wondering if she has dropped from 6.8. When Hope was ready to foal, she tested just under 6.8 at 5am and was 6.4 at 4pm and foaled around 11 that night.

Happy and safe foaling!!!!! Come on Peanut!
Thanks Cassie, I had to take advantage of hubby letting me sleep a little tonight...the phone was ringing yesterday and I was /2 alseep on the computer and I picked up the mouse "to answer it".....yeah, I'm a wee bit tired!!LOL

Yes 6.4 is the reading...that was it right was hard to see in the barn so about 5 min later rechecked when I went looked alittle darker then. Maybe the 6.4 was perhaps my wishful thinking but it was definatly lighter than yesterday. She does not look like she wants to foal tonight...not even biting her sides or rubbing and hasnt once layed down. No loosestools yet either. Im completely stumped!!
Hmmm, Peanut cam not coming up for me tonight....will try again in a few.

Maybe that is going to be her sign - that she's not biting, chewing, laying down

or rubbing.

Come on - give us a hint Peanut!

Hmm, cam still not up - will keep trying....
hmmmm, Nancy cam has been working the whole night for me, wonder why its not up for you...

you might be right, that could be her signs... would be a little annoying though LOL for poor Heidi
Ohhh Peanut honey, if I wasn't so far away I would push for you....

This is almost harder than waiting for Zoe to have Zaky and she was pregnant forever.

I know how hard it is to see progress when you are so focused in.
Peanut was looking so very interesting for a few minutes there, do it again now Peanut except this time stay down till you have that baby your making your mummy very worried!!!
So am I keeping track she like 357 today?

I swear to the heavens - Zoe went 365 this year and she was

always a 312 to 325-ish girl......

She did look interesting there for a few, Cassie....I held my breath.
haha Heidi!!! your very funny!! I will tell Dad tonight that our new bull is called Cashew he will laugh

now Peanut is back to her usual self!! OMG Peanut you can be frustrating sometimes!!!

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