The Federal Reserve runs the Government, right ?
My apologies if I was found to be offensive as my intent was to be the opposite.
While you have changed the question, you are on the right track. Following a holistic medicine approach, you will want to look, also, for the root cause, not focus solely on the symptom.
As such you want to find "the" source. If you will, you don't want the trigger man, you want to find the one giving the order to pull the trigger. You do want to punish the trigger puller however to apply the fix you need to remove the order giver.
To help I will post a quote from "the" source "Give me control of a countries currency and I care not who makes the laws" Here, I'll give you another from the source, "There would be no wars if my boys did not want wars". That last to round out just how much power this "source" has to exert.
The plot thickens.....
Interesting note on responses after my post and running in line with my experiences for years. The "conservative" had and has had no response to my pleadings for unity and a Constitutional fix. The proclaimed liberal responded correctly. Just now it struck me as akin to the posture and mindset between the Israelis and the Palestinians. Now while I'm sure that Andi and I would not see eye to eye on many topics, it is the response to the message of unity that gives it a fighting chance. I do find it curious that a guy, so conservative that he makes ol Rushbo look like the flaming lib that he is, can find common ground with an honest professing liberal. This also flies in the face of the "far left" assertion that the "far right", which they see VERY little of EVER, is the big bad bugaboo they have been told, because......... Intellectual honesty and a willingness to learn is what we will all need if we are to dig out from this mess.
Putting aside the "petty" differences for now in order to unite and re-enshrine the Constitution will ensure that we can pick up the disagreements later if desired.
Failure to do so ensures that we will NOT because slaves enjoy no such luxury.
Well on to a beautiful Lord's day,