Boy is he cute! And a lovely color
I looked up Nutrena Special Care and I see that it has soy in it. My 2 minis and welsh do not do well on anything with soy, they get very fat quickly. Not all horses are the same so YMMV on that but I thought I'd mention it. What I do with mine is weigh the hay, give timothy pellets to mix their supplements with and give them a vitamin supplement. I use the Farnam vitamins, Vita-plus I think it's called.

I looked up Nutrena Special Care and I see that it has soy in it. My 2 minis and welsh do not do well on anything with soy, they get very fat quickly. Not all horses are the same so YMMV on that but I thought I'd mention it. What I do with mine is weigh the hay, give timothy pellets to mix their supplements with and give them a vitamin supplement. I use the Farnam vitamins, Vita-plus I think it's called.