Well-Known Member
Please email or call the BOD members and let them know your feelings about the Ohio State Fair World show (contact all board members and not just your area representative). The conference call is to be on December 2nd to make a decision on the issue.
Like most people I was shocked at the amount of money that the ASPC/AMHR was forking over to support this state fair. I personally agree with many that the show should not receive funding and/or special treatment since the Congress is out National Show for ALL divisions of Shetlands and the AMHR Nationals is the National show for our miniatures. I exhibit at other state fairs that offer payback and offer great exposure for our small equine while their entire fair is going on (the ASPC/AMHR show at the Ohio State Fair is held the week BEFORE the fair actually opens). The State fair I go to uses two judges so it is double points. It would seem to me that the OSF could hire an additional judge (or two) to keep the points up. If the fair did not have the money to hire additional judges that is when ASPC/AMHR members could donate $ or get donations to cover the cost. I think that the trouble with the multiple judges would be that the money would have to be dispersed under each judge. Maybe more book-keeping for the State Fair. At any rate, there are options for the fair to continue having a very nice show.
Let the Board Of Directors know your opinion on this issue.
Like most people I was shocked at the amount of money that the ASPC/AMHR was forking over to support this state fair. I personally agree with many that the show should not receive funding and/or special treatment since the Congress is out National Show for ALL divisions of Shetlands and the AMHR Nationals is the National show for our miniatures. I exhibit at other state fairs that offer payback and offer great exposure for our small equine while their entire fair is going on (the ASPC/AMHR show at the Ohio State Fair is held the week BEFORE the fair actually opens). The State fair I go to uses two judges so it is double points. It would seem to me that the OSF could hire an additional judge (or two) to keep the points up. If the fair did not have the money to hire additional judges that is when ASPC/AMHR members could donate $ or get donations to cover the cost. I think that the trouble with the multiple judges would be that the money would have to be dispersed under each judge. Maybe more book-keeping for the State Fair. At any rate, there are options for the fair to continue having a very nice show.
Let the Board Of Directors know your opinion on this issue.