Serious question......please no fights

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Personally, I would also have to say no. This lifestyle is also against my belief system. No, I don't hate homosexuals; I just don't agree with their choice of lifestyle. Also, I would probably need to know the family pretty well before my kids slept over at their house, and I don't have any homosexual friends (unless you count forum friends which aren't quite the same). My places of socialization (church, Christian school) just don't include any.

Do you not understand that "the lifestyle" is not a choice? Could you all of a sudden wake up tomorrow and just decide to have sexual feelings for a woman? Think about it.

I do respect everyone's opinion, but I will be happier when there is well documented, well publicized research and studies showing that being gay is not any more a choice than it is a choice to be straight. Hopefully when it's well known that it's the way a person is born (and in my own opinion, the way God made them), people won't be as judgemental.

Sexual preferences have nothing to do with the "human being" within. If these folk are good people they could sleep with Zebra's and I could care. Bedroom doors are closed in both the heterosexual and homosexual world. No different in either case for children. You wouldn't leave your children to view any behavior private and for children to see "afffection and closeness" between any two people is needed today in a huge way! jmho
My last 2 cents on the topic.....

There really are worse things in life to worry about than sexual orientation long as we are loving, good individuals, I don't care....

The few that posted that do NOT agree with homosexuality, which is their right obviously........did not post anything in a negative way...with any disregard, (that I read) they just stated the fact that it goes against their morals.

The ONLY problem that I have with homosexuality.....or any hot topic for some individuals for that when the claws DO come out....and instead of educating the people that do not agree with something.....(IF they feel like being educated)......derogatory remarks are made like.....

Think About It...

Thank God I'm Not Your Child

Do You Understand

Well I took them to be that way maybe I'm not the only one who did....

Sincerely educate in a kind way...maybe that will help....there are obviously many hurt feelings about the topic as I have heard the same tone about the same different situations Off this board.

Just a thought.
I don't have children so it would be hard for me to answer the question. I would have to know the parents (gay or straight) really well as others said.

I would like to think that I would not have a problem with it, although I know my husband would. He was brought up in a very strict Lutheran household, and he was taught no toleration what so ever of anyone different than himself. He has lightened up a bit over the years. I think many straight people believe that homesexuals have many partners and sleep around. I do believe this is the medias fault, for portraying things that way.

I will be honest to say, that no I would not want my child to be gay, it is not an easy life, people always judging you and some not accepting.

Although I do not agree with the lifestyle (is it a choice, who knows?), I am not judge and jury, nor is anyone else that is walking on this earth. I try to treat everyone the same until they give me reason not to and being gay isn't one of them.

That being said, yes, I would let my child stay over....but it might cause a divorce. (Good thing we don't have kids)

The ONLY problem that I have with homosexuality.....or any hot topic for some individuals for that when the claws DO come out....and instead of educating the people that do not agree with something.....(IF they feel like being educated)......derogatory remarks are made like.....
Think About It...

Thank God I'm Not Your Child

Do You Understand

Well I took them to be that way maybe I'm not the only one who did....

I agree 100%. Attacking someone is not going to make them agree/see your position.
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My children have and do spend the night at homes with same sex couples. It is not a problem for me at all. I do not have any requests like they cannot show affection or kiss. They are a loving couple and have no need to hide it or feel shameful. I would expect them to not hump on the couch but I would expect that of any adults who are responsible for watching children.
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Sorry if I came across harshly. Maybe I shouldn't have said anything at all. I didn't mean to attack anyone. I just got frustrated.

I can understand how you feel. I think I'd feel the same if I were gay. Since who you are attracted to is really not anything anyone ever sat down and debated "which way to go", I just can't understand why people keep thinking it is a choice or a moral issue. Who knows, maybe some of the people most upset with gays are the ones who did make themselves decide to be "straight" (yeah, okay... guess I'm joining you in the hotseat now, Matt!).

I just don't agree with their choice of lifestyle.
Its not a choice. The way I tell people to think about it is this.........Do you think people would chose a life that was full of, at times, guilt, shame, disrespect and just over all pain and struggle with society? I cant figure out anybody that woud purposely put themselves in this position.

I dont see Matt as "letting the claws out". I do fully understand him, and its, In my opionon, not something you really can understand the degree to which people feel/struggle unless you live the gay life or have close family/friends to basically live it with them.

I do respect everybodys opinions even if I dont agree with them. I am glad this has stayed with out fights, debates are ok.
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Sorry if I came across harshly. Maybe I shouldn't have said anything at all. I didn't mean to attack anyone. I just got frustrated.
It is hard to please everyone...especially on such a subject. When I saw the header "Please no fights"....I had to laugh and of course had to read it...this is a very diverse group with alot of passionate people. It is hard to try and get your point across without getting frustrated...been there, done that, have the t-shirt!

I was going to stay out of this ...but, as far as the comment Bingo made and then it put into quotations as funny.
I thought that was rude and uncalled for
Sorry, I thought it was funny too! It was not referring to anyone in particular, it was a comment to lighten the mood of the thread. The internet is a funny thing...and I would never consider any forum a family forum, lets face it, the internet is not kid friendly...this forum is one of the most well-monitored forums I've been to, the moderators do a fantastic job of keeping it clean and respectable IMO.
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What I think is funny is that if Ashley hadn't put "please no fights" in the subject, I bet this thread would have gotten a small fraction of the replies! We all love to look in on a possible difference of opinions, just human nature
Now, being gay does not make a person bad nor does it automatically make a person good either. I view parents as parents. If the home seemed to be a STABLE, clean non threatening environment then a child would be able to stay.

PS. I would not let my child stay in a home that had sex with Zebras.
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PS. I would not let my child stay in a home that had sex with Zebras.
What about picnic tables ? At a garage sale none the less! Next town over, about 10 miles. Believe it or not, it was on Jay Leno
. wow
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As someone who has had a homosexual relative (and I use the word "had" because he died from AIDS), I too, am very sensitive to those who have no compassion and are so closed minded to the facts. It is not a "lifestyle" nor is it a "choice". My cousin died a very lonely death because he was too afraid to come out about who he was. Very few in the family knew the real reasons. His mother didn't even know. And while it is a right to have the opinion that it is wrong to be this way, it is my right to be offended by anyone who says it is. So, Matt, I've got your back.

Everyone is entitled to their opinions. But no one is entitled to make someone else feel bad for something they can't help. It's not a disease, it's just who they are. I believe in God and I believe he is an all loving God, and I would hope that He would find it more repulsive of his "proclaimed followers" being so close hearted to others than to individuals of the same sex being together. But that's JMO.

And I agree, having sex with Zebras is wrong.
PS. I would not let my child stay in a home that had sex with Zebras.
What about picnic tables ? At a garage sale none the less! Next town over, about 10 miles. Believe it or not, it was on Jay Leno
. wow
Was that ON a picnic table or TO a picnic table? Talk about a woody!
Was that ON a picnic table or TO a picnic table? Talk about a woody!
Good one!

This topic has really strayed! No one is poking fun at the subject at hand here either so I hope no one gets their panties in a wad.
I agree Jill. By fighting I ment all out bashing like there has been in the past. NObody needs to get hurt by this.

As someone who has had a homosexual relative (and I use the word "had" because he died from AIDS), I too, am very sensitive to those who have no compassion and are so closed minded to the facts. It is not a "lifestyle" nor is it a "choice". My cousin died a very lonely death because he was too afraid to come out about who he was. Very few in the family knew the real reasons. His mother didn't even know. And while it is a right to have the opinion that it is wrong to be this way, it is my right to be offended by anyone who says it is. So, Matt, I've got your back.

Everyone is entitled to their opinions. But no one is entitled to make someone else feel bad for something they can't help. It's not a disease, it's just who they are. I believe in God and I believe he is an all loving God, and I would hope that He would find it more repulsive of his "proclaimed followers" being so close hearted to others than to individuals of the same sex being together. But that's JMO.

And I agree, having sex with Zebras is wrong.

Thanks Carin.
I was going to stay out of this ...but, as far as the comment Bingo made and then it put into quotations as funny.

I thought that was rude and uncalled for. This is a family forum with all ages reading.

Sorry, Lisa. I think it's ok to be lighthearted about things sometimes. I think this topic has actually remained pretty respectful. And in no way was I making fun of Ashley, and I'm pretty sure she's aware of that. I don't happen to think being homosexual is a choice, either. I'm a woman and all my life, starting when I was a kid, I liked BOYS. Never once had a crush on a girl. Can't imagine someone telling me someday "Renee, you now have to be with a woman". I suspect it's pretty much that way for most gay people - except they are obviously attracted to the same sex instead of the opposite. We are who we are.

That goes for individual sense of humor, as well.

I don't think badly of Matt that he reacted and commented, I think that is pretty understandable.
I missed the comment by bingo so I dont eve know what was said? Anybody care to tell me?

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