Peanut Blessed me with a

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Whats with you guys? All ye of little faith...were you all just sitting on your tushes doing a rain dance so you could be sure someone was watching her...I get it no thought I was sleeping and you all wanted her in the barn and that was why the sky just parted and let loose a rain storm

I got all ye's numbers now
What do you expect, you tell us that FINALLY she is at 6.0 and then she disappears,
we are just dieing (sp) to see this cashew
and yes I am sitting on my tush and doing nothing bc Alby is asleep and Matteo has gone fishing so I am being lazy. All this wood has worn me out
That poop looked runny

wow, it is gone already
that Manure Goddess is on the ball today

I am off to take the dog to the vets, back in a tic
Hello Peanut, nice little girl

How’d you like an epidural?

Get your Lamaze breathing going on

Have your pillow handy to lay upon

Hurry up Peanut you need to get ready

At this point you can name that foal spaghetti!

Call it Cookie Jar or whatever you wish

Just be sure you don’t give birth to a fish!

So tired of talking vulvas and female parts

Discussing runny poo and all your smelly farts

You put the lime in the coconut and shook it all up

So dump out your little French fry and I’ll bring the ketchup!

Oh Marty, Thanks for the laugh, it's great for stress relief.

I slept so good last night cause I knew I'd awake to the same-o/same-o.

Chevy rousted me out of bed finally by putting his nose under my back

and tossing me up. I'd overslept an hour and a half past when I usually

get up.

May need to call on those extra hours, tonight, if Peanut is really at 6.0

Now that is progress!!!! Whoo Hoo

How is Skiff? Everything has gone well? Is he home yet?

Don't even get me started on doctors and insurance companies.

After being unwell for the past 11 weeks I could write a book.

In my next life, I am going to own an insurance company and a pharmacy.

I will be able to own a million acres and save all the sad ponies and


Who's visiting Peanut? Did I miss something?
Hi Nancy, that was nice that chevy let you sleep a little bit extra today. Good b/c now you can stay up late although I hope she doesnt make us wait to long. Just tested agai to double check 6.0

Skiff got home about an hour ago. our sous chef took him and picked him up...he felt bad leaving but it was fine. Hes alot more sore than he thought he was going to be. He's got 3 insecions and its pretty tender. hope i dont need him for awhile...hes back in bed now.Im getting real tired b/c I havent slept yet but just got off the phone w/my sister and she will watch pn for about an hour when she gets home...thats all I need...a quick power nap. PN pretty boring and doesnt seem to want to do this me it doesnt look like even the start of stage one. Last night was more exciting.

marty you are so darn talented...forget the pillow for pn I need a pillow!

Still havent got an answer from insurance people...left hand/right hand B.S. had to pay up front w/c card thank god for credit but I hope its squared away fast b/c now its got interrest added on
Heidi I am back from the vets and everyone is fed so i will be here and glued until I go to bed in about 2 and a half hours so why don't you go and have a rest.

My little yorky is not well and has a tumour on her ****ies
I have been told that they will have to operate and sterilise her too
my poor baby

I am glad Skiff is home and all went well. I will
that he heels fast.

I think Peanut is concentrating on keeping her legs crossed until it is dark
Glad Skiff is home and resting. I'd be surprised if he wasn't

feeling a bit tender. Hope Peanut lets him rest till some

of the effects have worn off.

I'd be delighted to use up my extra sleep, staying up to

watch Peanut foal.

You know what I've been wondering.....

I don't know how to do polls on here but I've been wondering

as this seems to have been a year to throw the record books

out the window......

How many mares went over long this year?

I know Zoe did.....She went 6 weeks beyond what I would have

expected of her. The vet did warn me that she might but with

her foaling record, nothing prepared me for that wait.

There were all the jokes of cooking the boy pieces takes longer

and the special request paint job but - 6 weeks - ??

Just a curiosity that keeps lingering in my mind.
Haha love the way Peanut is trying to act all "normal" while your watching her..
Heidi, did you ring your vet to tell her/him that she is testing ready? I always do just in case it gives them chance to make sure they have everything "mini" in the car and ready. I am sure all will be fine but I feel more relaxed if I know they are ready.

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