Peanut Blessed me with a

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I dont blame you. I understand. Im happy to hear eagle has a new she pretty? Heck he doesnt care he just wants to poke her!!
Phew!! Managed to catch up!!

I seriously wonder if it is worth going to sleep at nights, when it takes half the morning to do 'catch up'. LOL!!

Miss P back in her bathroom after quite a long lay down stint (for her), was interesting watching her. She certainly has 'changed' over night - looks as though we might be very close..............?

Think there will be lots of rolling today once she's outside, maybe she can shift that baby into its nice correct curve and then wait for Daddy to get home before 'popping' HER out for us all to see.

Dont worry about the stifle Heidi, my fav mare often does it during the last week of pregnancy - tummy is so full of foal and fluids that she 'totters' along with her legs apart and catches her stifle. No sign of it after foaling and never passed it on - none of her daughters do it when pregnant either.

Ooooo cam going 'funny' - is it just me or has anyone else got a problem?

All your fault then Heidi!
anna, maybe there is a way to do audio threads like they do the books...just put your headset on,do chores while listening to our chit chat LOL.

Good to know about the stifle thing..I never worried before but lately I've been seeing little snippets on one of her back legs and had me more than a little concerned. Glad to hear it actually has happened to one of your girlsduring pregnancy.
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I want her to have as much out door time today as the heat allows. I just have to wait till I can see her out side...just a few more minutes!

We have a golf course on the far end of the property if I can get her thru a few trees I can maybe get her on the course and try rolling her down a few hills. It may help w/positioning.
OK LADY!!!!!!!!

I am booking my flight to Florida as I need to have serious words with you Missy Peanut!!!!!!!

I stayed up till 3am thinking you were going to let us see your beautiful baby and what do I get for my trouble????


So watch out I might just have to fly over and explain to you what mares are supposed to do when they are over due and that baby wants to make an appearance.
Heidi I hope Peanut foals a gorgeous little filly for you and really soon. I will still be watching just so you know. I just won't be posting much. Night
Karina, you know what....I'd be willing to wait a day or two for you to arrive...I luv it
.....but a few of the other Aunties would like some sleep so I dont know how well that would go over!!
Lol thanks Heidi nO it's just your little girl has Been cooking for longer then mine

Sorry for being such a cow earlier

I hope everything went well with skiffs surgery!!
Im here too try keep me away



watching Peanut i meant..sounded a lil random


well her stable anyway lol
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WOW.. that had to be the most pages I had to read to get caught up yet. Didn't count but there was a lot!

Peanut is outside for now.. hope to see her soon

Now I do have a question for you ladies. When you are saying you are clipping your foals now, how short are you trimming their coats? I know its so hot out now that it probably helps them to have the fuzzy coat trimmed. What blade are you using? I was worried about trimming the coat at the end of the summer because I don't want my little one to be cold for the winter. Maybe it just depends on how short it is trimmed. There are shows around here starting in September I *might* take Ricky to (hed be about 5 months old) but I didn't want to trim him for the show if it meant his coat would not grow in well for the winter. We are in NC so it gets cooler in September/October and then winter sets in near after.
I think when she FINALLY foals, you'll have found Jimmy Hoffa! "Oh so that's where he's been all these years!"

{{{{{{{{Heidi}}}}}}} Hang in there girl!
LOL Heidi I would love a trip to Florida and its somthing we might do in a few yrs but Abby would need to be a little older.

I have been to West Palm beach a few times and I went to Disney with the family I worked for. I do like Florida although not sure I would get on well with the kind of extreme heat you are having now lol.
Heidi for heavens sake, your silence is killing me! I have visions of Peanut foaling behind the bush. OMG helllpppppp
Dont worry Im watching her like a hawk...shes not getting out of my sight...will bring her in in a shes pretty relaxed...havent even seen her roll but once

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