Stolen fence...

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Who in the world has the gumption or ambition to steal a FENCE!! That is horrible!! Glad your critters are ok. Wow! This is some world we're living in!!! Whats next, stealing barns???
tanya im so sorry!! i just cant believe the idiot things people do. If I was you I would get myself an nice big outdoor dog
A fence??? :DOH!. How desperate do you have to be to steal a fence

When you rebuild your new fence be sure to put up some 'beware of dog' and 'gaurde dog on property' signs, that should do the trick!!!

Im sorry Tanya .....
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Oh Tanya I am soo so sorry who would steal a fence boy that is really low. The lowest of lows. I too wish we were nearby as we try to help any one who needs it. The problem in my area now is that we have alot of people who dont want you to be neighborly the neighborhood has grown and changed and NOT For the better I might add. Im soooo very sorry.

How in the world did they do that? And WHY? Had to be local. I hope you made a police report! I can't believe anyone would do such a thing. I'm so sorry Tanya. {{{hugs}}}
That is so strange! Sure, fencing is expensive, but who ever heard of going out and stealing one? I'm so glad your horses are all safe and sound, Tanya.
oh Tanya Im so sorry!!!! Cant believe they stole your fence
that is really low. Hope you can find out who did that.
Thank's yall! I've changed the thread title to my post here, since this is no longer about the sale that we wanted to attend. I'm so sorry. I had to vent somewhere before I blew a gasket or something. I'm past it now... I think...and not as hyped over the whole thing as I was on Saturday when we found the fence line gone like that. Moderators, if this thread is best placed on the back porch now, I do understand.

The fence that was taken, was not actually our "entire" fence around our whole five acres, though I wouldn't put it past whoever did this to try to be stupid enough to come back and try to finish their job.
To have done what's been done in the first place is no doubt by someone with some serious moxy! We've walked our grounds and nothing else has been taken nor tampered, best that we can tell. JUST the fence line down the left side of us, that's along the trail that takes us to the lake behind us. So, with the trees that border along our house side, they could have come in from almost any direction from that side and spent the whole night without anyone ever seeing or hearing a thing. It's the farthest line from us, and the whole other side is nothing but woods, so no neighbors to witness a thing...that'll talk anyways.

We have absolutely NO IDEA the "why" anyone would do this, short of doing it just because they obviously could. We literally have NOTHING OF VALUE for the taking here, aside of our home and horses. So I guess they figured on taking what little we have that was takable with lowest risk of getting caught...our fence, for Pete's sake!!! Which tells us right off, that it was done just for the sake of doing it...I can't for the life of me figure out any other possible "reason" anyone could even have for doing this????? I'm totally stumped, bewildered, and yes...ANGRY...but also very THANKFUL that was all they got! If they want to be dumb enough come back to try for more of what's left of our fence, well...I hope they brush their teeth and smile real purty for cameras!!!!!

Well, anyway, in the mean time, we're back to square one, as far as having to save back up for more posts and fence rolls to go back up on that side of our property. This time, we are also going to invest in some electric boxes to wire...we were going to do that anyways eventually, because of the bears. Just not sure what voltage to set things at, where we aren't putting ourselves up for liabilities of anything. Plus, we also do hope to get at least two really big dogs for outside now. All this will take a while for us to work back up the means for it all again, but, hey...that's life....apparently.

I keep telling myself...just count your blessing Tanya...and just keep moving on.
So, guess, that's what we'll do... yet again.
I can't believe your fence was STOLEN!!!!!!!!! From the sounds of it, it wasn't white vinyl fencing either right? I have always wondered if people could steal the vinyl fencing but have never heard of it being done. I am really sorry that this happened to you. I know what it feels like to work your way up to something and then lose it all. I hope you can get it up again really soon
May they fall on one of the fence posts & shisk kabob themselves....
................ Couple summers ago someone cut our wire fences into & out of every pasture that we have. They started on one end by the private road, walked through each pasture cutting the fences as they went - five fences cut in all. I made a sign that read " I shoot at any thing that I feel may harm my animals".
Thanks Brandi, we will...just as soon as we can.
No, it wasn't the the vinyl fencing...nothing fancy at all. Just your average horse field fencing and round posts. Plain and simple.
We've kept our watch out for any new fences going up any where around us, and nothing out of the ordinary, so far. Don't know of any pawn shops that'll take fencing for small change either. So, as far as I can tell, the only reason anyone would even do just because they "could".
Hi Cathy,

We've heard of fences being cut...that happened all the time back in Maine. Where folks would cut fences down that crossed over old snowmobile was always the snowmobilers that were the culprits, as they felt they could ride anywhere they please, fence or no. We did have four wheelers running through our property A LOT when we first moved here, as the trail along the side of our property goes down to the lake behind us. A popular trail for that, it's always been. We can only "assume" that would be why someone would go so far as to cut our fence we put up as our means of providing our pastures for our horses..on our OWN PROPERTY...but to go and totally TAKE the whole fence line posts and all???? That's just plain looney!!

Would folks want a trail to the lake...THAT BAD, even though it is CLEARLY on our PRIVATE PROPERTY trail? We've even posted all along there...PRIVATE PROPERTY KEEP OUT signs! That never stopped them until we finally had our fence put in. Took us nearly the whole two years we've been living here to work on that stupid by post, but we finally did it, and our horses were finally in their own little piece of heaven here...on our OWN PROPERTY!!!! Now, they are crammed back into their little "nightly paddock pens" full time, till we can get a new fence going again. I just don't understand it? There's a PERFECTLY IDENTICAL trail not 5 feet to left of us, that all they have to do is make a tiny little "left turn" to go down it, rather than zipping through straight way if going through our property. It's right there all the way down the exact trail that "was" in our fence, just 5 feet over to the left. If that was even the purpose behind all this, that is. We don't know if it was four wheelers or just some looney out for a good chuckle??? An elaborately good chuckle???
I mean, cutting a fence, I can see a reason...not a lawful one, but at least a "reason"...but to go and TAKE THE WHOLE FENCE LINE????? That's a STATEMENT of some kind!!!! Or someone that's just plain looney!!!

If it was four wheelers, would a "little left turn" make them so "bothered" that they'd want our whole fence line for it?

Edited for spelling...
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SWA just curious did you report it to the police? You may want to just in case they come back.

It is better to have it on file. You also may want to take pictures as proof. Will your home owners insurance may cover it as a thieft.

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That is the strangest thing I've ever heard. [Heck of a lot of work too, its nearly as hard to remove fence as it is to install it. We've moved several fences in the 5 years we've been married, and its not easy.]

This past summer, someone (or multiple parties) stole wire gates from my BIL for his summer cattle pastures. At first, he thought someone laid them down to go through, and just didn't close them; until closer inspection showed they were gone. I think he lost 4 or 5, 16' wire gates.
oh man Tanya...I'm am so sorry!!! That is just plain obscene for anyone to do such a low life scoundrel thing like taking a fence!!! I know how hard you guys worked in puting that fence up. I remember when you bought the place and you started to build it up for your little horses. That's pretty low when they have to stoop that far down and take a fence......shame, shame shame!!!!

I too hope you reported it to the authorities. At least knowing that maybe they can patrol your area every now and then and keep their eyes peeled for anything suspicious.
ok i have now read over 2 pages of this thread (since the fence stolen post) and my jaw is STILL hanging open! i just CANNOT believe it. Tanya i am so sorry, after all your hard work - sad statement on this world and the people who live in it!
So sorry! I know fencing is a lot of hard work and pricy.

When I read what happens nowadays my brain stops working and can only shake my head.

We have an electric gate with the biggest lock what Lowes carries on it. A mini makes a nice Christmas gift............ you know what I mean.

Its ok when you call me paranoid.

Wow. I've never heard of someone stealing a fence before, posts and all. That's a lot of work. i admit there's been a time or two I've seen a really sharp looking fence & commented I'd sure like to have that fence, but to actually go & steal it? Not hardly.

But yes, I would imagine that the old trail that ran straight through there is the reason that your fence disappeared. Cutting the fence would be more typical, but removing the posts too is much more effective, from "their" point of view--some good old boys just don't want to give up their trail, not even if there's another one just a few feet away. It's just bad luck that you've got some good old boys there that are rather more energetic than most.

And yes, I for one can certainly appreciate how much work it was for you to put that fence up. Been there, done that, I do all my own fencing here, and dig post holes with a hand auger, I know how long it takes and how much work it is! I'd be in a real mood if someone came & stole my fence.
I think I would mark the other posts /fence someway then take a few pictures of the markings. I think they would really be stupid to come back but you never know. If they are marked & taken then happen to be found you would have the pictures to show ownership.
That is just absolutely mind-boggling that someone would do such a thing.

I suggest that next time you cement those posts in there-- make it darn near impossible for the thieves to pull them out.

I'm still astounded....

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