Stolen fence...

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Well, I would do some driving around the 'hood' and see who is putting in 'new' fence!! Hope you filed a report- didnt have time to read all here.....

What a bunch of creeps...! Also, look for TIRE TRACKS and take PHOTOS of any you find and also foot prints. This helped us out one time years ago!!

No barking dog? That had to take someone a while if you have any property at all.... ??

Some people...
My gosh Tanya, that is unreal! I sure hope you reported this and they are doing a thorough investigation! I would also put ads out and flyers, offering a reward for information leading to an arrest/conviction in the case! When there is a little money put up front, it works great as a little incentive for people to "talk" when they otherwise might not. Good Luck in finding them and bringing them to justice Tanya! How maddening that must be!!
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Tanya I am SO sorry - its unbelieveable and I totally understand the doing it yourself piece by piece.

- vent all you want - there are many 'shoulders" here

I still can not believe it, making me think a guardian dog and or hot wire IS in order for my place too. GEZZZ

thats what I say but TX has diff gun laws then FL but still

I am going to my folks at Christmas time and I will ask my dad what equipment he has (that's currently working) I am pretty sure he's got a tractor with a post hole digger on it, I might be able to sweet talk dad into letting you borrow it for a little while. The live in Reddick (apx an hr away) my dad's disabled otherwise he'd probably actually lend his hands too.

Whenever you guys get to that point PM me and I'll see what I can do.

the whole fence stealing is just nuts!!

coming your way

Awe, thanks so much for the very warm and generous offer, Christina. So thoughtful of you!
But, I guess if there is anything to find a smile about from all would be that they were "kind"
enough to at least leave us "the holes".'s "something" at least, right?
So, I guess, I'll try to muster a smile about that.
When replacing, I would think about cementing in steel pipe for posts - that would not be too easy to pull out!!!
When replacing, I would think about cementing in steel pipe for posts - that would not be too easy to pull out!!!
Hi Laurie,

We're definately looking into options (although cost effectively, however possible) that'll make 'em have to break a sweat...should there be a "next time".
Heaven forbid!
I agree about cementing the posts in.

If it was the people who are four wheeling then maybe the fence is still close by. Maybe they just hid it somewhere. If it is the people who are four wheeling it should be pretty easy to find out who they are. Do a lot of people go down there. They probably wouldn't like to four wheel with a truck full of fencing so they may have dumped it further down the path. Have you noticed any super muddy trucks at any fast food places or anywhere in town? It sounds like there may have been a group of them. Do you know how often they were going down there? I bet someone in your area knows who they are. Did you ever find out who was going down there before you put up your fence? Is the property on the left side privately owned? If they had to cross other peoples property then those people may know who they are and will be upset to know what they have done. Are there any high school kids around? I bet they would know who did this.

Don't give up till you find them!

Shelia B.
I too am totally amazed at this whole fence stealing thing. I would be absolutely livid about it!! It's almost impossible to find anyone to build fence in this area and I'm not able to do it myself. For 2 years now I've been practically begging people to build some for me.

A couple things came to mind. How long was the fence they took? Did they dig or pull the posts up or cut them off? Digging those suckers out would have been way too big a job for just a couple people and probably would have required some kind of heavy equipment (a tractor maybe), while a chain saw would have been pretty quick. Is there any reason the people who own the property on the other side of the fence would have done it? Property line dispute comes to mind here. When you replace it you might want to consider welded pipe.

I'm really sorry this happened to you.
Nothing surprises me anymore about people stealing. I would sure report it to the police though just in case something else happens. We had a very large shed that was on the property we bought and we stored stuff in it as we prepared for our new house. Guess what? Came out here to work on the property one nice day and lo & behold no shed...took it all. Tore down two fences ...backed up and took everything including the 12 X 16 ft shed. Sheriff lives around the corner but no one saw anything?

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