The solution on the other hand isn't quite rational. Replacing the guy in charge has made no difference. The same problem keeps happening no matter who is in charge sense 1917. We all need to take personal responsibility for insisting on adding the pool and getting the job for our friend, those are the actions that caused the problem, and we can't blame the person in charge for giving us what we asked for. The idea that replacing the person in charge is going to make everyone happy to give up their unnecessary Jobs and sell their pool table that they payed for with their home owners fee's isn't realistic. This shifting the blame to the person in charge is everyone's way of not feeling guilty for there own poor decisions.
I really feel that you are WAY off base in this assumption. Sorry, but it was NOT the Common Joe who got us into this problem. It was our government, which has been totally fiscally irresponsible for decades. And it's much worse now than ever.
We have multiple government agencies all being paid to do the same thing. We have massive welfare, disability, and medical fraud. Our government seems incapable of finding the source of it and stopping it.
We have been engaged in overseas wars which are draining our coffers. We have military bases all over the world where we no longer need them.
We have a Congress that votes themselves pay raises while other americans are losing their jobs. Our government officials are all on the best insurance plan in the nation. They receive daily expense accounts which are more than a lot of people earn while working a full time job. They can retire after ten years or so and receive government-paid health insurance AND a retirement income for the rest of their lives.
They have let unions control our nation's economy to the point that all our manufacturing has gone overseas, because companies can no longer afford to pay ridiculously high wages, health insurance, and still fill out all the government paperwork necessary to operate here.
We give billions in aid to nations which are hostile towards us and harbor terrorists.
Our government has become a parasite on the ***** of the American people, and the current administration seems utterly clueless as to how to rectify it.
To blame the average american for this mess shows a complete lack of understanding as to how our current financial situation has gotten so out of hand.
This video is a wonderful example of the sneaky way politics are played. I don't think that it is a coincidence that we have a very non threatening cartoon video, that is very well thought out and informative that explains a lot of information, relatively in-depth. But then in the last few moments throws in, vote out the president and magically the sun will start shining and all of our problems will disappear. I am thinking Tom made this video, and don't see it as a good sign that he will be any different than Steve if he is already spending his time and money makeing manipulative videos to trick voters into getting him in a position of power. LOL
I didn't vote for Obama because I thought he had a complete lack of experience. I also firmly believe that he didn't even have the slightest intentions of running for president, but the liberal party "found" him and felt they'd promote him, and he accepted. I'm sure they thought, "Hey... look at this Obama guy! Great looking, so he'll appeal to the women. Half white so he'll appeal to an even bigger cross-section of voters, and half black so we'll get the black vote. Smart, too, and a good public speaker. Let's get him to run, and he'll be a shoo-in."
Personally, I was NOT unhappy that we'd elected our first president of color, and he talked a good talk, so I went into his presidency with a bit of hope. Unfortunately, at this point I feel that Jimmy Carter is completely thrilled with Obama, because now there's another president who's worse than he was.
Obama is more concerned with being a "celebrity" than with tackling the problems facing our nation. Any idiot can figure out that you don't raise taxes in order to decrease the national debt. I don't care if we're talking millionaires or billionaires. You don't raise taxes to pay the debt. YOU CUT SPENDING! Raise taxes, and you'll keep raising them. It's time for this administration to get it's collective head out of it's collective butt and get serious about cutting spending, instead of providing free abortions to unwed mothers who think of them as a form of birth control. It's time to stop spending money on all these welfare cases and make them get off their butts and EARN that welfare check.
Out of work? Want the government to support you? Well, how about actually expecting them to work to receive that welfare check. They can pick trash up off of roadsides. They can mow lawn at our national parks, or hand out maps there. They can do any number of things instead of simply receiving a free hand out, which seems to be what this government is all about.