Peanut Blessed me with a

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Equuisize, it is a stuffed dog and it has been there a while now. Lol
Your all winners in my book
except that its a resin little Scotty dog looking thing...i found him on the side of the road.

then I thought it would look good in the


Im just wondering what the heck does this icon mean
LOL Oh my ---- so I definitely win the 'unobservant' prize.

Peanut was kind of tossisng her head at it this morning or I probably

wouldn't have noticed it then, either
haha Nancy you are so cute! LOL you definatly win hehe

hope you continue to get better

I have no idea Heidi, must be some American thing though I reckon hehe strange things some of the americans do ( not including you guys in this, see how I said the americans not you americans hehe)

come on Peanut, tonight, could be the night
it should be the night anyways LOL
Hi Heidi-You just popped up on the camera withe the lights on and WOW...we sure can see Peanut better! I am hoping for tonight because my husband may make me leave the laptop out of our bedroom very soon.

I am watching and waiting.....

Let's GO Peanut!
good night Nancy,

Hi Charli, how are you...yes I reckon your hubby may think 3 would be a crowd in the bedroom!! My husband wishes I would join him in the bedroom at some point before Christmas
....Im going to need a GPS system to find it soon.Charli do you have minis? or Biggies feel free to post them here ..we love pictures. I dont know if Peanut likes/dislikes the light but at thispoint Im just grasping at straws hoping she will find something to help her along!!
Heidi, have you noticed the under side of her tummy moving in the last few days? The "bump" (or V) tends to move towards the front legs when they are ready.

This is a week before. See how her tummy is central?


This is an hour before, see how she looks heavy towards her front legs?

This mare is 30", do you think she looks about the same size as Peanut, it is really hard for us to tell on cam.
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Great pictures Renee - shows the V perfectly, and with the weight slightly forward too.

Morning everyone - seem to be having trouble with LB last night and still there this morning. Everytime I try to change pages the internet explorer pops up saying cant connect! So annoying!! Managed to post on Cassie's thread last night, but when I tried to post here/or anywhere on LB it refused to do it. Gave up fighting it in the end!

BUT luckily I still seem to be able to get the cams, so even if I dont post, I'm still watching.
Ever hopeful we shall see Peanut give us the chance to see her little baby tonight..............

Also hoping this post will print - if it doesn't, I will scream very loudly (please dont get worried if you hear loud screams!)



Now that's interesting -- my 'SUCCESS' bit was done on a seperate post, not added to the one I posted above! ???????

Hi Anna!!! how are you? how is your mare and your daughter??

that is very frustrating!! how annoying for you,

the reason why it would have added it in is you probably posted it straight after you first one, which it adds in a certain amount of time...

Peanut doesn't look very much like foaling Heidi

Renee, those pics are awesome!! thanks for sharing, I'm going to love comparing them to Suzie hehe

Heidi what ever happened to that camera?? just curious, if you take some you can email them to me and I can post them... I wanna see what she looks like properly hehe

sorry for being so demanding LOL I just realised the whole time I have been on here I have been very demanding of everyone...
so I'm very sorry everyone please forgive me
and I will try to be less demanding in the future

I think Heidi won't post photos bc she doesn't want us to feel bad as Peanut is just soooooooooooo beautiful.

Cassie don't worry about all you questions, we love you the way you are
by the way how old are you if I may ask?

Hi Anna, I am glad you are back, LilB does that to me some times
How is your daughter holding up? any changes in Mummy?
LOL I reckon your right Renee I think Heidi is trying to hide Peanut from us LOL

naw, thankyou LOL and I'm 21 hehe

Heidi Peanut could still do something for us tonight... fingers crossed, otherwise... those test strips are annoying LOL
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Little miss Peanut all white

has given us a bit of a fright,

She was supposed to be having a filly,

but when it was time to push

it came out with a whoosh

a new foal with a spots and a willy!

heehheee sorry, Sherrie has got me going

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