Thank's yall! I've changed the thread title to my post here, since this is no longer about the sale that we wanted to attend. I'm so sorry. I had to vent somewhere before I blew a gasket or something. I'm past it now... I think...and not as hyped over the whole thing as I was on Saturday when we found the fence line gone like that. Moderators, if this thread is best placed on the back porch now, I do understand.
The fence that was taken, was not actually our "entire" fence around our whole five acres, though I wouldn't put it past whoever did this to try to be stupid enough to come back and try to finish their job.
To have done what's been done in the first place is no doubt by someone with some serious moxy! We've walked our grounds and nothing else has been taken nor tampered, best that we can tell. JUST the fence line down the left side of us, that's along the trail that takes us to the lake behind us. So, with the trees that border along our house side, they could have come in from almost any direction from that side and spent the whole night without anyone ever seeing or hearing a thing. It's the farthest line from us, and the whole other side is nothing but woods, so no neighbors to witness a thing...that'll talk anyways.
We have absolutely NO IDEA the "why" anyone would do this, short of doing it just because they obviously could. We literally have NOTHING OF VALUE for the taking here, aside of our home and horses. So I guess they figured on taking what little we have that was takable with lowest risk of getting caught...our fence, for Pete's sake!!! Which tells us right off, that it was done just for the sake of doing it...I can't for the life of me figure out any other possible "reason" anyone could even have for doing this????? I'm totally stumped, bewildered, and yes...ANGRY...but also very THANKFUL that was all they got! If they want to be dumb enough come back to try for more of what's left of our fence, well...I hope they brush their teeth and smile real purty for cameras!!!!!
Well, anyway, in the mean time, we're back to square one, as far as having to save back up for more posts and fence rolls to go back up on that side of our property. This time, we are also going to invest in some electric boxes to wire...we were going to do that anyways eventually, because of the bears. Just not sure what voltage to set things at, where we aren't putting ourselves up for liabilities of anything. Plus, we also do hope to get at least two really big dogs for outside now. All this will take a while for us to work back up the means for it all again, but, hey...that's life....apparently.
I keep telling myself...just count your blessing Tanya...and just keep moving on.
So, guess, that's what we'll do... yet again.