Peanut Blessed me with a

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Nancy, I do/would agree with you this is Peanut and not perhaps some of the fancy show minis that just happen to be small and in beautiful shape. Peanut has always been big barreled or very round around the middle..even prior to being preggo and when I bought her. I thought geeze this girl is way to fat or wormy. I lunged, got her on a good diet wormed...pretty much everything to get rid of her belly and it just never happened. It was actually much bigger ( if you can believe it ) just a month ago. When I look at her from the back now she looks sort of how she always looked prior to being preggo ( Im embarrased ) maybe just a bit bigger. so anyway this does confuse me too. Hope i was clear. Now she settled down again
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Peanut is just plus sized!!! so she will carry differently
You were clear Heidi,

I've a 32 inch mare here that is ahhh mmmm big boned. She's

been in the fat girl pasture for 2 months and the progress

is very very slow...could just be who she is.

You know Peanut like no one else, you're with her at ground zero

and know her story.

I'm just grabbing at straws here and hoping she really won't

go to August 20th

August 3rd would be perfect or even the 4th.
Karen...Im not sure how to reply..I sort of want to keep the joke going but now Im really embarrased.....the video is not me...its just my silly crazy friend Marty posting something she found and me fibbing with you all...I actually look more like Christy Brinkley
Hi Diane, how was dinner? didnt miss much here just Peanuts normal behavior....maybe she should have been named Tease.

diane when you were here would you describe PN as small or bigger boned. I understand shes small in height but Ive seen minis that were her size but I actually thought they were big boned. would you consider her small or big bone. Granted shes got a belly the size of Texas
Hey all!

First thing I did was boot up the cameras but nup, no foal from Peanut!

But I think she does look like she is carrying it a bit different from yesterday, I don't watch her as often as the chronic mare stare-ers so I might be off base but she does look a bit lower.
I love the tippy little ears on that filly. I didnt want to say anything b/c Im not sure if I was just seeing things. But earlier when I went out I think I woke her from a 1/2 sleep, she was standing in her corner. Well she spun around and looked up pretty quick but I thought I saw a spray of milk hit the ground. I even came in and mentioned it to skiff....have zero idea if uit means anything or not
Nancy oh my lordy, did you really think that was me....honestly now...oh my gosh..I wonder how many others think that
especially if they only read some of the posts...oh and my big mouth trying to be cute

P.S. I do play the piano but we dont have one
Thanks, I was never really sure how I would describe her b/c I think she has a dishy little face and I think tiny legs and semi refined neck but the belly always threw me a bit. But I do understand how big hips would be great... for your brood mares especially. marty always described Holly as having brood hips and that I could easily see but w/PN I never new what I was seing
Diane I love your filly how sweet!!

I have to admit Heidi lol I was thinking that it must have been you via the posts but then I was thinking she doesn't look like that n I was going to wait for someone to clarify because I didn't want to hurt Anyones feelings hehe
LOL at the video, Heidi. I knew ya'll were joking. too funny.

What a beautiful filly!

I'm out early again, sooooo tired. I'll be back in the morning to watch the girls

Goodnight and Good moring, ladies
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Good night miss meagan

Hey Cassie, while Im here ...there is someone on the back porch looking for kangaroo recipes...I told them that being an Aussie gal you might know of one or two. I directed them to Suzis page cause thats your hang out but maybe you can go look on the back porch, thanks
Diane, Darling bebe old is she now?

So we're on the same page then??....Peanut needs to

get that baby into position/into the birth canal.

I just didn't know if it was a small girl 'thing' I was

seeing with her.

Peanut, I would say is refined even in her pregnant state.

She has lovely hips for a small one to have babies. If you

are going to have a small one foaling that sure is a plus.

I agree it could happen quickly and I think if you even

maybe saw some milk spraying, that seems like even more

progress especially as the milk test had dropped, last


We're all for progress.

It's going to happen sooner than later - like I said I

didn't want to be the wet blanket just wanted to be

educated and realistic at the same time.

Our experiences and mares are all so different / there is

just so much to learn.

Ohh, I was going to say - I am minus 4'11 and very small

framed. You should have seen me pregnant LOL
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Dang just dawned on me...someone please remind me tomorrow to go look at my cams and figure out which one is pointing where so that I can label the switches...that way when she does start foaling we can keep it on the camera that has the best shot,,,the switches are in the barn so its real easy for hubby to do ...while he's holding the towels and scissors
haha I'll see what I can find, speaking of kangaroos we had a mummy n baby one in our paddocks this morning

we have a group of 12 that come into our paddocs every now and then, but it was just the two this morning.
so cute

Peanut hasn't moved in the last hour or so... silly girl, doesn't she realise that we are expecting a foal tonight!!!
Peanut hasn't moved in the last hour or so... silly girl, doesn't she realise that we are expecting a foal tonight!!!

Maybe she's knows life is going to change shortly and she is building up her strength

to chase the little critter all over the place.

Or maybe she's doing a last minute check of her list of names.

4 11" thats a tiny little thing you are Nancy!! I tried to put the rest of her nightly hay in the middle so you could see her all angles..not sure if it will work w/her though. Her bag really changes sizes alot but it sure is alot easier getting milk these days....can you see that longbulge down her side...its only on the one side
Oh Cassie you need to start feeding the roos so they will stick around...wish we could see them some day...though Suzi wouldnt be too happy

Just think you could have the first ever Kang Cam!!

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