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  1. Kim Rule

    EVA Vaccination?

    Hi all...I've been lurking for a while, but this question came up. I am participating in a function that will be on an horse ranch. The property owners require an EVA vaccination for every horse participating. I may have been hiding under a rock for a while, but I've never heard of it. So, I...
  2. Kim Rule

    Would this be possible?? to Happ's...that might be fun!!! I'll bet Maureen would let me stay in a stall to rest up...I'll have to think on that one!!! Kim R. :
  3. Kim Rule

    Would this be possible??

    Okay, so there I was, Bilbo was hooked up. The other three horses were tethered to the cart, carrying little packs. And I was driving to Las Vegas. When I woke up, it got me far could a mini go anyway??? If he was in shape...and we packed light... Gee, not much sleep with a...
  4. Kim Rule

    Ok, I've always been curious...How many siblings in your family?

    Okay, I can't resist... I come from a faimily with 3 boys and 3 girls. I was the first girl after 2 boys. We keep track of our ages because Mom seemed to have a baby about every 2 years. Let's see...Stuart is 54, Joel is 52, I'm 50, Nancy is 48, Alan is 46 and Carol is 44. On even years our...
  5. Kim Rule

    Beavercreek CDE- long!

    A friend of mine and I were talking about doing CDE instead of shows...we were talking about making it to Happ's next year...but haven't I been saying that every year for 4 years now?? : But I'm thinking maybe we'll make it this time...I'll look up Beavercreek and see if we can add that into...
  6. Kim Rule

    Anybody see the jockey who

    Oh my gosh...I did watch the video, and that is just pathetic!!! The guy didn't get thrown, as he claims...he bailed out of the saddle when he saw the horse headed for that car...I would have done that too...the horse was being a butt-head (pun intended!) However, there is no excuse for head...
  7. Kim Rule

    How was the Blackfoot Show?????????

    Well Frankly I'm jealous!!! :bgrin It is the first year I HAVEN'T made it! I was threatening to DRIVE bilbo there...until I found out that a class I needed to recertify my teaching certificate was that week...and by the way, it was on Saturday too!!! During the week I would have little...
  8. Kim Rule

    Beef Stoganoff Anyone???

    Oh my goodness...that's how my husband won my heart...he cooked the BEST beef stroganoff EVER!!! : He cubes up a good quality petit sirloins, and he cuts up an onion. He puts the meat in the pan and browns it in a little olive oil. Then he throws in the onion, and a bunch of...
  9. Kim Rule

    Tonto Gets His Running Shoes!

    Wahoo!! They have been graveling and oiling the roads around our neighborhood. Freshly oiled roads are SO slick, I'm afraid to drive on them. Perhaps these would be good for Bilbo for driving! PLEASE let us know how they do for driving!! Do they stay on? Would I be able to trot with them...
  10. Kim Rule

    An Awful Day...

    Well, it's been an interesting day. Okay, I did have to take the dog to the humane society. However, I have e-mailed a lady I know to be deeply involved in agility for dogs, and she often helps find dogs homes. I let her know he was there, and she'll spead the word. He will have a home...It...
  11. Kim Rule

    An Awful Day...

    My beautiful puppy that I was so proud of not long ago has to go away. Yesterday, in the midst of fireworks, and a BIG thunder storm...he went nuts. He attacked my horses! They have mostly superficial wounds thank god...but he left teeth marks, and marks where he clawed them. I found Beren...
  12. Kim Rule

    Anyone watching the Preakness?

    I would like to clarify that I am not accusing anyone of any mishandling of the horse...I simply made an observation, and to my horror, I was right...I was just hoping he was jigging around, and he'd just prove me a paranoid worry wart. Dang it. His legacy will be in his foals now...We'll...
  13. Kim Rule

    Anyone watching the Preakness?

    I watched. I remarked to my husband while we were watching the horses wait to go into the gate..."Barbero isn't moving right...he's off on the right hind. Even the jockey looked down at the horse's right hind...I think he knew something was up... He wasn't off was like there was...
  14. Kim Rule

    Let's Hear The Funny Things Your Horses Have Done

    Okay, Okay...I've been avoiding remembering this...but, since you asked!!! We have a clown in horse clothing here...and his name is Beren. He's too smart for his own good. He loves making up games with the rubber grain bowls that I leave in the pen. He'll play Bowl Tag with another horse...
  15. Kim Rule

    HOLY COW !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Bilbo was that skinny when we rewcued him 4 years ago. (has it really been that long ago??) Anyway, don't be fooled by no bugs in her poo. Worm her!! As many times as it is safe to do so! I thought the same thing about Bilbo, but about a week after I wormed him, he started pooping bot...
  16. Kim Rule

    I need some help!

    Ash's eye looks better this afternoon. I found some doggy pennicillin in the cupboard, and also some antiinflammitory meds. I gave him one of each, and he's not rubbing it, so it looks better. His attitude is better too. I'll continue this, and see what happens. Thank you for your...
  17. Kim Rule

    I need some help!

    Last night our older dog, Ash showed up with a really gooey eye. He keeps rubbing it, and making it worse. Last night I soaked a towel in cool water, and cleaned his eye. Then I held the towel gently on his eye for a little while. He seemed to like it. He held still for quite a while. I...
  18. Kim Rule

    Uhh kids running around neighborhood

    I have some kids around here kind of like that. They live in a tough situation. Mom works hard, and step-dad drinks too much, and always quits his job when Mom takes a vacation! Last summer I started inviting the kids over to play with ponies. They love it! Mom comes over too...we buy...
  19. Kim Rule

    Someone is hurting my son...

    Kim, This sounds very much like something I went through with my brother in law last year. Of course, my brother in law is a grown up, but he is an adult with a cognitive disability...very much like your son. He had surgery on his neck, and we sent him to a nursing home after wards so that he...
  20. Kim Rule

    Where can I get a wooden pack saddle?

    Oy, Wally that's perfect!!! Where do I order such a thing?? Mona, I'll be sending you an e-mail in a minute, but I love the baskets! It's interesting that there is no crupper, or breeching to keep the baskets steady. Are they that well balanced? Kim R.