Aspiring Cowgirl
I am all in favor of catching more terrorists even if it means hurting some innocent feelings along the way. Personally, I love what I said above even though you keep harping on it. Refer to the chart I posted awhile ago, or any other Conservative vs. Liberal comparison chart, if you don't get why I am conservative and want a deeper understanding. Having a different opinion than you, James, doesn't mean I'm a bad or selfish person. On the other hand, you are welcome to think so if that helps to keep your liberal boat afloat.Liberals do not have the same set of priorities that I most value when it comes to those items I mentioned (personal responsibility & National defense). If they did, they'd be conservatives. And, yes, I do think most liberals tend to be kind of lazy, love government handouts, and while they don't want to be killed by terrorists, they also kinda don't want to hurt their feelings.